2005/0985 / Risedale Estates Ltd / 29/06/2005
Newbarns / Jason Hipkiss
01229 894764 / 22/08/2005
Proposed Nursing Home, Flass Lane Barrow-in-Furness
PROPOSAL:Erection of a Nursing Home (C2), creation of new access road and other associated works.
Where the importance of known remains, or the archaeological potential of a site is not adequately understood, applications for development will only be accepted when accompanied by an evaluation of the archaeological importance of the site. Planning permission will not be granted without adequate assessment of the nature, extent and significance of the remains present and the degree to which the proposed development is likely to affect them.
Health centres, welfare buildings and doctors, dentists and other surgeries should be located within, or on the edge, of town, neighbourhood or village centres. They will only be allowed in residential areas if;
a) They occupy large properties or former commercial properties which are not capable of being readily converted to residential use and which have been vacant and on the market for at least a year; and
b) They provide adequate on-site parking space or there is adequate on-street space in the immediate area without their use causing undue congestion or loss of amenity; and
c) Their hours of use will not cause a significant loss of residential amenity.
The location is a greenfield site albeit within the urban area adjacent to an established residential area. The suitability of this site for the proposal must be assessed against national and local policies that encourage sustainable development. The acceptability of the scheme depends upon whether the specific requirements of the use, together with the potential social benefits, are sufficient justification to override these criteria, and whether any potentially adverse impact can be overcome by appropriate conditions.
Loss of private views
Impact upon property values
The Occupiers of 36-56 (evens), 60-94 (evens), 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11 Smallholdings, Flass Lane, 109,111, Friars Lane, Barrow in Furness all informed.
The Occupier, 68 Flass Lane, Barrow in Furness
“I would like to pass comments on the above application as follows:
The revised version of the town plan adopted as "Local Plan Review 1996-2006 - Proposed Alteration Chapter 3 Housing", (copy attached) alters the status of the land from Housing to Green Field and this I believe should preclude the approval of the development of a commercial premises.
The development of commercial premises should be limited to the considerable brown field sites, which ring the dock complex and extend up through Park Road.
If the proposed "Alteration" has not been adopted, then the land again is not designated for the development of a commercial premises.
If the town council is intent on using the land for the commercial benefit of the electorate then I would suggest that it is designated as house building land and its sale would bring in a significant amount of extra income.
In the Newbarns area there is already the provision of elderly care places through Bevan House which is situated within 300m of the proposed development. If we are considering the proportional delivery of elderly care services across the borough then there are other wards that have no provision.
In terms of the need to bring jobs to the borough I am sure that this land could well be developed with small high tech premises to bring more than minimum wage jobs to the town. We are in serious danger of the town hitting a spiral of less availability of opportunity for educated people, them leaving town and their place being taken by the elderly which will eventually see what industry we have leaving for areas with an suitable workforce.
I also believe that there was a covenant with the land which meant that its use should be retained for the borough. I would appreciate it if you could arrange for me to address the planning committee when it meets.”
The Occupier, 70 Flass Lane, Barrow in Furness
“I feel that I must strongly object to the proposed development on the following grounds.
This land is Greenfield and with large amounts of brownfield sites in the borough surely a proposal of this scale should be on a brownfield site. This proposal is not in keeping with the surrounding properties, all residential two storey. There are no four storey properties.
1. Flass Lane is currently one of the busiest roads in the area being one of the major routes to three schools and a college, and also a cross town rat run.
2. I understand that it is proposed to put all surface and foul water from this development into the main sewer on Flass lane. This sewer is reaching capacity and during the last thunderstorm water was jetting over 6ft high from one of the man hole covers.
3. If this land is to be sold for development then surely it should be put up for tender to obtain the best return for the town.
I would like to exercise my option to attend the Planning Committee meeting”.
The Occupier, 68 Flass Lane, Barrow in Furness
1. “Was the land on Flass Lane for sale? Was it put up for public auction? I was under the impression it was green land, and if not, for the purpose of housing. The proposal is for business purposes, to make money for a business, it is not in the interest of the public.
