1. Abies pindrow Royle

Family : Pinacea

Habit : Tall coniferous Tree

Part Used : Bark, leaves, trunk and cones,

Local Name : Achar

LOCAL USES The leaves are used as a substitute for tea. The plant provides useful timber for building purposes. Wood is used in furniture, bridges and match industry. Branches are used as fuel and leaves are used locally for packing fruits in crates. Cones are used as fuel and for decoration purposes.

2. Acacia modesta Wall.

Family : Mimosaceae

Habit : Tree

Part Used : Gum, leaves flower, sticks and wood

Local Name : Palosa

LOCAL USES Gum is used as a tonic, for curing of dysentery and in weakness as a stimulant and demulcent. Branches are used locally as tooth brush. Leaves are used as fodder for goats. It is very well known for honey bees because of its smell and is also used as fencing and fuel wood.

3. Acer cappadocicum Gled.

Family : Aceraceae

Habit : Tree

Part Used : wood

Local Name : Kil Pattar (Urdu) Chinar (Pashto)

LOCAL USES The wood is quite durable and is used in house construction, Poles making and used as fuel wood.

4. Asculus indica (Wall.ex.Cambll.)Hk.f.

Family : Hippocastanaceae

Habit : Tree

Part Used : Fruits leaves and wood

Local Name : Jawaz

LOCAL USES Leaves are used as fodder. Nuts are colic, used for the cure of chest diseases in horses, donkeys and mules. Wood is used in making furniture, agricultural appliences, gun buts, used as a fuel. The tree as a shade tree.

5. Alnus nitida (Spach.) Endl.

Family : Betulaceae

Habit : Tree grows along water courses

Part Used : Wood, catkins

Local Name : Giray

LOCAL USES Wood is used as fuel and in making agricultural goods. The tree is very useful in preventing accelerated soil erosion of river banks. Catkins are used in cosmetic industry.

6. Betula jacquemontii Spach.

Family : Betulaceae

Habit : Tree

Part Used : shoot

Local Name : birch

LOCAL USES wood is used in making agricultural tools, utensils and fences. Also used as fuelwood.

7. Bauhinia veriegata L.

Family : Caesalpinaceae

Habit : Tree

Part Used : Wood bark, flower buds

Local Name : kulyar

LOCAL USES Wood is used for timber and fuel wood. Bark is alternative, tonic, anthemntic and astringent. It is also useful in skin diseases and leprosy. Flower heads are used as vegetable.

8. Cedrella serrata Royle.

Family : Meliaceae

Habit : Tree

Part Used : bark, leaves

Local Name : zangali bekaanaa

LOCAL USES The wood and root bark of this plant is used for roundworms. A decoction of the leaves is used as a shampo. The juice is administered in diabetes and as antidote for metallic poisoning. It acts as refrigerant.

9. Cedrus deodara (Roxb. Ex Lambert) G. Don

Family : Pinaceae

Habit : Large Tree

Part Used : Wood and resin

Local Name : Diyar, ranzrra

LOCAL USES The wood is used for construction purposes. The resin extracted is used in skin diseases and also acts as refrigerant.

10. Celtis caucasia L.

Family : Ulmaceae

Habit : medium to tall tree of the foot hills

Part Used : Leaves, fruits and wood

Local Name : Tagha

LOCAL USES The plant is used as fuel wood, making agricultural tools. The leaves are used as fodder. The fruits are edible and used as a refrigerant, also applied in colic, amenorrhea and allergies.

11. Dendrocalamus strictus (Roxb.) Nees

Family : Poaceae (Gramineae)

Habit : Tree

Part Used : Leaves, branches and stem

Local Name : baanas

LOCAL USES Leaves are given to horses for curing cough and cold. Branches are uses as building material for making ladders, tatching huts, carts and pipes. The split stem is woven into baskets and mats.

12. Diospyrus lotus L.

Family : Ebenaceae

Habit : small wild Tree

Part Used : Fruit, wood, leaves

Local Name : tor amlook

LOCAL USES The wood is used in furniture and as fuelwood. The fruits are edible, carminative and purgative. The leaves are used as fodder for cattle.

13. Eucalyptus globulus Labill.

Family : Myrtaceae

Habit : cultivated Tree

Part Used : Leaves, oil and stem

Local Name : lachi

LOCAL USES used as fuel wood, making furniture, roof beams. It is used as a flavoring agent. It is used as an antiseptic and anti periodic agent. Leaves are used in the form of cigarette for asthma.

13. Franxinus zantholides Wall.ex DC.

Family : Oleaceae

Habit : Tree

Part Used : Wood, leaves

Local Name : dambara

LOCAL USES wood is used for making tools and walking sticks. Leaves are used as fodder.

14. Juglans regia L.

Family : Juglandaceae

Habit : Tree

Part Used : Wood, bark, leaves and Nuts

Local Name : Guz

LOCAL USES The wood is used in high quality furniture, used for carving. The bark is used for cleaning teeth. The leaves are also used as lipsticks. Nuts are highly proteinacious and contain oil. Decoction of leaves is used to for eczema and intestinal worms.

