IST 301.005 Experiential Learning
(Technology Support)
Fall, 2014
Course Description
Students will assist with provided technology support for the Computer Science Department. They will have scheduled meetings to share and reflect on their experiences. All students will maintain a log of their activities and prepare a final report on their project.
General outcomes of this IST 301 include:
●An ability to apply knowledge of computing and mathematics appropriate to the discipline
●An ability to analyze a problem, and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution
●An ability to function effectively on teams to accomplish a common goal
●An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
●An ability to use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computing practice.
Specific objectives of this section include:
●The student will learn skills necessary for providing technical support to the Computer Science Department.
●The student will work with the systems administrator to perform routine maintenance tasks on computer systems.
●The student will be able to describe their experiences before a live audience.
Dr. David Cozart
Office: 201-E Computer Science Building
Office Phone: 301-4087
Cell Phone:719-1195
Office Hours: MWF 2:00-3:00 PM and by appointment
IST 126 and permission of instructor
Course meeting times
We will meet once per week. You are expected to spend an average of 3 to 4 hours a week (a total of 45 to 55 hours for the semester) on this project. You should keep a log on line in a Google Document or spreadsheet that you update every day you work on the project with the amount of time and a brief description of what you do. You must share this log with the class instructor.
There will be three meetings of all IST 301 students during the semester. These will be at 6 PM, Wednesday evenings on September 3, October 29, and December 3. You must attend these meetings. If it is impossible for you to attend these meetings, you must make arrangements with your instructor (at least a week before the meetings).
This course is being offered S/U.
To receive an S in this class you must:
●Attend all required class meetings.
●Maintain a log throughout the semester.
●Spend at least 45 hours on the project
●Receive satisfactory evaluations from your sponsor at the midterm and final evaluation
●Create a final project report that is accepted by the instructor.
If you do not meet the requirements, the instructor may (but is not required to) provide alternative requirements that will allow you to receive a passing grade in this class. Any student who feels they are not meeting requirements should see the instructor as soon as possible to discuss the issues in question.
Honor Code
All suspected violations of the University Honor Code will be forwarded to the Honor Council.
Attitude Expected of Students
You will be representing yourself, the CSC Department, and Mercer University with your client. You should behave professionally at all times. This includes being on time for all meetings, answering their emails in a timely manner, paying attention to the project (as opposed to your cell phone, etc.) during meeting times, and dressing suitably for the situation. It is in your interest to be at your best. If you are having any difficulties, talk to your instructor as soon as possible.
Out of courtesy for all those participating in the learning experience, all cell phones and pagers must be turned off before entering any classroom, lab, or formal academic or performance event.
Reasonable Accommodation
Students requiring accommodations or modifications for a disability should inform the instructor at the close of the first class meeting or as soon as possible. The instructor will refer you to the ACCESS and Accommodation Office to document your disability, determine eligibility for accommodations under the ADAAA/Section 504 and to request a Faculty Accommodation Form. Disability accommodations or status will not be indicated on academic transcripts. In order to receive accommodations in a class, students with sensory, learning, psychological, physical or medical disabilities must provide their instructor with a Faculty Accommodation Form to sign. Students must return the signed form to the ACCESS Coordinator. A new form must be requested each semester. Students with a history of a disability perceived as having a disability or with a current disability who does not wish to use academic accommodations are also strongly encouraged to register with the ACCESS and Accommodation Office and request a Faculty Accommodation Form each semester. For further information, please contact Carole Burrowbridge, Director and ADA/504 Coordinator, at 301-2778 or visit the ACCESS and Accommodation Office website at