Dear children and parents/carers,
Our topic for term one is ‘Archaeology'.

EnglishDuring term 1 we will be revisiting and extending our knowledge of expanded noun phrases, verbs, adverbs, nouns and pronouns. We will also look closely at a range of stories, with a focus on the vocabulary that is being used and we will learn how to use inverted commas for direct speech and write our own stories. / MathsDuring term 1 we will be focusing on place value, developing our understanding of number and familiarising ourselves with numbers to 1,000. We will also have a big focus on multiplication this term. Initially focusing on 2, 5 and 10 times tables, however quickly progressing to include the 3 and 4 times tables.
This term we are going to be learning all about Rocks.
We will be focusing on how rocks can be groups based on their properties and how fossils are formed. / Snappy Maths
Each day we will be practising our times table and one of the four operations (+ - x ÷). / French
Children will learn how to say a range of words and phrases in French throughout the term. / Computing
This term we will learn how to effectively search using key words and how to safely communicate online. We will also be creating a stop motion animation retelling parts of our class text, 'Stone Age Boy'.
During Art we will be looking at the Lascaux cave paintings of South France, using them as a starting point to create our own. We will also be finding out how stone age tools were constructed and attempting to make our own. / PE
This term will be learning all about Invasion Games. We will be focusing on keeping possession, making space and sending and receiving the ball. / Spelling and Grammar
Throughout the term spellings will be sent home weekly and we will be learning the rules for adding the suffix ‘ly’. / RE
This term we will be learning all about Harvest and how Christians celebrate it. We will also be finding out why Christians celebrate it and what happens during a Harvest festival.

Welcome to Term 1.

Our topic this term is ‘Archaeology.

As you can see through our curriculum grid, we will be busy revisiting and learning lots of new things this term. During this term we will be using our class text 'Stone Age Boy' to generate lots of opportunities to apply all of the skills we have learnt and are learning.


As well as our usual homework, the children will be receiving other homework to complete. Children must continue to read daily and practise their times tables.

Spellings: Your child will receive ten spellings to learn and they will be tested on these the following week.

Items to bring to school:

  • Water bottle named.
  • School bag.
  • PE kit, named, please ensure outdoor PE shoes and sweat tops for colder weather. No earrings to be worn and hair to be tied up. PE kits should stay in school and go home at the end of term. PE will be every Friday afternoon.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mr Holmes