VIOLATING A NORM- end of term project

Due March 4th


Do you know what a norm is?

Read the following to sharpen understanding (all links and text available on my website under “Norm project” heading).





5. Norms handout from text (on-line: labeled “norms pdf)

Check for understanding:

Complete the following questions related to the reading:

  1. Give a thorough definition of norms. Also explain and give examples of folkways, mores, and laws
  1. Fully explain how folkways, mores and laws differ (it is vital you understand the differences between these three).
  1. Give two examples of folkways you see violated on FHS campus on a daily basis. Explain how they are violation of norms and where you often see them.

Breaking a Social Norm Assignment

Breaking a Social Norm Assignment

1. (Create, Analyze and Evaluate) Choose a folkway or informal mores to break in a public area (do NOT break a law). Discuss idea on Edmodo with peers. All social norm projects must be posted, receive at least 1 peer review and be approved by Carlisle prior to continuing your project.

2. (Create and Apply)Go out in to the community and break the SAME folkway 3 times. Each time, break the normin the same manner, but with different groups or at different times of day or in different locations. Try to gauge the reactions of those around you as well as those with which you are directly breaking the norm. It is a good idea to take a friend who can help you observe as many people as possible.

3. (Analyze and Evaluate)This should be written up as a reflection posted on the course “Norm” Blog page to share with your peers.

Be sure to cover all of these points, but don’t feel that you are limited to them. Elaborate and be creative where you can. Incorporate as much as you can from your learning about sociology in everyday settings. The following format is to be followed as you write up this exercise.

The format to use:

1.Statement of the Norm

A. Define the norm you will violate.

B. Describe briefly how this norm acts as a mechanism of social control.

C. Describe what you will do to violate the norm.


A. Describe the range of possible reactions others will have to the violation of this norm.

B. What do you predict the major reaction will be?

3.Describe the setting

A. Physical—where is the norm violation taking place?

B. Social—How many and what types of persons are observing?

4.Describe the incident—tell what happened.

5.Summary and Interpretation

A. How did you feel as you were violating the norm?

B. Why did you feel the way you did?

C. Did people react the way you expected? Explain.

D. Did you encounter any difficulties in carrying out your assignment?

E. What, if anything, did you learn about how norms exercise social control?

F. Any other pertinent observations.

Students will also be required to briefly share their findings with the class on March 4th. This is not a formal presentation, but an informal sharing of findings and ideas.

Project Calendar and Grading Rubric