Téma č. 13 The young and their world
1. Task – Decribe the pictures...In the picture I see...or In the picture there is, there are
2. Task – Say something about young people and their problems
People from the age of 13 to the age of 19 are called „ teenagers „. These teenagers during puberty undergo mental development / podstupujú mentálny vývoj / and physical changes. Their emotional life is more intensive than before. The young people differ from other in clothing and hairstyle.
The most important/ doležité / values of young people are frienship, love, fashion, hobbies, look, experiences. They search for an ideal, for unique identity and security. They have a similar interests, such as music, dance, film or fashion trends.
This age is also called as a age of revolt. The young people are very critical to their parents and also to the society. They think that the parents are overprotective or very strict. Young people often have different ideas about their future, job. These different life expectation leads to conflicts between the generations called generation gap. Young people often mean that their parents and older people dont understand their opinions, are not modern, not „in „.Most teenagers would like to start their independent lives but they still financially dependet on their parents. The older people think that young people are mostly root, careless, laizy and crazy.
Some young people have also many problems. The most often are – taking drugs, drinking alcohol, taking part in groups which are known for their racial and violent acts,/ účastníctvo v skupinách , ktoré sú známe rasistickými a násilnými činmi / vandalism or gambling. I think the main reasons why young people do these bad things are
1. family – not complete family or bad family situation
2. aim to find new experiences and have fun
3. bad friends and surrounding /okolie /
4. solving their own problems
5. lack of attention from parents and schools
3. question for daily students. What you are doing in your free time a what yoy think what is typical of people of your age?
4. How is the relationship / vzťah / young and old people? / see the text or think of your own opinions /
Téma č. 15 Hobbies, Leisure time and lifestyle
1. Task – Describe the pictures... In the picture A I see or In the picture B there is...are
Leisure time is free time. People have their leisure time after work, students after school. It is the time for fun, relax, for different entertainmnets / spoločenské udalosti, predstavenia/ doing hobbies. Some people spend great deal of free time at home watching TV, listening to music or chating through the Internet. These who enjoy company, often go out to disco, pub, concert or do collective sports. Many people join different clubs where they practise their hobbies. The most popular are football, tennis, ice hockey, dance or horse riding clubs. Of course the hobby depends on person, on age, facilities/ športových možností / and individual abilities. / schopností/ For example typical teenage sports are roller – skating / kolieskové korčule/ or skateboarding.
Art lovers play different instruments, sing in choir, take photography, paint picture, play music in amateur groups or write poems. / básne / Many people keep a pet. / domáceho miláčika / Older people like doing practical jobs such as gardening, fishing, knitting, / pletenie / picking up the mushrooms / zbieranie húb /, solving crosswords. / lúštenie krížoviek /
At the present more and more people of all ages spend their leisure time doing exercises to keep fit. Hiking, rowing, cycling, playing golf and tennis are enjoyed by people all over the world. Many people also travel abroad to practise special sports, such as diving, yachting...
2. Task – What kind of sport do you know?
Reading, playing piano, aerobics, gymnastic, ski, ice hockey, football, voleyball, hiking,/ turistika / runnig, dance....use the sports from text
3. What do you do in your free time, what is your favourite sport, hobby and why? Answer everybody use his own opinion.
4. What is the different between active a passive free time?
Active we do some activity for example running, passive – sitting at home and watching DVD
- What is outdoor and indoor sport? Outdoor we play outside or in nature, indoor required sport facilities, swimming required / vyžaduje / swimming pool...
Téma č. Multicultural society /multikultúrna spoločnosť /
1. Task – decribe the pictures.. In the picture A I see or In the picture B there is, there are...
2. Tell something about multicultural society in general / vo všeobecnosti / and in Slovakia
Multicultural society is a country where different cultural groups live together. Very good exaple are United States / Spojené štáty / where live many immigrants from whole world or Great Britain. Immigrants bring there their own customs, cultures, habits, religion and traditions. Cultural differences should be respected and tolerated. This is the official policy / oficiálna politika / in Canada, Australia and the UK./ united kingdom / Immigrants can have dual citizenship, they can use their minority language and they can keep their culture and religion.
The common problems of immigrants are racism, xenophobia -chorobná nenávisť voči cudzincom,
violence on these people,
Many Slovak people live in abroad because of study or work. A lot of them are married there and created bicultural families. Living in bicultural families required / vyžaduje / a lot of tolerance and understanding from both sides. Practising the traditions and habits/ zvykov / of two cultures is a good benefit for the couple / pár / and their children. For example – learning new language, new expierences …
Slovakia is also multicultural country. The majority / väčšina / of Slovak population are Slovak. There is also several minorities / menšín / , the biggest is Hungry, than Roma, Ruthenian and Ukrainian. The Roma population in Slovakia has main problem to adapt, find work and dont damage
3. What are the public holidays ? What public holiday celebrate in english speaking countries? Aké štátne sviatky oslavujú v anglicky hovoriacich krajinách?
