Supplementary Assessment Data for 1a.2

Criterion / Instrument / Item / Competency / n = / Mean / SD
Content Knowledge / C&W NMPED Assessments / NMPED Teacher Competency #1 / 437 / 3.6 / 0.8
FB3 Report Card / #10- CORE courses / 54 / 3.58 / 0.51

The SOE faculty use multiple assessments. In addition to the three New Mexico Teacher Assessment [NMTA] test data, the SOE faculty designated specific courses in each department with specific assignments to assess the New Mexico Public Education Department [NMPED] Competencies. The designated assessments are for programmatic assessment and are not necessarily graded. The SOE uses a four-point rubric for all programmatic assessments. However, any instructor may use the data to assign a grade.

The rubrics specify criteria that are linked to NMPED Competencies. Faculty assess uploaded candidate assignments on Chalk & Wire [C&W], an electronic assessment system. Since the inception of C&W in Fall 2009, 21 instructor-created rubrics (of the 30 total created) are used. Of the nine other rubrics, two are used for gateway assessments, one is a faculty portfolio rubric and six are unused. The 21 used rubrics contain 156 assessment criteria each linked to NMPED Competencies. There are 2912 total data points.

Of the 21 instructor-created rubrics used, 16 are undergraduate rubrics. The 16 undergraduate rubrics contain 126 assessment criteria each linked to NMPED Competencies. Of the 2912 total data points, 2438 (83.7%) are undergraduate data points. C&W is used more with undergraduates because it is required for SOE admission. C&W is not yet required for graduate program admission.

Supplementary Assessment Data for 1b.1

The pedagogical content knowledge and skills requirement is not focused in a single NMPED Teacher CompetencyThese competencies most represent the pedagogical competencies of NMHU SOE candidates:

  • NMPED Teacher Competency #2 is “The teacher appropriately utilizes a variety of teaching methods and resources for each area taught.”
  • NMPED Teacher Competency #4 is “The teacher comprehends the principles of student growth, development and learning, and applies them appropriately.
  • NMPED Teacher Competency #5 is “The teacher effectively utilizes student assessment techniques and procedures.”
  • NMPED Teacher Competency #6 is “The teacher manages the educational setting in a manner that promotes positive student behavior and a safe and healthy environment.”

A correlation analysis of selected rubric-scored assignments, linked to PED competencies, indicates that there is a strong, high correlation (r = 0.775) between competencies #2 and #5, and the same strong, high correlation (r =0.775) between competencies #4 and #6. The lowest correlation (r = 0.609) is a moderate correlation. The correlations help support the front-end conclusion that these “pedagogy” standards are interrelated.

C&W rubrics specify criteria that are linked to NMPED Competencies. The assessors use a four-point Likert-type scale adopted universally by the SOE faculty (Exemplary, Proficient, Developing, Emerging/Not present), with point values from 4 to 1 assigned to the criteria. Of the 21 instructor-created rubrics used, 16 are undergraduate rubrics. The 16 undergraduate rubrics contain 126 assessment criteria each linked to NMPED Competencies. Of the 2912 total data points, 2438 (83.7%) are undergraduate data points.

NMPED Pedagogical Teacher Competencies- The four identified teacher competencies are reported as a grand sum. According to C&W aggregate data, there are 896 assessments of this competency. These 896 pedagogy assessments comprise 36.8% of all C&W undergraduate data points. The mean score is 3.5. The performance levels show 62% are rated as “Exemplary” and 26% are assessed as “Proficient.” Eighty-eight percent (88%) of the candidates achieve the two highest levels of performance. Disaggregated data by department indicate that Special Education candidates achieve a mean score of 3.0 on this standard. Teacher Education candidates achieve a mean score of 3.7.

