WCS Junior Band
- To provide a safe environment in which students can learn about music through performance.
- To help develop creativity, self-discipline, character and control.
- To help students relate music to the world around them.
- To help develop measurable improvement in sight reading.
- To help students develop the desire to search for knowledge and to appreciate music after their formal education has been completed.
- To give fundamental understandings and develop advanced skills to those desirous of pursuing a musical career.
- Be seated with all materials (instrument, folder, music, pencil etc.) within 3 minutes after the bell rings.
- If you have a cell phone put it in a pocket of the Charging Station
- Read the whiteboard each class for that day’s objectives – put your music in the order found here.
- Follow directions the FIRST time they are given
- Raise your hand and wait to be recognized before speaking.
- Ask permission to leave your seat.
- Leave food, gum and drink elsewhere. Water is allowed in spill proof container. Water is a privilege!
- Homework: Music preparation is an ongoing homework assignment that is assessed each time a player or section is asked to perform.
- Students will have ample opportunities to share their musical tastes and suggest musical selections for possible programming. Responsibility to the musical craft, the student, and the audience requires that the choir perform various forms and styles of music. A selection that speaks volumes to one person may have little or no meaning to another.That is the nature of the art. Broadening our own musical horizons can sometimes be an uncomfortable experience.
- We must agree at this time that not every band member will “like” each and every song we prepare.
Junior Band meets everyWednesday and alternating Fridays
Due to the fact that band is a type of course that requires continuous participation throughout each class period, the WCS Instrumental Ensemble grading policy is a variation of the WCS policy found in the WCS Student Handbook. Please see below for clarification of the WCS Music Department policies and specifications.
90% (1st and 3rd Quarter)70% (2nd and 4th Quarter)
Classroom/Lesson Performance
All students will be graded on attainment of the outcomes listed below. Throughout the course of daily instruction, students will be required to demonstrate and/or actively engage in:
Appropriate posture when playing instrument
Appropriate breathing techniques
Appropriate listening skills when following directions from instructor
Appropriate tone on instrument (refer to the Performance Rubric)
Proper music reading skills
Appropriate support and understanding when working with peers and in small groups
Appropriate musicality skills (refer to Performance Rubric), i.e. - dynamics, accents, stylistic considerations
Quarterly assignments and submissions using the web based SmartMusic program on our practice room computersmay be assigned this year
Students must always have their instrument and music for class.
Violation of classroom rules will result in demerits. Each demerit assigned will lower the student's grade by five percent.
20%Performances/ Attendance (2nd and 4th Quarter)
Instrumental music students are required to perform in a number of evening, performances to meet course objectives and outcomes. In addition, students will be graded on their ability to perform selected materials taken from music played or assigned in class/lessons. At all public performances and/or adjudications, students will be required to adhere to the guidelines for concert attire.
There are few reasons that can be considered valid for missing a required performance. A student's grade will be reduced significantly for not actively engaging in a mandatory event without proper notification. The instructor reserves all authority to grant or refuse an excuse for absence.
Absence due to family emergency or death in the family will be excused. The student should bring a note signed by a parent or guardian explaining the emergency. This note is required as soon as possible after the absence. Remember that instrumental music is a curricular performance course and a performance is comparable to an exam: performances demonstrate how well the student has mastered the goals of the course. In addition, since our performances are group efforts, it is not possible to “make up” the concert as an individual. Students will be given the opportunity to receive a passinggrade by signing a contract and writing a specifically designed report chosen by the music teacher
If questions arise about possible conflicts, please consult with the teacher and provide documentation as soon as such conflicts arise.
10% (all quarters)Sight Reading/ playing exams/ Quizzes
SmartMusic assignments may be assigned – students would complete these in the practice rooms during their studyhalls or after school.
Music is rehearsed on a daily basis. Students are responsible for adequately preparing all materials assigned in class. It is strongly encouraged that students practice at home and use the web based SmartMusic subscription.
If a student is absent from class they are to complete a Make-Up Assignment within one week of the absence. These assignments are located on the Bulletin Board in the Music Room as well as on Mrs. Brown’s webpage linked to the WCS School Webpage. If the student chooses to not hand in a Make-Up assignment they will receive a zero for that day and it will be averaged in as one-third of that weekly grade.
Black Bottoms and White Tops
Always assume that concert attire is required for each performance. Please let Mrs. Brown know at least two weeks before a performance if you need help with acquiring attire.
Attire for Junior Band consists of the following:
Males: black pants; white button-up shirt; tie; dress shoes
Females: black pants or skirt; white blouse; dress shoes. No spaghetti straps.
Any quality ensemble is developed only through many hours of hard work in the rehearsal room. An atmosphere of order and discipline and a sense of purpose are of primary importance for rehearsal efficiency. Group discipline is engendered by student respect for the group, the director, the band officers and the job to be done. An attitude of serious musical interest is also necessary. A group which displays the above qualities is on the way to becoming a fine musical organization. It is no accident that a professional sounding ensemble also has a professional approach to rehearsals.
Adhering to the following routines will help the ensemble to function more efficiently in rehearsal. It is hoped that all members will assume their responsibilities in the following areas:
- Unpacking the instrument - Students should obtain their instruments and take their assigned seats as quickly as possible.Please leave large cases in the hallway along the wall.
If it’s not yours – please don’t touch it!
