Guidance on the new HEAT Energy Performance Target
December 2008
Version 1.0: December 2008 Page 24 of 24
Ó Health Facilities Scotland, a division of NHS National Services Scotland.
Energy Heat Target
Guidance on the new HEAT Energy Performance Target
Initial 2009-10 Target
As part of the growing focus on Climate Change and other sustainability issues within Scottish Government Health Directorates (SGHD), a new Health Efficiency Access and Treatment (HEAT) target on Carbon emissions has been introduced. The initial baseline and ongoing measurement for this performance (E8.KPM1) will be based on energy consumption through the existing Environment Monitoring and Reporting Tool, (eMART), which currently collects and reports on all the NHS hospitals in Scotland. This also provides the data for the Annual National Environment Report.
However, as well as improving the energy efficiency of the estate, there is also the need to reduce NHS Scotland’s dependence on fossil fuels and hence reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Therefore the carbon dioxide equivalent of the energy consumed by each hospital will be a HEAT supplementary measure. This will provide important context when considering performance on the energy consumption measure (see Table 1).
The initial baseline (see Table 1) will be the energy used by all the hospitals in each Board during 2007-08 as recorded by eMART and will be measured in gigajoules (GJ) (Note 1). The date for reporting against the HEAT target is May 2010, and the report will be the energy usage (and equivalent CO2 emissions) for the year 2009-10. However, each Board is required to report their performance on a quarterly basis.
The initial HEAT target is set to correspond with the current target of 2% pa. This is the target originally set in MEL (2000)19 and later incorporated in HDL (2006)21. This is already built into the eMART system and for comparison with the target; energy consumption is climatically adjusted to the base year. For the first reporting year 2009-10, the target will therefore be a 4% reduction, covering the two years, on the 2007-08 baseline as indicated for each Board in Table 1. However, this will be climatically adjusted; the target will therefore be either slightly higher or lower depending on the weather conditions during the year.
HEAT E8.KPM1 template (Annex 3) is attached.
Table 2 details the hospital sites that are included in the 2007-08 baseline.
To minimise the additional resources required by Boards, the target is based on the existing infrastructure in relation to environmental reporting through the Environment Monitoring and Reporting Tool, (eMART).
Note 1: One gigajoule is equivalent to approximately 278 kWhs.
For 2009-10 the performance measure will not apply to NHS24, NHS Education, NHS Health Scotland, NHS National Services, NHS QIS, and Scottish Ambulance Service. However, this will still leave the following input required by each NHS Board to meet the 2009-10 target:
· The environment return, which is normally required annually, by the end of June in each year, requires to be brought forward to the first week in May 2009 for the 2008-09 return. Validation by HFS will be completed by the end of May 2009;
· From April 2009 onwards Board’s are required to report on their energy consumption and corresponding CO2 emissions on a quarterly basis with the first quarter return for the period April to June 2009 reported in July 2009;
- To help ensure that this is achieved HFS would advise that, if not already being done, the data should be entered into eMARTs on a monthly basis;
- HFS will provide direct assistance, by phone or by email. Training courses will also be available in February/March 2009.
HFS will monitor the eMART system and be in communication with each Board to ensure assistance and guidance is provided where it is needed.
Future Target
The initial 2009-10 target will only measure Board’s performance against their respective hospitals as listed in Table 2; however work is in progress to address this and to extend eMART to cover the whole estate, (see Note 2) and include water and waste. This work currently includes;
· expanding the baseline dataset covered by eMART to include the whole estate. All the health centres, clinics, offices, resource centres etc.; are being added to the eMART system;
· working with Business Stream and Scottish Power to obtain, in electronic format, all the water and electricity usage for the community premises. These will then be automatically loaded into eMART then checked by each Board for accuracy. This will also be extended to the gas used in the community premises;
· modifications to eMARTs to convert the water, clinical and non-clinical waste into the equivalent carbon dioxide emissions.
Note 2: The ‘Whole NHS Estate’ includes all occupied owned and leased buildings used in the provision of Healthcare Services including hospitals, health centres, clinics, resource centres, and offices, laundries, stores and Laboratories.
To help in these preparations Boards are requested to assist by:
· providing a list of all premises owned, leased or contracted through PFI or PPP. The current list of sites presently in eMARTs other than hospitals for each Board is attached.
· setting up community premises on the eMART system. This is a normal process currently carried out by the staff responsible for managing the input of data for the annual return;
· completing data input for all community premises that use oil, as it is unlikely that that this can be done electronically, as the stock remaining at the end of each month is also required to calculate the actual usage;
· completing the data for clinical and non-clinical waste for each community premises or provide the total waste for each stream, i.e.; type of waste, for the whole Board.