Supplementary Assessment Data for 1c.1

Criteria / Instrument / Item / Competency / n = / Mean / SD
Professional / C&W NMPED Assessments / NMPED Teacher Competency #3 / 564 / 3.3 / 0.8
C&W NMPED Assessments / NMPED Teacher Competency #6 / 222 / 3.8 / 0.5
C&W NMPED Assessments / NMPED Teacher Competency #9 / 106 / 3.7 / 0.7
Pedagogy / C&W NMPED Assessments / NMPED Teacher Competency #7 / 171 / 3.5 / 0.9
C&W NMPED Assessments / NMPED Teacher Competency #8 / 269 / 3.3 / 0.8

The professional and pedagogical knowledge and skills requirement is not embedded in a single NMPED Teacher Competency. NMPED Teacher Competency #3 and #6 to #9 flag the SOE candidates’ professional development.

C&W rubrics specify criteria that are linked to NMPED Competencies. Of the 21 instructor-created rubrics used, 16 are undergraduate rubrics. The 16 undergraduate rubrics contain 126 assessment criteria each linked to NMPED Competencies. Of the 2912 total data points, 2438 (83.7%) are undergraduate data points.

These 1332 pedagogy assessments comprise 54.6% of all C&W undergraduate data points.

Supplementary Assessment Data for 1c.2

See 1c.2 Additional Explanation

Criteria / Instrument / Item / Competency / n = / Mean / SD
School, Family & Community / C&W NMPED Assessments / NMPED Teacher Competency #9 / 106 / 3.7 / 0.7
Prior Experiences / C&W NMPED Assessments / NMPED Teacher Competency #7 / 171 / 3.5 / 0.9
Self-Reflection / C&W NMPED Assessments / NMPED Teacher Competency #8 / 269 / 3.3 / 0.8
Research / C&W NMPED Assessments / NMPED Teacher Competency #8 / 269 / 3.3 / 0.8

There are two NMPED Teacher Competencies that address extra-scholastic environments. The first is #9 is-“The teacher works productively with colleagues, parents and community members.” The assessors use a four-point Likert –type scale adopted universally by the SOE faculty (Exemplary, Proficient, Developing, Emerging/Not present), with point values from 4 to 1 assigned to the criteria. According to C&W aggregate data, there are 106 assessments of this competency. The mean score is 3.7 (of 4.0). The standard deviation is 0.7. The disaggregated data indicate that 85% are rated as “Exemplary” and 6% are assessed as “Proficient.”These data indicate that 91% of the assessments achieved the two highest levels of performance. Disaggregated data by department indicate that Special Education candidates achieved a mean score of 3.2 (of 4.0) on this standard. Teacher Education candidates achieved a mean score of 3.6 (of 4.0).

The second is NMPED Teacher Competency #7-“The teacher recognizes student diversity and creates an atmosphere conducive to the promotion of positive student involvement and self-concept.”The assessors use a four-point Likert –type scale adopted universally by the SOE faculty (Exemplary, Proficient, Developing, Emerging/Not present), with point values from 4 to 1 assigned to the criteria. According to C&W aggregate data, there are 171 assessments of this competency. The mean score is 3.5 (of 4.0). The standard deviation is 0.9. The disaggregated data indicate that 67% are rated as “Exemplary” and 20% are assessed as “Proficient.”These data indicate that 87% of the assessments achieved the two highest levels of performance. Disaggregated data by department indicate that Special Education candidates achieved a mean score of 3.0 (of 4.0) on this standard. Teacher Education candidates achieved a mean score of 3.7 (of 4.0).

The self-reflection NMPED Teacher Competency is #8-“The teacher demonstrates a willingness to examine and implement change, as appropriate.”The assessors use a four-point Likert –type scale adopted universally by the SOE faculty (Exemplary, Proficient, Developing, Emerging/Not present), with point values from 4 to 1 assigned to the criteria. According to C&W aggregate data, there are 269 assessments of this competency. The mean score is 3.3 (of 4.0). The standard deviation is 0.8. The disaggregated data indicate that 54% are rated as “Exemplary” and 29% are assessed as “Proficient.”These data indicate that 83% of the assessments achieved the two highest levels of performance. Disaggregated data by department indicate that Special Education candidates achieved a mean score of 2.1 (of 4.0) on this standard. Teacher Education candidates achieved a mean score of 3.7 (of 4.0).

