ERCOT Public/ August 12, 2010
Nodal advisory task force (NATF) MEETING
(WebEX Only)
August 12, 2010
Meeting Attendance: [1]
Segment Representatives in Attendance:
Name / affiliation / Market Segment /Blackburn, Don / Luminant / Investor Owned Utility (IOU)
Brewster, Chris / City of Eastland / Consumer
Jackson, James / CPS Energy / Municipal
Lovelace, Russell / Shell Energy / Independent Power Marketer (IPM)
McEvoy, Kevin / Exelon Generation / IPM (Alt.)
McMurray, Mark / Direct Energy / Independent Retail Electric Provider (IREP) (Alt.)
Ögelman, Kenan / CPS Energy / Municipal (Alt.)
Reynolds, Jim / StarTex Power / Independent Retail Electric Provider (IREP)
Richard, Naomi / LCRA / Cooperative
Schwarz, Brad / E.ON / Independent Generator
Wardle, Scott / Occidental Chemical / Consumer - Industrial
Non-voting Attendees:
Name / Affiliation /Anklam, Rob / Cargill
Basaran, Harika / Austin Energy
Bevill, Jennifer / AEP
Brandt, Adrianne / Austin Energy
Briscoe, Judy / BP Energy
Brown, Jack / Garland Power and Light
Bruns, Scott / Direct Energy
Cannon, Maribeth / Edison Mission
Carter, Kevin / Duke Energy
Clemenhagen, Barbara / Topaz
Crawford, Jay / Calpine
DeMars, Randy
Detelich, David / CPS Energy
Dietz, Karen / SUEZ
Dioun, Mina / LCRA
Escamilla, Joes / CPS Energy
Green, David / Calpine
Helton, Bob / International Power America
Jones, Brad / Luminant
Jones, Randy / Calpine
Kee, David / CPS Energy
Lange, Clif / STEC
Lucas, Ross / Sungard
Matt Fahey ANP/IPA / ANP/IPA
Mclamb, Darryl / Constellation
McNamara, Grace / LDH Energy
Moast, Pat / TRE
Palani, Ananth / Optim Energy
Pieniazek, Adriane / NRG Texas
Priestley, Vanus / MacQuire
Rodriguez, Robert / The Structure Group
Satkowski, Edmund / PSEG Texas
Shah, Harini / DTE Energy
Siddiqi, Shams / Crescent Power
Starr, Lee / Bryan Texas Utilities
Stewart, Roger / LCRA
Stewart, Wendy / EDF Trading
Thompson, Bobby / Luminant
Trenary, Michelle / Tenaska
Trout, Seth / CES
Watson, Mark / Platts
ERCOT Staff:
Name /Bohart, Jim
Landry, Kelly
Middleton, Scott
Ragsdale, Ken
Villarreal, Rachel
Unless otherwise indicated, all Market Segments were present for a vote.
Don Blackburn called the meeting to order at 9:34 a.m.
Antitrust Admonition
Mr. Blackburn read the Antitrust Admonition, which was displayed. He asked those who had not yet reviewed the Antitrust Guidelines to do so. Copies of the Antitrust Guidelines were available.
168-Hour Full System Market and Reliability Test Handbook
Ken Ragsdale reviewed completed and future Full System Market and Reliability testing and noted that the goal of the meeting was to determine the content and length of the 168-Hour test. Scott Middleton noted that comments to the 168-Hour Handbook were received from Luminant Energy, Calpine Corporation, CPS Energy, SUEZ Energy North America, Retail Electric Providers Nodal Group, LCRA, NRG Energy Texas, and Horizon Wind Energy. Market Participants reviewed each set of comments and provided recommendations, and Mr. Middleton revised the 168-Hour Test Handbook as comments were accepted. A new section was added to the handbook for evaluation criteria that contemplated a holistic approach to measurement of test performance.
Consensus among Market Participants was to recommend two options to the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) regarding the 168-Hour test. The first option provided for a total of 159 noncontiguous hours of testing, and included 36 contiguous hours of testing beginning 09/12/2010 at 6:00 p.m. Market Participants noted that the significance of this portion of the testing was that it would include a Monday morning ramp period. The second option provided for a total of 195 noncontiguous hours of testing, and included 72 hours of contiguous testing beginning 09/10/2010 at 2:00 p.m. Market Participants noted that the significance of this portion of the testing was that it would include a Friday evening and Monday morning ramp period.
Mr. Blackburn noted that information regarding Congestion Revenue Rights (CRRs) and Pre-assigned Congestion Revenue Rights (PCRRs) flowing into Real Time was not being posted by ERCOT, and opined that this information is valuable. Mr. Blackburn requested that ERCOT look into the potential for posting such information with any confidential data redacted. Mr. Ragsdale stated that he would return to NATF with further information on the potential inclusion of this information in an ERCOT posted report.
Mr. Blackburn adjourned the meeting at 12:15 p.m.
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[1] Some attendees may not have been present for the entire meeting.