Public holidays in English speaking countries are called „ bank holidays „.On these days all banks, shops and factories / fabriky/ are closed. Bank holidays include Easter and Christmas. In England At Christmas all streets, houses and shops are decorated with coloured lights. People also decorate at home their christmas tree, buy presents and prepare / pripravujú / food for christmas. Usuelly on 24 th december they are at work or do preparation for Christmas day. They go to Midnight mass / polnočná omša / and next day on 25 th december in the mornig open their presents which brings Santa Claus. Then is big luch which consist / pozostáva / from soup and stuffed Turkey with potato salad / plnený moriak zo zemiakovým šalátom / After that they eat christmas pudding and different sweet things. The following day is Boxing day / 26. december / many people visit their friends and other family members.
Easter is typical spring holiday. People celebrate dead of Jesus and his resurection. / vzkriesenie / In the USA children love this feast / sviatok / because Easter Bunny / veľkonočný zajac / bring them chocolate eggs and different sweets.
In USA the Indepence Day / deň nezávislosti / is the most important bank Holiday. It celebrate the indepence of American colonies from Britain every year on the 4 th of July . The oldest american holiday is Thanksgiving / vďakyvzdanie /. It remindes us of the first succesful harvest / úspešnú žatvu / which helped the colony Plymouth to survive / prežiť / the winter.
The most famous irish bank holiday is St. Patricks Day celebrate on the 17th of March. St. Patrick brought Christianity / kresťanstvo / to Ireland. On this day, people dress in green watch the parades / sprievody / in many towns, also in New York drink beer and eat. Also people all over the world celebrate New Years Eve / silvester /and New Year with fireworks / ohňostrojmi / and with good food.
4. Decribe how you and your family celebrate Christmas Opíš ako ty a tvoja rodina oslavuje vianoce. / každý sám /
Téma č. 1. Family
Task 1- Desribe the picture..In the picture I see, or In the picture there is a family.. Opíš obrázok jeden alebo dva
Task 2 – Tell something about family, express your opinion on this topic
Povedz niečo o rodine, vyjadri svoj názor na túto tému
Family is a basic cell / bunka /of the society. Usuelly consists / pozostáva / from parents and their children. Good family should / mala by / provide / poskytovať / protection, / ochranu /, education, help and security / bezpečnosť / to all its members. / príslušníkov /
All family members have some duties / povinnosti / and responsibilities. / zodpovedností / Parents should be good example for their children, should teach them how to behave / správať / in different situations, should help them with their problems and care about / starať / them. Children should obey / poslúchať / their parents, help them with the housework and later care about them. Main / hlavný / children duties are learning and going to school.
Nowdays is popular that young people get married later or live together without marriage. / sobáša/
The wedding / svadba / is formal act and it takes place / koná sa / in church or in town hall. Some children are brought up / vychovávané / with a single parent / jedným rodičom / and some have step – mum or step – father. / nevlastnú matku, otca /. Strong relationships are created between siblings, cousins, grandparents, aunts, relatives../ príbuznými /.
In Slovakia many families meet together at weekend or for special days, such as wedding, birthdays, feasts or funerals. / pohreby /.
Many families are getting divorced. The main causes / hlavné príčiny /are often alcohol, unemployment, problems with trust, different values, drugs, gambling....
Task 3– Decribe your own family – opíš svoju vlastnú rodinu
Téma č. 2 Culture and art
Task 1 Describe the pictures... Beginn with In the picture I see or In the picture there is, there are – Opíš obrázok, začni jednou z fráz...
Task 2 Express your opinion on this topic- vyjadri názor na túto tému
Culture and art are very important for people because represent aesthetic values. Through culture and art artists show their own ideas, feelings and view on the reality. / pohľad / Cultural events are also an interesting way how to spend free time for example : concerts, theatre, visiting different expositions / výstav /, museums, galleries.
Cities offer many cultural attractions to citizens / občanov / and tourists. People who like classical music can enjoy / vychutnávať / music concert in concert halls. The most important composers have become Beethoven, Bach, Mozart..Fans / fanúšikovia / of different music styles – pop, rock, jazz, blues or country can enjoy music at the festivals or listen to their CD at home. In towns, people have possibility to go to the theatre to see various performances. / vystúpenia / or to cinema. / kino/
Cultural events in villages and rural areas are not very frequent. In slovak villages are so – called houses of culture where are weddings and different cultural activities. Slovak villages are famous for promoting folklore traditions. There are folklor music, dances and songs organised in Východná, Myjava, Terchová.
Young people prefer / preferujú / modern music and modern dance.
Task 3 What cultural possibilities are in your area and where you usuelly go? What are your favourite actors ? Aké kultúrne možnosti sú v mieste, kde bývaš a v okolí? Ktorých podujatí za zúčastňuješ ? Ktorí herci sú tvoji najobľúbenejší ?