For further advice or help contact John Dunlop by telephone on 0141 352 5543 or by email to
Table 1
Hospitals Baseline 2007-08 and target for 2009-10
Table 1 details the actual energy usage for the baseline year 2007-08 presented in GJs and CO2 emissions in tonnes.
The 2009-10 target is the 2007-08 actual less 4% of the initial total.
Table 2
Site code / Site name / Board name / Site typeNAT1H / Golden Jubilee / Golden Jubilee National Hospital / Hospitals
Site code / Site name / Board name / Site type
A201H / Ailsa Hospital / NHS Ayrshire and Arran / Hospitals
A101H / Arran War Memorial / NHS Ayrshire and Arran / Hospitals
A204H / Arrol Park Resource Centre / NHS Ayrshire and Arran / Hospitals
A103H / Ayrshire Central Hospital / NHS Ayrshire and Arran / Hospitals
A208H / Biggart Hospital / NHS Ayrshire and Arran / Hospitals
A111H / Crosshouse Hospital / NHS Ayrshire and Arran / Hospitals
A207H / Davidson Hospital / NHS Ayrshire and Arran / Hospitals
A701P / East Ayrshire Hospital / NHS Ayrshire and Arran / Hospitals
A105H / Kirklandside Hospital / NHS Ayrshire and Arran / Hospitals
A110H / Lady Margaret Hospital / NHS Ayrshire and Arran / Hospitals
A107H / Strathlea Resource Centre (To be added) / NHS Ayrshire and Arran / Hospitals
A210H / The Ayr Hospital / NHS Ayrshire and Arran / Hospitals
Site code / Site name / Board name / Site type
B026H / Borders General Hospital / NHS Borders / Hospitals
B007H / Crumhaugh House / NHS Borders / Hospitals
B024H / East West Brig / NHS Borders / Hospitals
B028H / Gala Vale Hospital / NHS Borders / Hospitals
B701P / Hawick Community Hospital / NHS Borders / Hospitals
B012H / Hay Lodge Hospital / NHS Borders / Hospitals
B008H / Huntlyburn House / NHS Borders / Hospitals
B017H / Kelso Hospital / NHS Borders / Hospitals
B006H / Knoll Hospital Duns / NHS Borders / Hospitals
B022H / Melburn Lodge / NHS Borders / Hospitals
Site code / Site name / Board name / Site type
Y120H / Annan Hospital / NHS Dumfries and Galloway / Hospitals
Y101H / Castle Douglas Hospital / NHS Dumfries and Galloway / Hospitals
Y103H / Crichton Royal Hospital / NHS Dumfries and Galloway / Hospitals
Y104H / Dumfries & Galloway Royal Infirmary / NHS Dumfries and Galloway / Hospitals
Y125H / Galloway Community Hospital / NHS Dumfries and Galloway / Hospitals
Y106H / Kirkcudbright Hospital / NHS Dumfries and Galloway / Hospitals
Y108H / Lochmaben Hospital / NHS Dumfries and Galloway / Hospitals
Y109H / Moffat Hospital / NHS Dumfries and Galloway / Hospitals
Y110H / Newton Stewart Hospital / NHS Dumfries and Galloway / Hospitals
Y105H / Nithbank Hospital / NHS Dumfries and Galloway / Hospitals
Y107H / Thomas Hope Hospital / NHS Dumfries and Galloway / Hospitals
Y114H / Thornhill Hospital / NHS Dumfries and Galloway / Hospitals
Site code / Site name / Board name / Site type
F708H / Adamson Hospital / NHS Fife / Hospitals
F701H / Cameron Hospital / NHS Fife / Hospitals
F705H / Forth Park Hospital / NHS Fife / Hospitals
F716H / Glenrothes Hospital / NHS Fife / Hospitals
F810H / Lynebank Hospital / NHS Fife / Hospitals
F703H / Netherlea Hospital / NHS Fife / Hospitals
F805H / Queen Margaret Hospital / NHS Fife / Hospitals
F710H / Randolph Wemyss Memorial Hospital / NHS Fife / Hospitals
F709H / St Andrews Memorial Hospital / NHS Fife / Hospitals
F712H / Stratheden Hospital / NHS Fife / Hospitals
F704H / Victoria Hospital / NHS Fife / Hospitals
F715H / Whytemans Brae Hospital / NHS Fife / Hospitals
Site code / Site name / Board name / Site type
V202H / Bannockburn Hospital / NHS Forth Valley / Hospitals
V801H / Bellsdyke New / NHS Forth Valley / Hospitals
V105H / Bo'ness Hospital / NHS Forth Valley / Hospitals
V107H / Bonnybridge Hospital / NHS Forth Valley / Hospitals
V204H / Clackmannan County Hospital / NHS Forth Valley / Hospitals
V102H / Falkirk & District Royal Infirmary / NHS Forth Valley / Hospitals
V203H / Kildean Hospital / NHS Forth Valley / Hospitals
V802H / Loch View / NHS Forth Valley / Hospitals
V201H / Stirling Royal Infirmary / NHS Forth Valley / Hospitals
Site code / Site name / Board name / Site type
N161H / Aberdeen Maternity Hospital / NHS Grampian / Hospitals
N101H / Aberdeen Royal Infirmary / NHS Grampian / Hospitals
N151H / Aboyne Hospital / NHS Grampian / Hospitals
N353H / Campbell - Portsoy Hospital / NHS Grampian / Hospitals
N337H / Chalmers Hospital / NHS Grampian / Hospitals
