Birkat hahama -- THE BLESSING OF THE SUN


or Justifiably Righteous?

I was there by 5:45 AM with friends who were somewhere--we got separated because of the body to body push and shove--packed in among the thousands of Jews amassed at the Western Wall area, among the hundreds on roof tops, at the top of stairs, on high ledge walls and on dirt mounds, beneath the constantly circling helicopter in with the throngs all facing east, all waiting for 6:19AM when the sun would peek over the Mount of Olives on April 8, 2009, the morning of Pesach Eve. Eventually, my friends and I all met up by the Wall.

I was awake by 3:00 AM. From my room at the Petra Hostel inside the Jaffa Gate of the Old City, I could see and hear the Orthodox Jews hastening quickly towards the area of Ha Kotel – the Wall – the Herod-built wall--backside of the Temple Mount--in the Old City’s Jewish Quarter. I was determined to be there with them, not only be a part of history, but to watch, to listen, to observe, and, especially to learn from Yahuweh what this was all about. Symbolically, I wore white wedding garments as a bride might wear. I was there to represent those who signed and cried for the abominations done in Jerusalem—Ezekiel 8.

I had heard about this unusual historic event only a few days before. My first thought was: It is Ezekiel 8.

Is Berkat Hahama a continuing of Ezekiel 8:13-chapter 9:11? Let’s look at the facts. Then let’s put the facts together and see if we have a complete picture. You check with the Spirit of Yahuweh in your own spirit, and let Him tell you “yea” or “nay”. Is Berkat Hahama, “The Blessing of the Sun”, just a nice little Babylonian ceremony that causes Jews worldwide every 28 years to acknowledge the Creator on the day the rabbis say the sun was created? If so, why is it so surrounded by the New Age agenda, like the promotion of the Ecology agenda of the Illuminati? Why is it wrapped in occult-type mysticism?

IF Birkat Hahama is the continuance of Babylonian sun god worship by His people in His own modern-day arena, then Ezekiel 8:13-18--then chapter 9 is coming quickly and we’d better get ready for it! And, IF chapter 9 is at hand, and the marking of those who sign and cry for the abominations done IN JERUSALEM is finished, as Father showed me and as I reported in “The Final Sealing”, then the judgment on Jerusalem is imminent. As you see from Ezekiel 9, between the marking of the protected ones and the slaughter of the others, there is a short time period. I believe that this Birkat Hahama, by its very timing, is associated with the events of Ezekiel 8:13-chapter 9.

Prophetically, as we see ourselves within the first year of the last seven-year cycle before Messiah comes, we have to realize from Scripture that we are close to the 3 1/2 years of tribulation that precedes His coming (2012). Are the Orthodox Jews aware that we are in this last cycle? Are they aware that “the time of JACOB’S troubles” is at hand (Jeremiah 30:7)? Yes they are! Please refer to these articles in particular: 1) “The Shmittah Year Prophecy” 2) “The

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Forty-Eight Hour Transition” 3) “The September 12, 2007 Report” (these 3 are a trilogy) 4) “Pole Shift”, and 5) “What Are the World’s Elite Doing to Prepare

Their Ark?” If the “Blessing of the Sun” is what I suspect it is, then we are very

close to what chapter 9 is prophesying. And yes, we are nearing that point quickly anyway.

The Jews I was observing were facing east towards the Mount of Olives that Wednesday morning. Those who were not behind the Wall were in full view of the sun, shielding their eyes from its light. This came during the same time-frame with Easter/Ishtar (the following Sunday), at the end of Lent (the 40 days of the weeping for Tammuz). If this is a continuation of Ezekiel 8—the weeping for Tammuz (Lent) and facing the Mount of Olives at the sunrise at the time of the Spring Equinox—rising of the sun god—then this April 8th, the final judgment upon Jerusalem was locked in, (Luke 21:20) and the anti-messiah spirit can take over and do as he pleases for 3 ½ years.

The prayers began while it was still dark. As the sun began to shed light on the surrounding area, the prayers said over a loud speaker became more and more intense, as each followed along from a prayer card.

It was obvious when the sun actually was seen rising above the Mount of Olives, even though I was sandwiched in between many people down at the Wall area, for the prayers stopped and loud shouting began, rejoicing and yelling and jumping, and more loud shouting. After a few minutes, when the sun cleared the top of the Mount, the prayers continued. Then the light was seen shining on all who were standing on the rooftops and stair tops, ledges and hills. “Jerusalem of Gold”: The reason for this expression, and the beautiful song by that title, is that when the sun comes up and shines on the Jerusalem stones—the stones used to build the buildings in the city—they turn a golden color.

