Bringing God’s People Together . . .
CBF Region 4 Community Event
Sunday, September 11, 2016
FBC Rockingham
201 N Randolph St, Rockingham
Join us for a time of fellowship and discipleship around three relevant topics impacting us today and tomorrow.
3:45 pmRegistration
4:00 pmWelcome, Dr. Jim Nelson, FBC Rockingham
4:10 pmDream for a Secure Tomorrow, Dr. Wayne D. Wike
4:45 pmDream for a Better Fellowship, Dr. Andy Jung
5:30 pmFellowship
6:15 pmDream for a Closer Walk, Dr. Derrill Smith
7:00 pmCommunion, Dr. Chris Dawson, FBC Monroe
Benediction, Drag Kimrey, CBFNC
Dreamfor a Secure Tomorrow
What happens when the church’s offering plates are not enough to support its mission and ministries? This situation is happening at an alarming rate. What can we do? Where do we go? What are the solutions? Come and hear how to face this challenge.
Dr. Wayne D. Wike, Senior Pastor, First Baptist, Laurinburg, returned to pastoral ministry following a seventeen year career in Christian higher education. Fundraising and development were major parts of his responsibilities. Skills in those areas are applicable to the financial challenges facing today’s church.
Dream for a Better Fellowship
For too long, the church has been a place of silos. The adults, youth and children all had their own place in the church and “never the twain shall meet.” It has caused a fractured church. Furthermore, it has stunted the spiritual development of our children, youth and young adults. We can be better than what we have become. Rather than being a multi-generational church, we have to re-learn how to be an intergenerational church.
Dr. Andy Jung has been the pastor of FBC Albemarle since August 2014. Prior to his first pastorate, he served as Associate Pastor of Students at Trinity Baptist in Raleigh for 11 years and has 20+years of youth ministry experience. He earned his Doctorate of Ministry from Fuller Theological Seminary in the area of Youth, Family and Culture. His dissertation focused in the area of discipleship for emerging adults within the context of an intergenerational church.
Dream for a Closer Walk
The heart of the Christian faith beats in relationship to God, neighbor, and self. Through the ages, the church has nurtured spiritual disciplines that have enriched and deepened the faith. Hope for today's church calls for a serious call to the contemplative life.
Dr. Derrill Smith has served as Pastor of Wingate Baptist Church since 2001. Spiritual formation has been an important part of his life and ministry.