Units of Inquiry Scope and Sequence for Geelong Baptist College 2014/15 (Primary)

(Units of Inquiry in blue, Science in green)

2015 / Term 1
Civics and Citizenship
Biological / Term 2
Chemical / Term 3
Earth and Space / Term 4
Fundraising for charity – world vision
Physical sciences
Foundation / New beginnings
Starting school (school rules and routines)
It is Alive / The Places You’ll Go
Materials Matter / Families, storytelling and traditions and celebrations.
Look up!
Seasons / Money Manners
Financial literacy and interpersonal skills.
Let’s go shopping
Swing, slide and roll
How things move
Years 1/2 / Harmony and justice
Community living and rules
(facts and opinions, points of view)
Habitats and lifecycles. / Our wonderful world
Special places and landmarks
of Australia
Mix it up!
Combining materials to observe change / Awesome Aussies
(James Harrison, Ned Kelly, etc)
Famous people in Australia in the past.
Celebrations in Australia.
Everything about Earth
axis tilt, etc / Money Manners
Financial literacy and interpersonal skills.
Save it, spend it.
Five senses
Years 2/3 / Harmony and justiceCommunity, living and rules
(facts and opinions, points of view)
Circle of life / Our wonderful world
Special places / landmarks in Australia and the world.
Flags/symbols (what they mean) and climate and cultural differences. (Philippines)
The heat is on / Awesome Aussies and Greater Geelong
(James Harrison, Ned Kelly, etc)
Famous people in Australia in the past and the history of Geelong. (include indigenous study)
Everything about Earth
axis tilt, etc / Money Manners
Financial literacy and interpersonal skills.
Save it, spend it
Five Senses
Years 4/5 / I am Australian
Local government
Laws, Elections
Circle of Life
Garden Growing and Graphing / Global influences
Europe, America and the climate and its influence on Australia. (agriculture and food)
Cooking with Chemistry
Changes in matter / First contact
Settlement and colonization
Captain Cook and stories of the First Fleet.
Erosion and geology
Whacky Waves / Money Manners
Financial literacy and interpersonal skills.
Financial justice.
Lights and shadows
Year 6 / I am Australian
Federal government
Laws developed
What does it mean to be an Australian citizen
Best conditions for growth
(hibernation and migration) / Trade and Tourism
Connections between Australia and different countries
Irreversible changes
Rust, etc / Migration
Migration stories in the 20th century.
Asian example of migration (WW2, etc)
Influential people and events.
Effects of the weather
(erosion and geology) / Money Manners
Financial literacy and interpersonal skills.
Sales and bargains.
Electric circuits
It’s Electric

Units of Inquiry Scope and Sequence for Geelong Baptist College 2016 (Primary)

2016 / Term 1
Geography / Term 2
Science / Term 3
Science / Term 4
Foundation/ Year 1 / Watch this space!
Local spaces, such as classroom and playground and simple maps. / Biological Science
Who am I where do I live
Animal habitats
Schoolyard Safari (Connections booklet from Scootle)
Chemical Science
Spot the difference
(Connections booklet from Scootle) / Earth and Space
Up, Down and All Around
(Connections booklet from Scootle)
Physical Science
Light and Sound
Look and Listen!(Connections booklet from Scootle) / How we used to live
People and their stories, museums
Years 1/2 / Watch this space!
Features of Australia and our local area. How we use a space defines it. / Biological Science
Adaptations - Animal adaptations
Chemical Science
All Mixed Up
(Primary Connections booklet form Scootle)
For Year 1 - Spot the difference
(Connections booklet from Scootle) / Earth and Space
Water Works
(Connections booklet from Scootle)
Year 1 - Up, Down and All Around
(Connections booklet from Scootle)
Physical Science
Light and Sound
Look and Listen!(Connections booklet from Scootle) / How we used to live
Buildings and how towns have grown up around us/travel
Years 3 / Who’s My Neighbour?
Australia’s neighbours – compare and contrast, climates, people, physical features including, them from Asia to Torres Strait Islands etc. / Biological Science
Staying Alive
Animal classification
Fur, Feathers or Leaves (Connections booklet from Scootle)
Chemical Science
States of Matter
(Melting Moments(Connections booklet from Scootle) / Earth and Space
Night and Day - including light and shadows
(Connections booklet from Scootle)
Physical Science
Heat it up! (Connections booklet from Scootle) / Special days
How groups and cultures celebrate, i.e. Chinese New Year
Years 4/5 / Sustainability
How countries use and sustain themselves with native crops and resources, especially, Africa and South America as well as levels of waste. / Biological Science
Chain Reaction
Food chains
Chemical Science
Material World
(Connections booklet from Scootle) / Earth and Space
Earth’s Place in Space
(Connections booklet from Scootle)
Physical Science
Smooth Moves
(Connections booklet from Scootle)
Forces / Going for Gold!
Gold rush and its implications for immigration
Year 6 / Connections and Diversity
Diversity within Australia and the word, Australia’s main connections, including Asia. / Biological Science
Marvelous Mirco-Organisms
(Connections booklet from Scootle)
Chemical Science
Change Detectives
(Connections booklet from Scootle) / Physical Science
It’s Electrifying! -including inventers
(Connections booklet from Scootle) / Migration Nation
Migration stories in the 20th century.
Asian example of migration (WW2, etc)
Influential people and events.