What is the meaning of Ezekiel 8:14-18? Yahuweh shows Ezekiel the things He considers abominations, in order of the intensity of the abomination. The last two abominations, which caused Yahuweh’s Spirit to lift off of the Ark and move to the north side of the Temple Mount by the “image of jealousy”--a pillar, phallic symbol of Ba’al—then to the top of the Mount of Olives where He stood in His full esteem,then leave without their even knowing He was gone (Ezekiel 11:23ff), are directly connected to the timing of the impregnating of, and the coming of Easter/Ishtar/Astarte, and the rising of Tammuz from the “dead” of winter. Semaramis, the original “Mother of God”, “Queen of Heaven”, was the mother of the sun god Tammuz—reincarnation of Nimrod. As the story goes, Tammuz was gored by a wild boar while out hunting and died at the age of 40. The 40 days of the Roman Catholic “Lent” is just another ritual of the “weeping for Tammuz” time when the pagans denied themselves some pleasure in order to weep for the dead Tammuz. (Ezekiel 8:14) On the morning of Ishtar/Easter Sunday Tammuz was said to have arisen from the dead. The liturgy for this sunrise service from most pagan times, which includes “He is risen, He is risen from the dead”, is almost identical with the Roman Catholic Mass for Ishtar/Easter Sunday sunrise.

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This Tammuz worship ritual is why is it traditional in Christian homes to eat ham on Easter? Disgusting isn’t it? – A total spitting in the face of Yahuweh.

The Easter Sunday morning paganism has nothing to do with the Messiah Yahushua, who went into the grave before sunset on Wednesday, before the beginning of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and arose 72 hours later at sunset on Saturday NIGHT. It was not until many hours later just before dawn that

the women could go to the grave with the spices to anoint His body, and by that time He had arisen.

This Ishtar sunrise service was celebrated from the most ancient days in Babylon with the worship of the sun, facing the Mount of Olives, with palm branches to the nose to honor the sun god and protect the eyes of the

Worshippers. Then they all went home to ham dinner in honor of the death of the boar who gored Tammuz.

In Ezekiel 8, what makes Yahuweh so angry, is not so much they did not see Him leave off the Ark, nor did they see Him move right in front of them on the Mount of Olives—they didn’t even notice He was gone then, or afterwards—but that they tried to put the palm branch to His nose—they tried to include Him in the ceremony.

Ezekiel 8:17-18: “Have you seen O son of man? Is it a small matter to the house of Judah to do the abominations, which they have done here? For they fill the land with violence (Hebrew: “hamas”) and turn back to provoke Me. And see, they are putting the branch to MY nose”.

They tried to use it as a worship of Yahuweh just like they did the golden calf. They tried to mix their traditions of paganism with the purity that He demanded of His people, but He wouldn’t allow it—He left! Today the church system says they worship the “God” of the Bible, but they reject the Torah of Yahuweh and Yahushua – the teachings and instructions of the Kingdom of heaven—His Covenant with His people. They ask Him to come and be a part of their worship but He is light, and in Him is no darkness. He deals with individuals that are seeking Him with their whole heart, wanting truth, and obeying the truth they know, but with the pagan system—NO! He won’t condone a mixture! He tells us to be set-apart unto Him totally and exclusively!

This is the horrible tragedy of the church and even in most Messianic Torah-guarding assemblies, they mix the world, the flesh, and cultural paganism, and religion traditions of man into the purity of Yahuweh’s Word and He’s not there! Yes, He deals with individuals—those fearing Him and obeying Him.

As you will read from the newspaper and Internet excerpts I have below, Berkat Hahama is mixed with all sorts of Illuminati/Luciferic agendas of today, as well as having ties to the ancient rabbinic tradition of “blessing” the sun at the Spring Equinox—the same time that Ishtar was impregnated to have her little sun god on December 25th. This is where we get the “Happy Face” – the sun face – when it is smiling it is happy/blessed, when it is frowning, it is sad.

Tammuz was re-named many names, like Osiris, Apollo, Zeus, Jupiter, Helios, and the Persian Mithra from which we get most of the elements of the religion

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of Christianity. Constantine, Christianity’s inventor--a worshipper of the sun as Sol Invictus, the “unconquerable sun”—in order to eradicate anything Hebrew—it’s Torah and its Elohim—made the day of the sun, Sun-day, to be the day of worship of the god of Christianity, whom he saw as the sun. The Greek “Iesous” (Jesus) was added to his pantheon of gods as a sun god to unite his fragmented Empire—made to be the supreme god. Sun-day is “the Lord’s day”—or Ba’al’s day (Ba’al is translated from the Hebrew as “Lord” almost 7,000 times in the Bible and is used as a substitute for His Hebrew Name). Constantine remained a sun god worshipper until his death. The symbols of Christianity are from pagan

sources of sun god worship going back to Babylon, including the fertility symbol—the cross—used by all cultures throughout the world.

Nimrod billed himself as a god. People feared and honored him as a mighty hunter. When he died, his mother/wife, Semaramis, couldn’t let the worship of her husband stop. So, upon becoming pregnant by whoever or whatever, she said she had become pregnant by the rays of the sun. Since Nimrod had become the ascended sun god, he then was, through Semaramis, reincarnated as her son Tammuz.

