Stanford, KY Nov. 8, 2012
The Lincoln County Board of Education met Thursday, November 8, 2012 at 6:30 PM at the Central Office with the following members present: Jim Kelley, Tom Blankenship, Denny Hogue and Theresa Long. Tim Jackson was absent
Mr. Kelley called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
Board Order No. 106 Set the Agenda
Upon a motion by Tom Blankenship and seconded by Denny Hogue, the board set the agenda as presented.
Mr. Blankenship, Mr. Hogue, Mr. Kelley and Ms. Long voted yes.
Board Order No. 107 Minutes
Upon a motion by Denny Hogue and seconded by Theresa Long, the board approved the minutes from the Oct. 8 and Oct. 25, 2012 meetings.
Mr. Hogue, Ms. Long, Mr. Kelley and Mr. Blankenship voted yes.
a. Student Recognition
Pam Hart recognized the young women that had competed in the Distinguished Young Woman competition. . They are as follows:
Jamie Bradford Kiara Geoge
Bryana Deatherage Haley Reichenbach
Megan Goode Taylor Faulkner
Kayla Upchurch Alaina Mills
Remonica Garr Alex Bunch
Miranda Ellis Hayley Hogue
Alyssa Moore Kaylinn Clarkson
Pam announced the winners and the amount of scholarship money they each received.
3rd runner up – Haley Reichenbach – $2,520
2nd. Runner up – Alex Bunch – $4,040
1st. runner up – Kayla Upchurch – $4,830
And the Distinguished Young Woman of 2013 was Taylor Faulkner - $6,310.
Congratulations to each of these girls.
b. Staff Achievements
2nd Month Attendance Awards went to the following schools:
Elementary – McKinney – 96.29
Middle – Lloyd McGuffey – 96.25
High – Lincoln County High – 93.53
c. Status of district Programs and Services
Jim Ward presented the K-Prep Report. He said overall he was very pleased with the district’s scores. He especially was proud of McKinney and Hustonville for reaching the status of proficient. He told the board that at a working meeting he would go into more detail about the scores.
Bruce Smith reviewed the Non Academic Data with the board.
d. Community Recognition
Mrs. Hatter recognized Mike Jackson and Ephraim McDowell Hospital for donating $500 to LCHS to be used specifically for athletics and/or band expenses. Ruth Smith accepted the Patriot Award for Mr. Jackson. He was unable to attend.
Board Order No. 108 Donation Accepted
Upon a motion by Tom Blankenship and seconded by Denny Hogue, the board accepted the $500 donation from Ephraim McDowell Hospital to be used for athletics and/or band at LCHS.
Mr. Blankenship, Mr. Hogue, Mr. Kelley and Ms. Long voted yes.
Karen Hatter asks the board to consider the donation of support from Edwards Educational Consultation. She explained that she had met with Dr. Edwards to discuss the possibility of using his organization to complete an in depth study of our current needs to assist the district in the development of next steps. Mr. Jess Correll and his wife have offered to financially support this effort.
Board Order No. 109 Contract with Edwards Educational Consultation
Upon a motion by Denny Hogue and seconded by Theresa Long, the board gave permission to enter into a contract with Edwards Educational Consultation.
Mr. Hogue, Ms. Long, Mr. Kelley and Mr. Blankenship voted yes.
Mrs. Hatter asks the board to consider the draft version of the district mission statement.
Board Order No. 110 Mission Statement Approved
Upon a motion by Tom Blankenship and seconded by Theresa Long, the board accepted the draft version of the district mission statement, which reads as follows:
The mission of Lincoln County Schools is to empower every student with the knowledge, skills and attributes necessary to become college/career and citizenship ready by providing high quality education and enriching opportunities in every classroom, everyday.
Mr. Blankenship, Mr. Hogue, Mr. Kelley and Ms. Long voted yes.
Board Order No. 111 Salaries and Claims
Upon a motion by Denny Hogue and seconded by Theresa Long, the board approved the salaries and claims as presented.
Mr. Hogue, Ms. Long, Mr. Kelley and Mr. Blankenship voted yes.
Board Order No. 112 Purchases over $10,000
Upon a motion by Tom Blankenship and seconded by Theresa Long, the board approved the following purchases:
· Annual Financial Audit - $17,975.00
· Building Refunding Revenue Bond Series 2004 - $596,110.01
Mr. Blankenship, Mr. Hogue, Mr. Kelley and Ms. Long voted yes.
