1). Hebrews – “recipients”
A). Believers (3:1)
B). Enduring (10:32-34)
1). They were pulling back in every aspect of normal society
2). Regarded as a threat and danger to the continued well-being of the society.
C). Primarily Jewish Christians
1). Use of the OT (Greek)
2). Familiarity with Jewish religion
2). Date
A). Prior to the destruction of the temple (A.D. 70)
1). Comp. 10:2-3
B). Quoted A.D. 95 by Clement of Rome
3). Author
A). Charts pg. 140
B). Origen – “Who the author of the epistle is, God only knows”
C). Ch.13:24
D). Not a leader amongst them (Heb 13:7, 17, 24)
E). Part of the inner circle of Paul (13:23)
F). Designed like a speech more than a letter
4). Outline
A). Christ’s Person (1-4-14)
1). Over Prophets (1:1-1:4)
2). Over Angels (1:4-3:1)
3). Over Moses (3-4:14)
B). Christ’s Work (4:14-10:19)
1). Priesthood (4:14-8:1)
2). Covenant (8-9)
3). Sanctuary and Sacrifice (9-10:19)
C). The Walk of Faith (10:19-13:25)
1). Assurance of Faith (10:19-12:1)
2). The Endurance of Faith (12-13)
3). Exhortation to love (13-13:25)
5). Purpose
A). Walk by Faith
1). 10:35 & 6:10-12
2). Their struggle: 5:11-14, 2:3, 3:12, 4:1, 4:11, 12:3, 6:6
3). Christ and others as examples (ch. 11-12)
B). Grow in FAITH
6). Emphasis and Message
A). Christ is better
1). He is the ultimate mediator
a). 9:24
b). His “priesthood” dealt with sin with one sacrifice and cleansed the heart of the believer (Jer. 31)
2). He is eternal and we will live with Him eternally
a). 12:26-28, 1:10-11
3). His Sonship
4). His example (12:1-4)
B). Not of this world
1). Heaven is their home
a). 13:14, 11:16
2). Hostility = Opportunity for Godly honor
a). Likened to an endurance race
C). God of wrath
1). 2:1-4; 3; 4:1-13; 6:4-8; 10:26-31; 12: 16-17,25
1). 10:24-25, 6:10-12, 3:1, 3:12-13, ch. 13