Oakland Schools

SCoPE Science Assessment Packet

5th Grade

Unit 2 – Solar Systems
Assessment Packet

Grade 5, Unit 2: Solar System


This packet contains a set of assessment resources to be used with the Solar System Unit of the 5th grade Scope Science Curriculum. A test blue print is included for the summative unit test. The blueprint describes the content to be assessed using selected response and constructed response formats. In addition, the packet includes a summative performance assessment task and scoring guide. The Assessment Plan also includes suggestions and examples for formative and self assessment. .


I.  Assessment Plan Overview

This is a one page summary of the various assessment components for this unit, including summative, formative and self-assessment recommendations.

II.  Test Blueprint

The Test Blueprint lays out the assessment design for the summative unit test. It shows how item types are distributed across the core concepts of the unit and categorizes them into the four levels of the Depth of Knowledge (DOK) (see narrative). Item format for this test is either multiple choice (selected response) or essay (constructed response.)

III.  End of Unit Test

This written test is part of the summative assessment for the unit. The test includes multiple choice and constructed response items. If items on this sample assessment are not included on the test administered to students, then comparable items addressing the same key concept and level of thinking (see Blueprint) should be substituted

IV.  Performance Assessment Task

This is part of the end of unit summative assessment. Assessment includes the following:

·  Student directions (team based)

·  Follow-up questions (individually completed)

·  Investigation Report Template (individually complete)

V.  Assessment Checkbric: pg 13

This section communicates the criteria and standards of quality for the performance assessment. It can be used for scoring or grading this part of the summative assessment system.

Assessment Packet

Grade 5, Unit 2: Solar System


This packet contains a set of assessment resources to be used with the Solar System Unit of the 5th grade Scope Science Curriculum. A test blue print is included for the summative unit test. The blueprint describes the content to be assessed using selected response and constructed response formats. In addition, the packet includes a summative performance assessment task and scoring guide. The Assessment Plan also includes suggestions and examples for formative and self assessment. .


VI.  Assessment Plan for Grade 5: pg.

This is a one page summary of the various assessment components for this unit, including summative, formative and self-assessment recommendations.

VII.  Test Blueprint: pg.

The Test Blueprint lays out the assessment design for the summative unit test. It shows how item types are distributed across the core concepts of the unit and categorizes them into the four levels of the Depth of Knowledge (DOK) (see narrative). Item format for this test is either multiple choice (selected response) or essay (constructed response.)

VIII.  Summative Exam: pg.

This written test is part of the summative assessment for the unit. The test includes multiple choice and constructed response items. If items on this sample assessment are not included on the test administered to students, then comparable items addressing the same key concept and level of thinking (see Blueprint) should be substituted

IX.  Performance Assessment Task: pg.

This is part of the end of unit summative assessment. Assessment includes the following:

·  Student directions (team based)

·  Follow-up questions (individually completed)

·  Investigation Report Template (individually complete)

X.  Assessment Checkbric: pg 13

This section communicates the criteria and standards of quality for the performance assessment. It can be used for scoring or grading this part of the summative assessment system.

Assessment Plan for Grade 5: Dynamics of the Solar System

Performance Task(s):

Task: As a team, you will design and develop one exhibit for a classroom science museum that will be devoted to explaining the parts of the Solar System.
Role You will be a member of a design team that plans and develops an exhibit on one part of the Solar System.
Challenge: Your exhibit will need to teach your audience about your topic and also interest and excite them to learn more about the Solar System.
Audience: You will share your exhibit with 4th and 5th grade students in your school as part of your class Solar System Museum.
Criteria: Your project will be evaluated on how well you:
a.  Plan and develop your exhibit
b.  Address the required learning expectations for your audience
c.  Represent information accurately
d. Engage and interest your audience
e. Summarize and provide feedback to other teams on their projects

Other Evidence:

Multiple Choice Test (see sample)

Solar System Retrieval Chart (individual summary - post-performance assessment)

Embedded Formative Assessments:

·  Journal entries

·  Ticket-out-the door

·  Warm up review questions (Bell Ringers)

Questioning Prompts:

·  Which objects in the sky are moving? Which objects are stationary? How do we know?