Item #8 in the Instructional Dispositions Inventory is- “Reflects on one’s learning.” The professors of record use a four-point Likert-type scale, with point values from 4 to 1 assigned to the criteria. During 2010-11, there are 153 assessments of this disposition. The mean score is 3.78 (of 4.0). The standard deviation is 0.51. Disaggregated data by department indicate that Special Education candidates achieved a mean score of 3.87(of 4.0) on this disposition. Elementary candidates achieved a mean score of 3.86 (of 4.0). Secondary candidates achieved a mean score of 3.71 (of 4.0). ECME candidates achieved a mean score of 3.58 (of 4.0). Disaggregated data by site indicate that Las Vegas candidates achieved a mean score of 3.63 (or 4.0) and Rio Rancho candidates achieved a mean score of 3.93 (or 4.0). The cell sizes are too small to report for other centers.

Supplementary Assessment Data for 1d.1

Criteria / Instrument / Item / Competency / n = / Mean/% / SD
Adjust / C&W NMPED Assessments / NMPED Teacher Competency #8 / 269 / 3.3 / 0.8
Learning experiences

Supplementary Assessment Data for 1e.2

Criterion / Instrument / Item / Competency / n = / Mean / % / SD
Content Knowledge / C&W NMPED Assessments / NMPED Counselor Competency A / 25 / 2.9 / 0.8
C&W NMPED Assessments / NMPED Counselor Competency F / 67 / 3.0 / 0.6
C&W NMPED Assessments / NMPED Counselor Competency H / 21 / 3.1 / 0.7
NMTA School Counselor / Subarea #3- School Counseling and Professional Knowledge / 5 / 100% Passing (240+ score)
NMTA Educational Administrator / Subarea #1- Foundations of Educational Leadership / 17 / 100% Passing (240+ score)

Supplementary Assessment Data for 1f.1

Criteria / Instrument / Item / Competency / n = / Mean / % / SD
Environment / Climate / NMTA Educational Administrator / Subarea #2- Promoting Continuous School Improvement / 17 / 100% Passing (240+ score)
NMTA School Counselor / Subarea #2- Counseling / 5 / 80% Passing (240+ score)
Development / NMTA School Counselor / Subarea #1- Human Development and Learning / 5 / 80% Passing (240+ score)
Diversity / C&W NMPED Assessments / NMPED Administrative Competency D / 16 / 4.0 / 0.0
C&W NMPED Assessments / NMPED School Counselor Competency G / 12 / 2.4 / 0.8
Policy / NMTA School Counselor / Subarea #3- School Counseling and Professional Knowledge / 5 / 100% Passing (240+ score)
NMTA Educational Administrator / Subarea #4- Managing School Organizations, Operations & Resources / 17 / 76% Passing (240+ score)

Disaggregated Assessment Data for 1g.2

Programs / n = / SOE sites / n= / Gender / n =
ELEM / 64 / Las Vegas / 53 / Male / 39
SEC / 14 / Rio Rancho / 86 / Female / 114
SPED / 39 / Raton / 1
ECME / 36 / Farmington / 4
Santa Fe / 4
Other / 4

For the 153 assessed candidates via a hardcopy Pre-service Instructional Disposition Inventory, the SOE mean was 3.89 with a standard deviation of 0.37. There were 37 assessed candidates via Chalk & Wire during 2010-2011 with an electronic version of the Pre-service Instructional Disposition Inventory. This subgroup had a mean of 4.00 with this criterion. Comparatively,during 2009-2010, 166 candidatesattained a mean score of 3.64 (SD 0.38) with this criterion.