2. Whiteboard - Important announcements as well as the objectives and daily rehearsal schedule are posted on the whiteboard. Students should note these items as they enter the band room.
3. Warm-Up and Tune-Up - This period is extremely important. Students will be instructed on the procedures and methods of warm-up and tune-up. Be prepared to give your undivided attention during this period. This "ritual" is part of every rehearsal. The purposes of the warm-up period are to perfect details of:
A. Intonation
B. Tone Quality
C. Balance
4. The Rehearsal - All playing should begin from silence. Any undercurrent of sound such as talking, moving about, etc. is an unnecessary distraction and results in confusion. It is impossible to be highly critical of our playing when there is noise present at rehearsal. Maintaining silence during the rehearsal is a discipline which can be developed only with a great deal of effort. "Check" yourself especially during long rests or during long periods when the instruction may be pertinent to another individual or section. These are times when background noise becomes a source of distraction. Obtaining a new reed, valve oil, mute, etc. are not valid reasons for leaving your seat.
5. Attendance - Rehearsal begins three to five minutes after the second bell. Each member should be seated and ready to play at this time. Those not ready at this time will be considered tardy. Attendance is taken every day. Students who are temporarily unable to play are to sit with the ensemble during the rehearsal. Much value can be derived from rehearsal even though you may not be able to participate actively. Any student who is temporarily unable to play for whatever reason must bring a note from home. The note should state the reason for not playing and the length of time. All notes should be given to the director at the beginning of the period.
- Studying during rehearsal – Studying for other classes is not contributing positively during a rehearsal. All books must be left along the wall in the hall outside the classroom.
- Cell phones may only be used during class when permission is given. Any unauthorized use will result in having your cell phone taken away for the remainder of the day. A second offense will result in having your cell phone taken away and turned into Mrs. Emery.
Holiday / Spring Concerts /Memorial Day Parade and After School Rehearsals – please see attached WCS Music Calendar for exact dates.
Students also have the opportunity to participate in Solo Festival and to apply for All-County and Area All-State Band.
1. Violations of any classroom rule are treated as follows: 1st violation - a warning; 2nd violation – a lunch detention; 3rd violation – an after school detention plus a parental contact; 4th violation - after school detention, parental contact, and sent to Principal.
2. Although parental contact is part of the third violation, the director may contact parents whenever she feels it is appropriate.
3. Students who frequently violate the rule may have the warning level eliminated. A parent conference may also be requested.
Automatic Withdrawal
All students must attend at least 85% of all class sessions in order to receive credit for the course. Generally, a half year course will meet 60 times and a full year will meet 120 times; therefore, a student may not be absent more than 9 sessions from a half year course, nor 18 sessions from a full year course. Special courses that meet on a different schedule will be figured on a percentage basis.
All absences, excused and unexcused, will count in the total sessions missed as per rulings from the NYS Commissioner of Education. The Superintendent may review special circumstances, but generally “ an absence is an absence.”
Parent involvement is an important factor in working with a student, and the steps below will help to involve parents.
1.After the 3rd absence from a half-year course, or the 6th absence from a full year course, the teacher will notify the parent by phone, and will notify the guidance counselor and the Superintendent. If unable to reach the parent by phone, a letter will be sent by the teacher.
2.After the 6th absence from a half-year course and the 12th absence from a full-year course, the teacher will give the Superintendent a notice of absence, which will be sent to the parent, requesting a conference with the student, parent, teacher, guidance counselor and Superintendent.
3. After the 9th absence from a half-year course or the 18th absence from a full year course, the student will be dropped from the course. The Superintendent will notify the parent by phone and a letter. The parent will have three days to meet with the Superintendent to appeal the decision.
WCS Academic Integrity Policy
Definition of cheating:
- Submitting the results of another person’s work as your own. Including, but not limited to: plagiarism from web, book, friend etc.
- Allowing your work to be used and/or submitted by another
Lab Reports: Partners may share data only, not calculations or write-ups.
Procedures to follow:
- Take Homework/Lab papers from students
- Fill Out a Discipline Referral Form (in triplicate)
- Principal – with papers stapled to this copy
- Academic Teacher
- Parent
3. The Discipline form is mailed home to parent and the principal calls the parent.
Tests: Automatic Zero
All other assignments/assessments: The first incident in a school year (not per class – per year) will result in the opportunity to redo the paper or take a zero. Any other incidents in that school year will result in an automatic zero.
Contract of Agreement
Junior Band
I have read and agree to abide by the rules stated in this handout. I have read the WCS Music calendar and understand that attendance is required. I accept the consequences stated in this handout if I choose not to abide by Junior Band guidelines.
Student printed name: ______Date: ______
Student signature: ______
I have read and agree to support the rules stated in this handout. I have read the WCS Music calendar and understand that attendance is required. I support the teacher’s efforts to put into effect the handout and support the consequences stated in the Junior Band guidelines.
Parent / Guardian printed name: ______Date: ______
Parent / Guardian signature: ______
We ask that you please provide your email address below so that we may provide the best communication possible for our students.
Parent/Guardian EMAIL address:______
Do you have internet access at home? ______Yes ______No
My child and I have had a discussion about participating in Jr Band this year. We have come to the decision that ______will not be participating in this class this year.
Parent/Guardian Signature______Date:______