·  Explain how ______are different? Similar?

  1. Asteroids and Comets
  2. Solar eclipse and Lunar eclipse
  3. High tide and low tide
  4. How the Earth moves and how the Moon moves
  5. the distance of Sun from Earth in summer and spring
  6. the amount of Sunlight sticking the Moon during full moon and new moon
  7. the location of the North Star relative to the Sun in during different times of day or seasons

·  Why do objects in the sky look different from Earth and from a Space Ship.

·  Why does/do ______look different at different times of the day/month/year?

  1. Moon
  2. stars
  3. Constellations
  4. Sun
  5. Planets

Self Assessment and Reflection:

Science Journal and Learning Log
Goal setting for learning expectations
Feedback on Performance Assessment
Self and Team Assessment of collaboration on Performance Assessment


Created by Oakland Schools

Test Blueprint for Grade 5 Solar System Unit Summative Test

Domain (Concept) / DOK1 (Recall)
Knowledge / DOK2 (Skill/Concepts)
Comprehension / DOK 3 (Strategic Thinking)
Application/Above / Total Items/Points / Percent
of Test
Components of the Solar System
E. ES.05.11; 21 / 2 Multiple Choice / 1 Essay (2 pts) / 3/4 / 13
Objects in the Sky: Relative Motion and Position
E.ES.05.22;23;24 / 5 Multiple Choice / 3 Multiple Choice / 8/8 / 27
Gravity’s Role in the Solar System
E.ES.05.11;21;25;62 / 2 Multiple Choice / 1 Multiple Choice
1-Essay (3pts) / 4/6 / 20
Earth’s Seasons
E.ES.05.61;62 / 2 Multiple Choice / 4 Multiple Choice
1 Essay (2 pts) / 7/8 / 27
S.RS.05.13; S.IP.05.16 / 2 Multiple Choice / 1 Essay (2 pts) / 3/4 / 13
Total / 11/11
37% / 13 /17
56% / 1/2
7% / 25 items
30 points / 100


Created by Oakland Schools

Solar System Test - Grade 5

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Why does the Earth experience seasons?

a. / The Earth is tilted on its axis
b. / The Sun is hotter in the Spring and Summer
c. / The Earth gets less sun in the Fall and Winter
d. / The distance between the Sun and the Earth changes

____ 2. The Earth takes 365.25 days to orbit the Sun. Which of the following is a result of this fact?

a. / All calendars have 365 days.
b. / February has 28 days instead of 30.
c. / An extra day is added every four years.
d. / Some holidays are on different dates each year.

____ 3. What type of path does Mars take when orbiting the sun?

a. / Clockwise – circular path
b. / Clockwise – elliptical path
c. / Counter clockwise – circular path
d. / Counter clockwise – elliptical path

____ 4. The majority of Asteroids are found in a belt located between what two planets?

a. / Earth and Mars
b. / Mars and Venus
c. / Mars and Jupiter
d. / Jupiter and Saturn

____ 5. What keeps the Earth in its orbit?

a. / The Sun’s speed rotating
b. / The Sun’s gravitational pull
c. / The Earth’s spin direction
d. / The Earth’s location between other planets

____ 6. A year on Jupiter is 4,333 days long. A year on Mercury is 88 days long. Why do planets have different length years?

a. / A year is longer on larger planets.
b. / Each planet has its own orbital period.
c. / Some planets are larger than other planets.
d. / Planets exert a gravitational force on other planets.

____ 7. Why does the Earth experience seasons?

a. / The sun gets hotter in the Spring and Summer.
b. / The angle of sunlight hitting the Earth changes.
c. / The Earth receives less sunlight in the Fall and Winter.
d. / The distance between the Sun and the Earth changes.