N103H / City Hospital Grampian / NHS Grampian / Hospitals
N411H / Dr Grays Hospital / NHS Grampian / Hospitals
N702P / Elmwood Hospital / NHS Grampian / Hospitals
N451H / Fleming Hospital / NHS Grampian / Hospitals
N334H / Fraserburgh Hospital / NHS Grampian / Hospitals
N181H / Glen O'Dee Hospital / NHS Grampian / Hospitals
N332H / Insch and Dist War Memorial / NHS Grampian / Hospitals
N331H / Inverurie Hospital / NHS Grampian / Hospitals
N335H / Jubilee Huntly Hospital / NHS Grampian / Hospitals
N701P / Kincardine Community Hospital Stonehaven PFI Consortium / NHS Grampian / Hospitals
N171H / Kincardine O'Neil Hospital / NHS Grampian / Hospitals
N434H / Leanchoil Hospital / NHS Grampian / Hospitals
N351H / Maud Hospital / NHS Grampian / Hospitals
N333H / Peterhead Community Hospital / NHS Grampian / Hospitals
N703P / Roxburgh Hospital / NHS Grampian / Hospitals
N121H / Royal Aberdeen Children's Hospital / NHS Grampian / Hospitals
N198H / Royal Cornhill / NHS Grampian / Hospitals
N431H / Seafield Hospital / NHS Grampian / Hospitals
N432H / Stephen Hospital / NHS Grampian / Hospitals
N433H / Turner Hospital / NHS Grampian / Hospitals
N336H / Turriff Hospital / NHS Grampian / Hospitals
N352H / Ugie Peterhead Hospital / NHS Grampian / Hospitals
N102H / Woodend Hospital / NHS Grampian / Hospitals
Site code / Site name / Board name / Site type
G704P / 2 Waterloo Close / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde / Hospitals
G705P / 4 Waterloo Close / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde / Hospitals
G501H / Blawarthill Hospital / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde / Hospitals
G707P / Carillion PFI / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde / Hospitals
G503H / Drumchapel Hospital / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde / Hospitals
C403H / Dykebar Hospital / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde / Hospitals
G504H / Gartnavel General Hospital / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde / Hospitals
G505H / Gartnavel Royal Hospital / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde / Hospitals
G106H / Glasgow Dental Hospital & School / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde / Hospitals
G107H / Glasgow Royal Infirmary / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde / Hospitals
C313H / Inverclyde Royal Hospital / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde / Hospitals
C406H / Johnstone Hospital / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde / Hospitals
G302H / Leverndale Hospital / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde / Hospitals
G109H / Lightburn Hospital / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde / Hospitals
G701P / Mackinnon House / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde / Hospitals
C407H / Merchiston Hospital / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde / Hospitals
G706P / Netherton / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde / Hospitals
G600H / Overtoun Court / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde / Hospitals
G111H / Parkhead Hospital / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde / Hospitals
G703P / Pineview / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde / Hospitals
G515H / Queen Mother's Hospital / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde / Hospitals
C310H / Ravenscraig Hospital / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde / Hospitals
C418H / Royal Alexandra Hospital / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde / Hospitals
G513H / Royal Hospital For Sick Children Yorkhill / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde / Hospitals
G405H / Southern General Hospital / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde / Hospitals
G207H / Stobhill Hospital / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde / Hospitals
G702P / The Orchards / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde / Hospitals
C206H / Vale Of Leven Hospital / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde / Hospitals
G307H / Victoria Geriatric Hospital / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde / Hospitals
G306H / Victoria Infirmary / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde / Hospitals
G516H / Western Infirmary / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde / Hospitals