2. Do we have a lack of accommodation for the elderly in Barrow, or is this a way of enticing people from outside the area to move here "to live by the Lakes"? Will this become a retirement town?
3. Flass Lane is a major road used for three schools, one college, lorries to and from the gas terminal, the water treatment plant etc etc. The extra traffic fromvisitors, employeesand delivery vansto the home will make Flass Lane dangerous.
4. The size of the nursing home (four storeys high) will require some considerable lighting and as Bevan House looks like Morecambe illuminations, the new one will look like Blackpool.
5. The properties along Flass Lane will become devalued.
I would like to exercise the option to address the committee”.
The Occupier, 68 Flass Lane, Barrow in Furness
“The revised version of the town plan adopted as "Local Plan Review 1996-2006 - Proposed Alteration Chapter 3 Housing", (copy attached)alters the status of the land from Housing to Green Field and this I believe should preclude the approval of the development of a commercial premises.
The development of commercial premises should be limited to the considerable brown field sites which ring the dock complex and extend up through Park Road.
If the proposed "Alteration" has not been adopted, then the land again is not designated for the development of a commercial premises.
If the town council is intent on using the land for the commercial benefit of the electorate then I would suggest that it is designated as house building land and its sale would bring in a significant amount of extra income.
In the Newbarns area there is already the provision of elderly care places through Bevan House which is situated within 300m of the proposed development. If we are considering the proportional delivery of elderly care services across the borough then there are other wards that have no provision.
In terms of the need to bring jobs to the borough I am sure that this land could well be developed with small high tech premises to bring more than minimum wage jobs to the town. We are in serious danger of the town hitting a spiral of less availability of opportunity for educated people, them leaving town and their place being taken by the elderly which will eventually see what industry we have leaving for areas with an suitable workforce.
I also believe that there was a covenant with the land, which meant that its use should be retained for the borough.
I would appreciate it if you could arrange for me to address the planning committee when it meets”.
The Occupier, 72 Flass Lane, Barrow in Furness
“I strongly object to the proposed erection of a Nursing Home to be situated in Flass Lane, Barrow on the following grounds:
1. The proposed development is to be built on the only green site in the area.
2. The height of the proposed building will be detrimental to my privacy and views from my front elevation.
3. I am also concerned that the sewer will not be able to cope with the extra load placed on them in storm conditions.
4. Additional traffic on an already very busy road used by school children, pedestrians, cars and heavy goods vehicles.
5. There are already two residential homes in the area plus three schools and a sixth form college.
I wish to address the meeting, unfortunately I unable due to work commitments. Would it be possible for my representative to attend on my behalf. My representative is Mr D Hunt”.
The Occupier, 60 Flass Lane, Barrow in Furness
“We are not opposed in principle to the building of a nursing home but we do have the following concerns:
1. If planning permission is granted serious consideration should be given to the height of the proposed nursing home.
2. A four storey building will not be aesthetically pleasing in this residential area.
3. Living opposite a building of this height would seriously affect our privacy.
4. The value of existing houses in Flass Lane will be greatly reduced. Leading to a reduction in Council Tax and to a loss of revenue for the Council.
5. We are concerned about the fire risk, if a fire should start and not enough staff on duty to evacuate. As the type of residents are not very mobile. Lifts should not be used. So there could be loss of life trying to use the stairs from the four storey building.
6. It is a busy road and will lead to further congestion of traffic. Parking toing and froing of residents and staff plus the added addition of the proposed hospice on Flass Lane and their facilities for parking.
7. Are the residents going to be locked in? If not they will be at risk of going out onto the busy road.
8. Adverse rainfall in the lass two years has created problems with flooding on Flass Lane and Friars Lane.
9. What provision will be made to cope with future floods in the area.
10. Will adequate sewerage systems be in place?
11. Consideration should be given to retaining the existing hedge to prevent the adverse effect on the wild life.
We would like to attend the planning committee meeting when heard”.