Board Order No. 113 Audit Report for 2011-2012
Upon a motion by Theresa Long and seconded by Denny Hogue, the board approved the 2011-2012 audit report as presented by Joe Montgomery. Mr. Montgomery stated there were no deficiencies.
Ms. Long, Mr. Hogue, Mr. Kelley and Mr. Blankenship voted yes.
The board reviewed the personnel report, Site Based Decision Making Minutes, Policy Council Minutes and the Supt non contract days.
Board Order No. 114 Technology Needs Assessment
Upon a motion by Theresa Long and seconded by Denny Hogue, the board approved the organization of a technology assessment for the purpose of developing a needs assessment for technology. This would be a minimal cost to the district.
Ms. Long, Mr. Hogue, Mr. Kelley and Mr. Blankenship voted yes.
Board Order No. 115 Consent Agenda Items
Upon a motion by Tom Blankenship and seconded by Denny Hogue, the board approved the following items on the consent agenda:
a. Leaves
· Jacqueline Smith - Medical leave from now until Mar. 1, 2013
· Debbie Sims - Leave of absence through Nov. 7th, 2012
b. Fund Raisers
· Stanford Jump Rope Team – Sell Pampered Chef – D. Story
· Hustonville – sell candy bars, candles, donuts, bake sale and walk a thon – D. Leigh
· LCHS Baseball – Sell tickets for Legends Game – C. Denny
· Winterfest Toys for Kids - $1 per day to wear jeans to work Nov. 26-30, 2012 – K. Mitchell
· Waynesburg PTO – sell candy bars, Kona Ice, Rada Cutlery, Pink Zebra, candles, pizza kits, Tupperware, Avon and Spirit Cards – M. Upchurch
· Lincoln County Migrant Program – sell t-shirts – B. England
· LCHS KUNA Club – Mix it Bag – Krispy Kreme, Kettle Corn, Bake Sale, Beef Jerky and Suckers – D. Brock
c. Facility Requests
· Stanford Little League – Basketball practice/games – Oct, 2012 – April, 2013 – C. Jenkins
· LCHS Gym – Zoombathon – Afina Brake Parts – Nov. 11, 2012 – M. Naylor
· Waynesburg Gym – Story Reunion – Dec. 30, 2012 – D. Story
· LCHS Cafeteria – Winterfest Toys for Kids Dinner and Toy Give A Way – Dec. 21, 2012 – K. Mitchell
d. Student Trip
· LCHS Beta Club – State Convention – Nov. 30 – Dec. 1, 2012 – R. Monhollen
· Migrant Program – KY Horse Park – End of Nov/First of Dec. – B. England
· LCHS Band – University of the Cumberlands – Nov. 18-20, 2012 – D. Mayberry
Mr. Blankenship, Mr. Hogue, Mr. Kelley and Ms. Long voted yes.
Board Order No. 116 Master Schedules for 2012-2013
Upon a motion by Tom Blankenship and seconded by Theresa Long, the board approved the master schedules for the 2012-2013 school year.
Mr. Blankenship, Mr. Hogue, Mr. Kelley and Ms. Long voted yes.
Board Order No. 117 ARC Chairs
Upon a motion by Denny Hogue and seconded by Theresa Long, the board approved the list of personnel to chair ARC meetings at the school/district level. They are as follows: Director of Special Ed, Special Ed. Consultant, Principals/Assistant Principals, Speech/Language Pathologist, Preschool Special Ed. Consultant, Head Start Coord., Special Ed Teachers and Guidance Counselors.
Mr. Hogue, Ms. Long, Mr. Kelley and Mr. Blankenship voted yes.
Board Order No. 118 BG-4 for Track/Field Renovation at LCHS
Upon a motion by Theresa Long and seconded by Denny Hogue, the board approved the BG-4 Project Closeout Form for the Lincoln County High School Athletic Track and Field Renovation and ADA Accessibility.
Ms. Long, Mr. Hogue, Mr. Kelley and Mr. Blankenship voted yes.
Board Order No. 119 Wiring Bid Accepted
Upon a motion by Tom Blankenship and seconded by Theresa Long, the board accepted the low bid of $4,800.00 from Patterson Construction for labor and wiring at LCHS for wireless apps.