These are the disaggregated mean results of the hardcopy Pre-service Instructional Disposition Inventory for 2010-2011 (n=153):

Mean Disaggregated Assessment Data for 1g.2

Programs / Mean/SD / SOE sites / Mean/SD / Gender / Mean/SD
ELEM / 3.89 / 0.32 / Las Vegas / 3.75 / 0.44 / Male / 3.74 / 0.59
SEC / 3.71 / 0.47 / Rio Rancho / 3.95 / 0.34 / Female / 3.94 / 0.24
SPED / 3.87 / 0.52 / Raton / Too small
ECME / 3.97 / 0.17 / Farmington / Too small
Santa Fe / Too small
Other / Too small

The least rated mean scores are the disaggregated cells “Secondary Education” (3.71) and “Males” (3.74). However, these lowest mean scores are very respectable. Therefore, data suggest that SOE candidates “Demonstrates classroom behaviors that are consistent with the ideal of fairness and the belief that all students can learn.”

Supplementary Assessment Data for 1g.3

Criteria / Instrument / Item / Competency / n = / Mean / SD
Families / C&W NMPED Assessments / NMPED Teacher Competency #9 / 106 / 3.7 / 0.7
Colleagues / C&W NMPED Assessments / NMPED Teacher Competency #9 / 106 / 3.7 / 0.7
Communities / C&W NMPED Assessments / NMPED Teacher Competency #9 / 106 / 3.7 / 0.7
C&W NMPED Assessments / NMPED Administrative Competency E / 8 / 3.9 / 0.3
C&W NMPED Assessments / NMPED Counselor Competency D / 4 / 2.3 / 1.1

Supplementary Assessment Data for 4a.3

Criterion / Instrument / Item / Competency / n = / Mean / SD
Diversity / C&W NMPED Assessments / NMPED Teacher Competency #7 / 171 / 3.5 / 0.9
C&W NMPED Assessments / NMPED Administrative Competency D / 16 / 4.0 / 0.0
C&W NMPED Assessments / NMPED School Counselor Competency G / 12 / 2.4 / 0.8

Key assessments,which provide evidence about candidates’ proficiencies related to diversity, include the New Mexico Teacher Assessments [NMTA], Pre-service Instructional and Field Experience Disposition Inventories, the Student Teacher Observation Form, and assessed lesson plans. Bilingual education minors or endorsement candidates test with La Prueba.The English as a Second Language [ESL] Content Exam assesses candidates seeking an ESL or TESOL endorsement.

NMPED Teacher Competency #7 is “The teacher recognizes student diversity and creates an atmosphere conducive to the promotion of positive student involvement and self-concept.” The assessors use a four-point Likert-type scale (4=Exemplary, 3=Proficient, 2=Developing, 1=Emerging/Not present), adopted universally by SOE faculty. According to C&W aggregate data, there are 171 assessments of this competency. These are not discrete data points, in that, candidates may be assessed multiple times with different rubrics. The mean score is 3.5. The standard deviation is 0.9. The disaggregated data indicate that 67% are rated as “Exemplary” and 20% are assessed as “Proficient.” These data indicate that 87% of the assessments achieved the two highest levels of performance. Disaggregated data by department indicate that Special Education candidates achieved a mean score of 3.0 on this standard. Teacher Education candidates achieved a mean score of 3.7.

NMPED Administrative Competency D is “Multicultural leadership - The multicultural leader promotes the success of all students by addressing the needs of multicultural, multilingual diverse populations.” According to C&W aggregate data, there are 16 assessments of this competency.These are not discrete data points in that candidates may be assessed multiple times with different rubrics. The mean score is 4.0. The standard deviation is 0.0. The disaggregated data indicate that 100% are rated as “Exemplary”. These data indicate that 100% of the assessments achieved the highest level of performance.