The Occupier, 78 Flass Lane, Barrow-in-Furness
“I am writing to strongly object to the erection of a building of this size and the subsequent traffic problems it will cause. There has already been an increase from the Ratings Village and residents of Flass Lane find it necessary to leave their cars outside their homes as it is very difficult to exit their drives. Staff and visitors leaving the proposed new building will also find it hard to exit the new road and will also tend to leave their cars on Flass Lane causing further restrictions. We also thought this land was of GREEN BELT NATURE”.
The Occupier, 10 Smallholding, Flass Lane, Barrow
“I strongly object to your proposal to develop land formally part of the smallholdings on Flass Lane. The land is only formally a smallholding because I was bullied into giving up the tenancy after the death of my father., by Barrow Council. Why do the Council seem hell bent on developing the area of Green Land? What is the need for a ‘Private’ nursing home. How can a building of this size and the huge area of tarmac for parking not be a blot on the local landscape. The traffic on Flass Lane is horrendous now, what is it going to be like when this development is up and running? Does the Council even own this land? I don’t think they do. Can they produce anything to prove otherwise? Probably not, but then that’s never bothered Barrow Council before has it? As for new jobs I also believe this not to be true as all jobs will be transferred from other facilities. How will this affect the value of my home?”
The Occupier, 10 Smallholdings, Flass Lane, Barrow in Furness
“I wish to strongly object to these proposals for a 'Private' Nursing Home, Access Road and Hospice on this site at Flass Lane. Are they really necessary?
This is a lovely green area of Newbarns, and the only one left, which is looked directly upon by not only every house along Flass Lane, but also all the houses behind the even side, consisting of several different streets, backing up and up as far as the church on Middlehill.
At present, they are fortunate enough to look down onto green fields, why would we want to look out onto two great buildings and a vast expanse of tarmac for people to park their cars?? From here I can already look out of my house and see one nursing home, do we really need another right next door! It was said in the paper they would not create an eyesore to this area, of course they will! Would you like it if some one came and dug up your back garden and placed a building on it, especially when there was other areas it could have gone which were much more viable. What about the land up by Furness General Hospital? Or at the back of Rating Lane near the playing park at the bottom end (which is disused and not maintained)? What about land at Leece Lane (disused playing fields)? There are many other 'brownfield sites' which could be used for this development; it would be criminal if this lovely area of land was used instead, what happened to 'preserving Britain’s green areas and countryside'????? I wonder also if you know that this land, up until January this year, was being used for grazing sheep and horses. That was until the council gave us notice of about a month to give it up. I think this is ridiculous, where do the animals go?? It was a pleasure to watch passers by stop at the bottom of the lane to just watch the animals peacefully grazing, causing no harm to anyone. Is anyone going to rehome them? What about all the birds and rabbits I watch every morning, nesting and breeding in the hedgerows which are going to be ripped out to create the new access road? Will they be able to move into the hospice, or be given another nice green area to live?? I doubt it. Why build on this land being made good use of when there are empty, disgusting, dilapidated buildings and areas of land in need of reconstruction? Probably because it is cheaper! And what will be done about the increased number of traffic using this road? I struggle at present to pull out of the lane onto Flass Lane because of cars parking along it and this reduces my visability to zero. It is very busy at school times and when people are finishing work which makes it almost impossible to pull out. It will only be made worse by visitors and staff coming and going to and from the site. I do not believe this will create any extra jobs in barrow at all, and I believe from talking to some staff at Furness General Hospital, that there is indeed no 'bed shortage' in our nursing homes. They also disagreed with this proposal. I think this application should be rejected, as was a recent planning application for Dalton where it was planned to use up a 'greenfield' site for housing when there were other 'brownfield' sites still available. I believe that is the case here, and it would be wrong to destroy this lovely piece of what’s left of our countryside!!”