Grade 3: Unit 5

Big Idea: There are many reasons to take a journey.

Lesson 21
What might the problem be in a story about ants? / Lesson 22
How are different animals’ lives alike and different? / Lesson 23
What happens if you tell story events out of order? / Lesson 24
Why might a writer tell a story about a faraway place? / Lesson 25
How are headings, maps, and diagrams helpful to readers?
Main Selection & Genre / Two Bad Ants
Fantasy / The Journey: Stories of Migration
Informational Text / The Journey of Oliver K. Woodman
Fantasy / Dog-of-the-Sea-Waves
Realistic Fiction / Mountains: Surviving on Mt. Everest
Informational Text
Reading Standards / Literature 1, 2 and 3 / Informational 5, 7 and 9
*Day 4 Traditional Tales: Literature 2 / Literature 1, 2 and 3 / Literature 1, 2 and 3 / Informational 5, 7 and 9
Writing Standards / Functional Writing (Being a Writer)
Writing 2: Informational/Explanatory Writing
Language Standards / Possessive Nouns and Possessive Pronouns
Base Words and Prefix non- / Using Proper Nouns
Prefixes in-, im- / Abbreviations (*review)
Suffixes –er, -est / What is an adverb? (ECC)
Figurative Language
(*ECC only) / What is a Preposition?
Foundational Standards / Word Study: Words with
-ed and -ing
Fluency: Intonation / Word Study: Changing y to i, Spelling Changes -s, -es, -ed and -ing and Less Common Plurals
Fluency: Phrasing / Word Study: Suffixes -ful,
-ly, and -er
Fluency: Rate / Word Study: The Prefixes re- and un-
Fluency: Accuracy / Word Study: Suffixes -less and -ness
Fluency: Expression
Speaking & Listening / Speaking and Listening 5: Create an Audio Recording of a Poem or Story
Studies / Going Places
Health / Family Health & Sexuality

(*Skills identified as review are not articulated in the grade level language standards. These skills should be instructed based on student need.)

Reading Literature Standards
Journeys Lessons 21, 22 (**Day 4 – Connect to Traditional Tales), 23, 24 and Extending the CC – Unit 5 (ECC) / Reading Informational Standards
Journeys Lesson 22 and 25
Literature 1: Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as a basis for the answers.
  • I can ask meaningful questions while I’m reading to help me monitor my understanding.
  • I can identify key details from the text to answer questions.
  • I can use information the author gives me explicitly to support my answer to questions.
/ Informational 5: Use text features and search tools (e.g., key words, sidebars, hyperlinks) to locate information relevant to a given topic efficiently.
  • I can identify the use of text features and search tools in nonfiction text.
  • I can use text features and search tools to efficiently locate information that is important to the topic.

Literature 2: Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures; determine the central message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is conveyed through key details.
  • I can determine the central message, lesson or moral in a story, fable, folktale or myth.
  • I can identify key details from the text to support the central message, lesson or moral.
  • I can recount the story by explaining how the author uses key details to convey the central message, lesson or moral.
/ Informational 7: Use information gained from illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs) and the words in a text to demonstrate understanding of the text (e.g., where, when, why, and how key events occur).
  • I can identify the different types of illustrations used in nonfiction text.
  • I can use the illustrations to gain information.
  • I can combine the information from illustrations and the words in text to understand the important information.

Literature 3: Describe characters in a story (e.g. their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events.
  • I can identify the sequence of major events in a story.
  • I can describe how the character’s actions caused the major events in a story.
/ Informational 9: Compare and contrast the most important points and key details presented in two texts on the same topic.
  • I can identify key details from a text on a given topic.
  • I can read two texts on this topic and identify key details.
  • I can compare and contrast the key details between the two texts.

Focusing our Instruction

** Standards listed in bold indicate mastery and the final time this standard will be included in a unit study.
** Underlined words indicate academic vocabulary for instruction.

Writing Standards
Functional Writing
(Being a Writer) / Language Standards
Journeys Lessons 21-25and
Extending the CC – Unit 5 (ECC)
Writing 2:Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.
  • I can write an informational/explanatory text about how to do something which includes specific steps and procedures.
  • I can create a piece that informs or explains how to do something using an organization structure that includes:
-a clearly stated topic.
-illustrations to support my topic, if appropriate.
-an explicit sequence my reader is able to follow. / Language 1:Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
  • I know the purpose of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in sentences and can use all to create complete sentences when I write. (Lessons 21, 22, 24, 25)
  • I can use comparative adjectives and adverbs correctly when editing and writing. (Lesson 24 and ECC)

Language 2:Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
  • I can form singular and plural possessive nouns. (Lesson 21)
  • I can identify and correctly use proper nouns. (Lesson 22)

Language 4:Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 3 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
  • I can use what I know about base words to help me determine the meaning of words with the prefix non-. (Lesson 21)
  • I can use what I know about base words to help me determine the meaning of words with the prefixes im- and in-. (Lesson 22)
  • I can use what I know about base words to help me determine the meaning of words with the suffixes -er and -est. (Lesson 23)

Language 5:Demonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meanings.
  • I can identify figurative language and understand that it may be trying to express an idea different from the meaning of each word. (ECC)
  • I can complete and understand analogies. (Lesson 25)

Foundational Standards - Phonics
Journeys Lessons 21-25 / Foundational Standards - Fluency
Journeys Lessons 21-25
Foundational 3:
  • I can blend, read and spell words with the –ed and –ing endings. (Lesson 21)
  • I can blend, read and spell words in which the final y changes to an i. (Lesson 22)
  • I can blend, read and spell words with the -s, -es, -ed and -ing endings and less common plurals that end in -ves. (Lesson 22)
  • I can blend, read and spell words with the suffixes -ful, -y,
  • -ous, -ly and -er. (Lesson 23)
  • I can blend, read and spell words with the prefixes un-, pre-, re- and bi-. (Lesson 24)
  • I can blend, read and spell words with the suffixes -less, -ness and -able. (Lesson 25)
/ Foundational 4:
  • I can use intonation in my voice when reading aloud to show the feeling in a story. (Lesson 21)
  • I can group words into phrases and pause at the end of those phrases. I can use punctuation clues to help me know when and how long to pause. (Lesson 22)
  • I can read at a “just right” pace depending on what I am reading. (Lesson 23)
  • I can use context clues to help me figure out unknown words when I read aloud. (Lesson 24)
  • I can read with expression to make my voice show what a character might say, think and do. (Lesson 25)

Speaking & Listening Standards
Journeys Lessons 21-25 and Extending the CC - Unit 5 (ECC)
Speaking and Listening 5:Create engaging audio recordings of stories or poems that demonstrate fluid reading at an understandable pace; add visual displays when appropriate to emphasize or enhance certain facts or details.
  • I can create an audio recording of a poem I have written. (ECC)
  • I can speak fluently while reading this poem. (ECC)

Des Moines Public Schools 2014-2015 Literacy Curriculum GuidesGrade 3 – Unit 5