Mr. Blankenship, Ms. Long, Mr. Kelley and Mr. Hogue voted yes.
Board Order No. 120 Contract with Lite the Nite Technology
Upon a motion by Theresa Long and seconded by Denny Hogue, the board voted to enter into a contract with Lite the Nite Technologies to provide assistance to obtain erate funding.
Ms. Long, Mr. Hogue, Mr. Kelley and Mr. Blankenship voted yes.
Board Order No. 121 Contract to Provide Transportation for Upward Bound Students
Upon a motion by Tom Blankenship and seconded by Theresa Long, the board entered into a contract with EKU to provide transportation for Upward Bound Students from Casey, Lincoln and Garrard to attend EKU for seven Saturdays from Nov. 2012 to May, 2013. This will provide transportation @ $2.00 per mile and pay the driver regular route pay.
Mr. Blankenship, Ms. Long, Mr. Kelley and Mr. Hogue voted yes.
Board Order No. 122 21st. Century Grant
Upon a motion by Theresa Long and seconded by Denny Hogue, the board gave permission to apply for a 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant.
Ms. Long, Mr. Hogue, Mr. Kelley and Mr. Blankenship voted yes.
Board Order No. 123 Facility Plan Committee
Upon a motion by Tom Blankenship and seconded by Theresa Long, the board approved the facility plan committee as presented.
Mr. Blankenship, Ms. Long and Mr. Kelley voted yes. Mr. Hogue voted no.
Board Order No. 124 Windows at Hustonville
Upon a motion by Tom Blankenship and seconded by Denny Hogue, the board voted to replace the remaining 15 windows around the cafeteria at Hustonville at a cost of $4,000.
Mr. Blankenship, Ms. Long , Mr. Kelley and Mr. Hogue voted yes.
Board Order No. 125 Purchasing Flowchart
Upon a motion by Theresa Long and seconded by Denny Hogue, the board approved a purchasing process flowchart. Mrs. Hatter stated that she would get help from KDE to put this into policy.
Ms. Long, Mr. Hogue, Mr. Kelley and Mr. Blankenship voted yes.
Board Order No. 126 Board Meetings at School Sites
Upon a motion by Theresa Long and seconded by Denny Hogue, the board voted to have the December meeting at McKinney Elementary , the January meeting at Hustonville and the February one at Lincoln County High School.
Ms. Long, Mr. Hogue, Mr. Kelley and Mr. Blankenship voted yes.
Board Order No. 127 21st Century Sustainability Plan
Upon a motion by Tom Blankenship and seconded by Theresa Long, the board approved the 21st. Century sustainability plan and time line.
Mr. Blankenship, Ms. Long , Mr. Kelley and Mr. Hogue voted yes.
Board Order No. 128 Playground Surface
Upon a motion by Denny Hogue and seconded by Theresa Long, the board gave permission to purchase playground surface in the amount of $29,589.80 for all preschool playgrounds.
Mr. Hogue, Ms. Long, Mr. Kelley and Mr. Blankenship voted yes.
Board Order No. 129 Waynesburg Gym
Upon a motion by Theresa Long and seconded by Denny Hogue, the board gave permission for the Waynesburg Booster Club to use the Waynesburg Gym for games and practice from Nov., 2012 – Mar., 2013 – signed by K. Johnson.
Ms. Long, Mr. Hogue, Mr. Kelley and Mr. Blankenship voted yes.
Board Order No. 130 Donation Accepted at Waynesburg
Upon a motion by Denny Hogue and seconded by Theresa Long, the board accepted a donation of $1,000 from Paul Upchurch for Waynesburg Elementary.
Mr. Hogue, Ms. Long, Mr. Kelley and Mr. Blankenship voted yes.
Board Order No. 131 Shortened Week for Student
Upon a motion by Tom Blankenship and seconded by Theresa Long, the board gave permission to allow a student with an IEP to have a shortened school week.
Mr. Blankenship, Ms. Long , Mr. Kelley and Mr. Hogue voted yes.
Board Order No. 132 Adjourn
Upon a motion by Tom Blankenship and seconded by Theresa Long, the board voted to adjourn at 8:10 PM.
Mr. Blankenship, Ms. Long , Mr. Kelley and Mr. Hogue voted yes.
Jim Kelley, Chairman Gail Isaacs, Secretary