POMS SCHEDULE *Month of December. Everything on this schedule is mandatory no exceptions!

7thMonday: Practice on your own competition routines. You need to pay attention to detail and form! SELL COOKIE DOUGH. DESIGN A SWEATSHIRT AND TURN IN ON TUESDAY.
8thTuesday: WEAR YOUR UNIFORM/WARM UPS to school. No tights of any kind accepted. You may wear either a white, maroon, or black tank or shirt under the warm if you don’t want to wear your shell. 1” straps on tanks required. Shoes must be either white or black gym shoes.
We will have tryouts for the both routines at the beginning of practice. 10 people for hip hop and 10 for country. Everyone will be trying out. From 3:40-4:20 will be Country routine changes per judges’ requests. 4:25-4:50 will be breaking down and working on hip hop. 4:50-5:15 review/teach school song.
5:15-6:15 is dinner
6:15 Dressed in warm ups for school song and national anthem. We will review until the varsity game starts. After that you will change into hip hop uniform.
6:45 on is the game. HIP HOP routine
9thWednesday: Start learning the kick routine (Kierstin and Kayla will be teaching). Kierstin and Kayla make sure you get together and are 100% prepared with formations and teaching the routine. If you are not we will not be doing this routine. We are not wasting time at practice.

10thThursday: Meet in gym promptly at 3 to review formations. 1st half of practice is country, 2nd half is hip hop. COOKIE DOUGH FORMS ARE DUE WITH MONEY!!

12thSaturday: Meet in front of school at 6 A.M. in your warm ups. Bring all competition uniforms, makeup, hair spray, etc. We will be at Schaumburg High School. Our pom routine will be performed at 9:45 and our hip hop at 2:51. Awards are at 5:10 and the bus will pick us up at 6-6:15 (depending on how long awards last and check out).

15thTuesday: 3:15-4:15 learn kick routine (Kierstin and Kayla). 4:20-5:15 Country and school song. 5:15-6:15 Dinner.
6:15 Dressed in warm ups for school song and national anthem. We will review until the varsity game starts. After that you will change into country uniform.
6:45 on is the game. Country routine.

16thWednesday: 3:30-6:30 Market Day hand outs. We are required to be in the commons from 3:30-6:30 to do market day pick up. We will find out this day how much $$$$ we made!!!

22nd Tuesday over break: 8-12 A.M. Practice in atrium.

29th Tuesday over break: 8-12 A.M. Practice in atrium.