Rotary Club of Leesburg
October 3, 2010
Building Communities Bridging Continents
President’s 1st Quarter Report to the Membership
It has been a very busy 1st quarter for our Club. In this report you will find some comments from me about overall Club activities and accomplishments and I have summarized some of the comments from our first Club assembly held last week on September 30,2010.
Rotary Club of Leesburg Accomplishments:
1st Board meeting set the budget and goals for the year; dues paid on time to keep the Club in good standing with RI.
Website is continually updated and should be viewed regularly by all members at: Dan and Omar have completely redesigned our website and always keep it up to date with Club activities.
Speakers have been great so far this year—notables: Fred William’s wonderful presentation of his and his fellow members of St. James church building a water infrastructure to bring clean water to a small village in Copan, Honduras; Scott Mills’ in depth discussion of Rotary International good works around the world; Tim Henstreet’s discussion on challenges facing Loudoun County; Jan Halderman’s encouragement to expand travel horizons; District Governor Ron Marion’s club visit ; Tom Horne’s update on new laws recently enacted; Alexandra Gressitt’s impressive list of resources available at the Thomas Balch Library; Will Dantzler’s details on Holt International Children’s Services; Joe May’s stimulating discussion of his many inventions: Eric Adamson’s uplifting talk about the many wonderful and good works Rotary has done around the world; Kimberly Strassel’s perspectives on the upcoming elections.
A Club calendar was produced and is updated to the members monthly; speakers arenow scheduled out now into December.
Two grants submitted to the District by the International and Foundation Committees: the District Simplified Grant to support our sister club in Siberia and a Matching Grant of $16,000 to support a dental camp for orphanages in Kathmandu. Both have been approved by the District for funding!
Race charities were selected by the Board for 2011’s events after soliciting suggestions from our Rotary membership.
ContinuedCharlie’s Rotary Moment-keeps us up to date on what’s happening at Rotary International and the District.
Membership is growingwith the return of Jewell Emswiller. Several of potential members are in the works.
The Club hosted District Governor Ron Marion as he visited with the Club for a Board of Director’s meeting and a regular Rotary meeting.
Washington National’s Game, in support of eradication Polio, organized by Doug Stump, was well attended by numerous of our Rotarians and their guests—National’s lost.
Reiner and his family moved back to Germanyand received a very nice farewell gathering at Chuck and Carole Maloney’s home on August 12, 2010.
A nominating committee has been appointed by me to work with President-elect Chris Fristad. on presenting a slate of officers for next Rotary year. This group will meet the first week of October and begin work.
Our first Club Assembly was held on September 30, 2010 directed by Phil Daly who explained the purpose of this meeting, received the committee chair reports along with questions and observations by several of our members. Some of our quarterly activities and reports included:
- Grace to Go
- Road Clean Up
- Attending the District Foundation Seminar by Dee Jonas and Jake Jacobson
- Dee and Anssy also attended a multi-club meeting giving consideration to a several years of matching grant on a clean water project.
- A financial report by Jeff Mitchell.
Celebrated Jack Howard’s 90th. Birthday accompanied with some very touching comments by his fellow Rotarians along with the presentation of the District Governor’s Citation by Charley Bowden (only the 3rd. one ever presented!) plus Jack’s election into our Club’s exclusive honorary membership status, the highest distinction a Club can bestow upon an individual.
SOOOOO, that’s it from the President. I am hoping for an equally successful 2nd Quarter!!!! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT>
Respectfully submitted,
Tony Aiken