City Council Report 2015-25

April 7, 20151

DATE:april7, 2015



SUBJECT:Continued Discussion and direction on project labor agreement for wastewater treatment plant upgrade project


It is recommended that the City Council continue their discussion and provide direction to the City Manager on the proposed topics to develop deal points for the Project Labor Agreement for the Wastewaters Treatment Plant Upgrade Project..


The City Council has approved (vote of four to 1) proceeding under a Project Labor Agreement (PLA) for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade project. Staff has been making ready the steps necessary to begin negotiating a PLA, however negotiations have not begun.

The City of Hercules discussed the issue and voted 3-2 not to consider a PLA. Since that time, the Pinole-Hercules Wastewater Subcommittee discussed the issue at their March 26, 2015 Special meeting on this sole topic in order to determine if a consensus could be reached on moving forward on a PLA.


At the March 26, 2015 the Pinole-Hercules Wastewater Subcommittee Special meeting Mayor Pro Tem Dan Romero stated that while he voted “no” on the PLA he was interested in discussing the issue in hopes that the City of Hercules may re-exam in its decision if a consensus on the types of deal points could be reached between Pinole and Hercules.

Hercules City Manager David Biggs provided the Subcommittee with a list of topics (see Attachment A) that could be used to personalize the PLA to fit the needs of Pinole and Hercules. That list included topics that are usually tailored and negotiated between the Project Owner and the Building Trades. Some of those topics included:

  • Define wages as limited to Prevailing Wage and any other desired parameters;
  • Define benefit package and contribution requirements and parameters;
  • Incorporate and define Core Worker provisions;
  • Establish local hire requirement and define local hiring bands, protocols, and goals;
  • Provide for off-site parts and material fabrication as necessary;
  • Establish Monitoring requirements and components;

After some discussion, the Subcommittee agreed that each city should review the topics and receive input from their City Councils as a body and report back to the Subcommittee meeting of April 15, 2015 as to whether or not to proceed any further.


There is no fiscal impact at this time.


Attachment AList of Topics for Developing Deal Points for a PLA