United Way of Greater St. Louis, Inc.

Agency supports United Way

Timing: Fall

Preferred Placement: none

Graphics/photos: photos to go with this article can be found on United Way’s Picasa photo site: http://picasaweb.google.com/unitedwaystl

Headline: / ·  AGENCY supports the United Way campaign

United Way of Greater St. Louis is in the midst of its 2010 fundraising campaign. AGENCY has been a United Way-funded agency since XXXX and this year received $xx,xxx from them. United Way membership is critical to this organization because it means AGENCY has a dependable and guaranteed source of revenue each year. Many of the services we deliver would be unavailable without this funding. Our allocation from the United Way is used for general operations as well as to support the ABC and DEF programs.

United Way also provides training, one time grants and special initiative funding opportunities for member agencies.

“United Way helps our agency maintain a high level of service,” said Exec Dir. “With their support and network opportunities available to us through them, we’re able to help even more people. We’re proud to be a United Way member agency and I encourage everyone to support them, no matter the amount, during their drive.”

In addition to funding our organization, United Way funds nearly 200 other health and human service agencies throughout the 16-county region surrounding and including St. Louis. More than 1 million people (that’s one in every three) in our community receive help each year from these United Way funded agencies.

AGENCY will hold/has held its own United Way workplace campaign for our employees and we encourage all our friends and supporters to give to United Way’s campaign at their place of work or through a donation directly to the United Way. If you have questions or need more information, call the United Way at (314) 421-0700 or visit their website at helpingpeople.org.