Logo Design Questionnaire
Thank you for contacting Breakaway Graphics for your brandmark design. I have included a list of questions that will help me become familiar with you and your company. Please resist the temptation to skip questions, they are all included for a reason. Remember, this is not a quiz, it is simply the first step in a process designed to create a memorable and effective mark for your business. This is one of the ways I will evaluate your needs, wants, style, and expectations as well as a way for me keep a record of our goals. The more thorough and complete your answers, the more information I have to get started.
1. What is the exact name of your company?
2. Are there any acceptable abbreviations of the above? If so, detail.
3. What (if any) other words would you like in your logo? Like a Tagline.
4. What is your mission statement? What are your company's values?
5. What is your projected audience or demographic?
6. What is the nature of your business?
7. Who are your competitors?
8. What makes you different from your competitors?
9. What logos have you seen that you like? (URLs if possible)
10. What logos have you seen that you dislike and why?
11. What would you like to convey with your logo?
12. What colors do you like or expect?
13. What colors do you dislike or would like not used?
14. Will the logo be used in print, online, signs or other materials? What are the immediate plans for logo usage?
15. Are there any elements that you would like to see included in your logo design? What elements from your old identity (if you have one) do you like or dislike?
16. What emotions would you want your customer to feel when they view your mark?
17. Do you prefer icon based logo or text based logo or combination of the two?
18. Do you have any specific themes for icon based logo if any you would like us to consider?
19. Do you have any particular point of emphasis you want to see in the design?
20. Do you have any preconceived ideas about the design of your logo? If you have a good idea of what you think you want, please detail it here. If you have a sketch, please include it. We will take your thoughts into consideration when creating our sketches.
Any additional comments?