Each culture adopted its own sun god, taken from the “men of renown”—the Nephilim of Genesis 6:2, 4, Numbers 13:32-33. The sun god in each culture was considered to be the Savior of the people. They all died and rose again each year—dying in the winter, rising in the spring. They were all born on December 25th, their mothers being impregnated on Ishtar Sunday morning and coming to earth in a giant egg. All were goddesses of fertility.

To worship Isis/Ishtar/Easter/Ashtarte/Diana, etc., the pagan priests Easter/Ishtar Sunday morning would impregnate young virgins. These babies were all born around December 25th. The next Ishtar (Easter) Sunday morning, these three-month old babies were sacrificed to the cultural sun god, and white hen eggs were dipped in their blood and placed on the altar. This is why on Easter, eggs are dyed red to be placed on many church altars--especially Catholic churches. But, one year, I heard that the White House for their annual Easter-egg hunt only dyed the eggs red—thousands of them.

Roman paganism is the foundation of worship of the world’s elite—the Luciferians who follow the “mysteries” of Babylon. Wicca witches say that the “Virgin Mary” is Isis under a “Christianized name”. Why would they say such a thing? -- Because the Roman Catholic Mary is equated with the “Queen of Heaven” and the “Mother of God” just as all the other mothers of sun gods were. Now, according to the Catholic Church, Mary is also the “Co-Redeemer” with Jesus. See the statues and pictures of Mary holding her little baby—both with sun rays coming from their heads? It is the same in all cultures—the “mother of God” holds her little sun god baby in her lap with sun rays all around their heads—from China, to India, to Egypt, to Europe—to all cultures.

From the writings of Manly P. Hall, the most occult master of the Scottish Rite Masons in the early 20th century, tells us this:

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“The astrologers distinguished the constellation Leo as the `sole house of the sun’ and taught that the world was created when the sun was in that sign.”

“The sun is often symbolized with its rays in the form of a shaggy mane…concerning the Masonic significance of Leo, Robert Brown has written, `…this visible connection between the constellation Leo and the return of the sun to his place of power and glory, at the summit of the royal arch of heaven, was the principle reason why that constellation was held in such high esteem and reverence by the ancients…’ ” “The chief Druid of Britain was styled as a lion”…”When the Aquarian Age is thoroughly established, the sun will be in Leo…then, indeed will the secret religions of the world include once more the raising to initiation by the Grip of the Lion’s Paw…” The Luciferic community, in al of its hundreds of facets, is greatly preparing for when we go into the Age of Aquarius on December 21, 2012.

The Maya, who created what is called “the long calendar”, traced the last Era of the earth to 26,000 years ago. Now, understand that the Maya were NOT dumb Indians steeped in pagan superstition. They were taught, by their own admission, by the sky gods, just as great scientists since World War II have also admitted, like Nicoli Tesla, that they got their knowledge from gods from space. The Mayan calendar, to this day, is within .0007th of a second in accuracy with the movement of the stars and planets. They said an era was 26,000 years, broken down into five ages of 5, 125 years each. They said that each Age began with a disaster and ended with a disaster. According to their calendar we are in the last years of the final Age, which, they calculated from the knowledge they received, is to end December 21, 2012. This Age began with the coming of the Nephilim, whose evil led to the Flood. I recommend that you read the Book of Enoch—quoted by both Apostles Jude and Peter. We are in the days of the prophesied return of the Nephilim. We know that they will accompany the great Dragon—their Leader—when he comes to rule the world on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. He won’t just show up by himself.

As is asked in one of the articles below from “The Jerusalem Post”, why do the rabbis who compiled the Babylonian Talmud of 1,600 years ago say that the sun was in its creation position at the Spring Equinox—setting Birkat Hahama at that time? From the beginning, creation time was gauged from Tishre 1. That is why Yahuweh, in setting the Festival cycle, in Exodus 12:2, had to tell Moses that Aviv was now the new month to establish lifestyle. But, as I said in “The Shmittah Year Prohecy”, Father never trashed the creation calendar, for Tishre 1 is the day Messiah will return. Tishre is the month in which the Jubilee years begin and end. Tishre is the month in which the “Shmittah” years begin—the seventh year of every seven-year cycle. In fact, the seven-year cycles of time are calculated from Tishre 1 to Tishre 1—and so is the prophetic calendar. The Aviv calendar sets in motion our lifestyle of Festival cycles from 1-7—and the two calendars mesh perfectly—of course! Notice that in Exodus 12:2, twice He says that this calendar starting point for Festivals, which began with Passover,

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was “for you”—for the children of Jacob/Israel. In America, businesses go by at least 2-3 different calendar cycles and no one gets upset—so why can’t Yahuweh? The world still goes on the creation calendar cycle, and I continue here, it will become more obvious. But, the Hebrews from ancient times have known that—so why did the Rabbis say the sun was created at the “Spring Equinox”—that’s suspicious.