NMPED School Counselor Competency G is “The counselor will understand the cultural context of relationships, issues and trends in a multicultural and diverse society.” According to C&W aggregate data, there are 12 assessments of this competency.These are not discrete data points, in that, candidates may be assessed multiple times with different rubrics.The assessors use a four-point Likert-type scale adopted universally by the SOE faculty (Exemplary, Proficient, Developing, Emerging/Not present), with point values from 4 to 1 assigned to the criteria. The mean score is 2.4. The standard deviation is 0.8. The disaggregated data indicate that 0% are rated as “Exemplary” and 58% are assessed as “Proficient.” These data indicate that 58% of the assessments achieved the two highest levels of performance.

Supplementary Assessment Data for 3a.3. - FB3 School Rating

Criteria / Instrument / Item / Competency / n = / Mean / SD
Cooperating School / FB3 Report Card / #3- Cooperating School / 54 / 3.89 / 0.42
Cooperating School- Rio Rancho / FB3 Report Card / #3- Cooperating School / 34 / 3.88 / 0.41
Cooperating School- Las Vegas / FB3 Report Card / #3- Cooperating School / 18 / 3.89 / 0.47
Cooperating School- ECME / FB3 Report Card / #3- Cooperating School / 6 / 4.00 / 0.00
Cooperating School- ELEM / FB3 Report Card / #3- Cooperating School / 32 / 3.88 / 0.42
Cooperating School- ELEM / SPED / FB3 Report Card / #3- Cooperating School / 5 / 3.60 / 0.89
Cooperating School- SEC / FB3 Report Card / #3- Cooperating School / 4 / 4.00 / 0.00
Cooperating School- SPED / FB3 Report Card / #3- Cooperating School / 7 / 4.00 / 0.00

Supplementary Assessment Data for 3b.5. – CT Ratings

Criteria / Instrument / Item / Competency / n = / Mean / SD
Cooperating Teacher / FB3 Report Card / #3- Cooperating Teacher / 54 / 3.89 / 0.38
Cooperating Teacher- Rio Rancho / FB3 Report Card / #3- Cooperating Teacher / 34 / 3.91 / 0.29
Cooperating Teacher- Las Vegas / FB3 Report Card / #3- Cooperating Teacher / 18 / 3.83 / 0.51
Cooperating Teacher- ECME / FB3 Report Card / #3- Cooperating Teacher / 6 / 3.83 / 0.41
Cooperating Teacher- ELEM / FB3 Report Card / #3- Cooperating Teacher / 32 / 3.84 / 0.45
Cooperating Teacher- ELEM / SPED / FB3 Report Card / #3- Cooperating Teacher / 5 / 4.00 / 0.00
Cooperating Teacher- SEC / FB3 Report Card / #3- Cooperating Teacher / 4 / 4.00 / 0.00
Cooperating Teacher- SPED / FB3 Report Card / #3- Cooperating Teacher / 7 / 4.00 / 0.00

Supplementary Assessment Data for 6c.3. – Advising Data

Criteria / Instrument / Item / Competency / n = / Mean / SD
Advising- SOE total / FB3 Report Card / #6- SOE advisement / 54 / 2.47 / 1.26
Advising- Rio Rancho / FB3 Report Card / #6- SOE advisement / 34 / 2.44 / 1.35
Advising- Las Vegas / FB3 Report Card / #6- SOE advisement / 1 / 2.56 / 1.15
Advising- ECME / FB3 Report Card / #6- SOE advisement / 6 / 2.83 / 1.60
Advising- ELEM / FB3 Report Card / #6- SOE advisement / 32 / 2.26 / 1.24
Advising- ELEM / SPED / FB3 Report Card / #6- SOE advisement / 5 / 3.20 / 0.84
Advising- SEC / FB3 Report Card / #6- SOE advisement / 4 / 2.00 / 1.63
Advising- SPED / FB3 Report Card / #6- SOE advisement / 7 / 2.86 / 1.07