15. Melia azadrach L.

Family : Meliaceae

Habit : Tree

Part Used : Fruits, leaves

Local Name : Tora bakyana

LOCAL USES Fruits are dried crushed and used for gastric trouble, fever and cough, dry leaves are mixed with wheat flour and used as anthelmentic in live stock. Decoction of the bark is considered to be anti-allergic, cathartic and emetic.

16. Olea ferruginea L.

Family : Oleaceae

Habit : Tree

Part Used : Leaves, stem and fruits

Local Name : Khona

LOCAL USES Tooth brush for cleaning mouth is made from young branches. The decoction of the leaves as gargle is considered as remedy for toothache, mouth and gum disease.

17. Picea smethiana

Family : Pinaceae

Habit : Tree

Part Used : Resin, leaves

Local Name : Mangazai

LOCAL USES Tea made from leaves is used for kidney stones and rheumatism.

18. Pinus roxbergii Sargent.

Family : Pinaceae

Habit : Tree

Part Used : Resin, leaves, wood, seeds

Local Name : Nakhtar

LOCAL USES The plant act as a fuel wood, the wood is used in furniture. Cones of the plant are used for decoration. Seeds of the plant are edible, while the needle leaves are used in fruit crates and also for sheltering in shed construction. The resin produced by the plant is used as stimulant, in ulcers, snake and scorpion bites and skin diseases. It is considered as blood purifier.

19. Pinus wallichiana A. B. Jackson.

Family : Pinaceae

Habit : paradigmatic tree of temperate forests

Part Used : Resin, leaves, wood, seeds

Local Name : Peeuch

LOCAL USES The wood is quite expensive and used in furniture, house building, match industry, making local bridges. Cones have their uses as decoration and needle leaves are used in fruit storage and transportation.

20. Pistacea integrrima Stew. ex Brandis.

Family : Anacardiaceae

Habit : Tree

Part Used : Insect galls, leaves and bark

Local Name : Shanai

LOCAL USES Powdered galls, bark and leaves are used to cure jaundice and liver disease. Also used is topical antiseptic.

21. Platanus orientalis L.

Family : Platanaceae

Habit : Tree

Part Used : Bark

Local Name : Chinar

LOCAL USES Powdered bark is used orally to control diarrhea. It is a large shade tree usually found on the places of public gatherings. It is used as fuel wood and very demanding in furniture.

22. Pyrus pashia L.

Family : Rosaceae

Habit : wild fruit Tree

Part Used : Fruit

Local Name : Shengatai

LOCAL USES Fresh ground fruits are given internally for inflamed mammary glands in buffaloes and cattle. Used for fuel wood. The fruits are edible, acting as astringent, febrifuge, sedative and laxative.

23. Quercus baloot Griffith.

Q. ilex L.

Family : Fagaceae

Habit : A slow growing tree

Part Used : Wood

Local Name : Tor banj

LOCAL USES A fuel wood species. The wood is commonly used in agricultural tools especially ploughs and handles.

24. Quercus dilatata Lindle. ex Royle.

Q. floribunda Lindley ex A.Camus

Family : Fagaceae

Habit : Tree

Part Used : Wood, Fruit and seed

Local Name : Tour banj

LOCAL USES The fruit in powdered from is used to treat gonorrhea and urinary disease. Seeds are edible, astringent and diuretic; they are used for diarrhea, indigestion and astma. This is very famous fuel wood species and most of the local bakeries use this wood. The wood is also used in bricks furnaces.

25. Quercus incana (Husskn.) H.N.

Q. leucotrichophora A. Camus

Family : Fagaceae

Habit : Tree

Part Used : Fruit

Local Name : Spin banj

LOCAL USES The fruit in powdered from is given to children before going to bed for curing of enuresis and dysuria.

26. Salix babylonica L.

Family : Salicaceae

Habit : Tree

Part Used : Leaves, trunk and branches

Local Name : wala

LOCAL USES The plant is used as fuel wood. The wood is used in light furniture, cricket bats etc. The plant grows along water courses and prevents accelerated soil erosion.

27. Salix tetrasperma Roxb.

Family : Salicaceae

Habit : Tree

Part Used : Leaves, trunk and branches

Local Name : wala

LOCAL USES The plant is used as fuel wood. The wood is used in light furniture, cricket bats etc. The plant grows along water courses and prevents accelerated soil erosion.

28. Taxus buccata L. subsp. wallichiana (Zucc.) Pilger

T. wallichiana (Zucc). P.

Family : Taxaceae

Habit : Tree

Part Used : Bark

Local Name : Banrya

LOCAL USES Leaves of the tree are used for bronchitis, whooping cough and asthma. It is also used for epilepsy and indigestion. Powdered bark is used as emmenagogue and antispasmodic. Dried leaves are sold for its use in shampoo. The wood is so durable and is used in building roofs.