Together we learn

Hart Hill Nursery School and Children’s Centre

Staff and Student Code of Conduct 2016 - 2017

It is everyone’s responsibility to safeguard children. If you have any concern about a child, no matter how small, you should report your concern to the child protection officer.

The Safeguarding and child protection officer is: The Headteacher Tricia Penfold. In her absence the safeguarding person is Katey Wing, Lianne Young or Toni Toombs

The Single Point of Contact is: Tricia Penfold

The link Governor for Safeguarding is: Joy Cheang

Part 1: from Luton Borough Council

Compliance with the Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct forms part of an employee’s contract. Failure to comply with the Code of Conduct and with the associated policies may result in disciplinary action being taken and we reserve the right to take legal action against employees and students where a breach of the Code warrants such action.

·  Staff should remember that the welfare of the child should always come first.

·  Staff should model good conduct that others can follow.

·  Staff should not raise their voices in front of children unless they are in danger.

·  Staff should only restrain or lift children for their own safety or the safety of others.

·  Adults & children have a responsibility to treat each other with dignity & respect.

·  Staff should be able to tune into the children’s physical, verbal & gesture/sign language to understand & interpret what is being expressed.

·  Diversity is a tremendous asset at Hart Hill and we are committed to providing equality of opportunity and will not tolerate any illegal discrimination or harassment based on race, colour, religion, sex, national origin or any other class. We encourage all staff to challenge any behaviour (staff, parent, child) that goes against this ethos.

·  Ensure that your behaviour at work or outside does not cause embarrassment to Hart Hill or reflect negatively on us in a way that would bring its reputation into disrepute or cause a loss of public confidence. This includes through the use of social networking sites.

·  Staff must adhere to the Health and Safety Policy, Safeguarding and Child Protection policy, First aid policy and Administering Medicines Policy, non-compliance will be viewed as Gross Misconduct.

·  Staff should be clear about the purpose of any activity which involves photography or video of children. Staff must not take, display or distribute images of children unless they have consent to do so.

·  Staff must report any behavior by colleagues that raises concerns, by following the setting’s Whistle Blowing Policy. All allegations should be reported to the LADO (548069) at LBC. Staff must take responsibility for recording and reporting any incident which may result in being misinterpreted and/or an allegation being made.

·  Staff should always note accurately and confidentially any cause for concern.

·  Staff should provide an environment that enables all children to reach their full potential whatever their additional needs might be.

·  Honesty and trustworthiness are expected in all areas of work including oral and written communication and general work relationships with others including, where required, honesty in reporting work arrival times and departure times and other attendance issues.

·  Total trust is expected with respect to the privacy of information, papers, documents, belongings etc.

·  Staff are expected to respect expectations of confidentiality of information received.

Any intentional falsification, lying or untrue oral, written or other communication, using any means of communication, will be considered dishonest behavior and subject to disciplinary procedures

·  As an employee you cannot drink alcohol or misuse substances during your working hours including during breaks under any circumstances.

·  If you are at work under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs then that will be regarded as a serious disciplinary matter. If you are prescribed drugs which may affect your ability to perform your job you should seek advice from your line manager.

·  You must tell your line manager as soon as practicable if you are arrested, receive a summons or are the subject of a police investigation.

·  You must inform the manager of any incident which leads to you or a person you are closely associated with or living with receiving a police caution or charge (if you are uncertain as to whether to report a caution or charge relating to someone else you must speak to your line manager)

Part 2: School Agreement:

·  Wear clothes and shoes suitable for your role and responsibility with the children and with the parents - no blue jeans, cropped tops or flip flops, the school cannot be held responsible for injured toes should open toed shoes be worn.

·  Hart Hill Nursery School is a No smoking site and smoking is not allowed anywhere on site.

·  No chewing gum on site.

·  Always answer the phone politely “Hart Hill Nursery School and Children’s Centre, how may I help you?”

·  Speak to the safeguarding designated officer if concerned about the behaviour or conduct of a member of staff.( Whistle Blowing Policy )

·  Be polite and respectful to all adults and children while at work and remember you are an ambassador for the school’s reputation.

·  Read and follow the confidentiality policy make sure you have signed it

·  Refer to children as children, not “kids” or “specials”

·  Make sure you can always be seen when you need to change, or comfort a child ( Intimate Care Policy)

·  Never kiss the children

·  Never carry hot drinks or boiling water around the school when the children are on the premises

·  Mobile phones should be switched to silent and locked away in the lockers provided and never used around the children –request parents to not use mobile phones on the site

·  Use ladders and not chairs for standing on to reach high level equipment or display( Health and Safety Policy)

·  Sign and adhere to the school’s e safety policy and practice, (Acceptable Use Policy , Luton Borough Council e safety policy)

·  Do not post opinion or comments about the school or colleagues on personal social media sites such as facebook or twitter

·  Never use physical force, raise your voice or shout at a child ( Behaviour Policy)

I declare that I have read and understood the Code of Conduct for Hart Hill Employees and the associated policies listed below:

I understand that failing to comply with these policies may result in disciplinary procedures.

Name…………………………………………………… Date…………………….


NB: All policy documents are available in the staff study and Head Teacher’s office. If you have not read the policies listed above it is your responsibility to find them and do so.

Please sign both copies one will be kept on file in school and the other is your own copy for your records.