____ 8. What causes the phases of the Moon?

a. / The Moon’s tilt on its axis
b. / The Earth’s shadow on the Moon
c. / The relative positions of the Moon and the Earth
d. / The pull of gravity between the Moon and the Earth

____ 9. When standing on the Earth, the Moon and Sun appear to move in the sky from East to West. What is responsible for this apparent movement?

a. / The Earth revolves around the Sun.
b. / The Earth rotates counter clockwise.
c. / The Moon and Sun rotate on their axis.
d. / The Sun and Moon move from East to West in Space.

The diagrams below represent relative positions of the Earth, Moon and Sun at different times.

____ 10. Which of diagrams above represents a solar eclipse?

a. / A
b. / B
c. / C
d. / D

The chart below contains data on planets of the Solar System

Planet / Diameter
(kilometers) / Average Orbital Speed
(km/sec) / Period of Rotation
(Earth days) / Average Distance from
the Sun (kilometers)
Mercury / 4,878 / 47.9 / 59 / 58,000,000
Mars / 6,794 / 24.1 / 1.03 / 228,000,000
X / 12,104 / 35.0 / 243 / 108,000,000
Jupiter / 142,800 / 13.0 / 0.47 / 778,000,000
Earth / 12,756 / 29.0 / 1 / 150,000,000

____ 11. Based on the chart above, what is the real name of planet X?

a. / Neptune
b. / Pluto
c. / Saturn
d. / Venus

____ 12. Which of the following is supported by evidence in the chart above?

a. / The larger a planet is, the slower it rotates.
b. / The faster a planet rotates, the faster it orbits.
c. / The closer a planet is to the Sun, the faster it orbits.
d. / The larger a planet is, the larger it’s gravitational pull.

____ 13. Which of the following best represents the data on the chart above?

a. /
b. /
c. / .
d. /

____ 14. Why would a person standing on the Moon be able to see the Earth?

a. / The Moon produces light.
b. / The Moon is close to the Earth.
c. / Sunlight reflects off the Earth.
d. / The Earth is bigger than the moon.

____ 15. Why can we always see the same side of the Moon from Earth?

a. / The Earth is tilted on its axis.
b. / The light is blocked by the Earth.
c. / The moon rotates and revolves at the same rate.
d. / The Earth’s Southern Hemisphere sees the other side.

____ 16. The diagram below represents the Sun and planets of our solar system

Which planet on the above diagram represents Earth?

a. / G
b. / H
c. / K
d. / N

The diagram below represents the Earth

____ 17. Based on the diagram above, what is the season at Point C?

a. / Summer
b. / Fall
c. / Winter
d. / Spring

____ 18. A scientist has discovered a new planet. She noticed that a different half of the planet can be seen from Earth every two weeks. Which of the following is a conclusion about this planet that can be made based on this observation.

a. / It is smaller than Pluto.
b. / It does not have any moons.
c. / It orbits the Sun slower than the Earth.
d. / It rotates on its axis faster than the Moon.

____ 19. During summer camp you went out at night and studied-- night sky. Now that you are back home and in school, you want to continue to look for your favorite constellations but you can’t find them. Which of the following explains why you are having this problem?

a. / The Earth has changed position in its orbit.
b. / The Moon is blocking your view.
c. / The Sun’s light is not being reflected.
d. / The Constellation has moved its location.

____ 20. In Michigan we have more hours of daylight in the summer than in the winter. What would you experience if you lived in a country at the Earth’s Equator?

a. / The same hours of daylight all year long.
b. / The most hours of daylight in the summer.
c. / The most hours of daylight in the winter.
d. / The most hours of daylight in the spring and fall.

____ 21. You are planning to put a solar collector on your new home in Michigan. Which side of the house would make the best location?

a. / North
b. / South
c. / East
d. / West

Constructed Response

22. Explain what causes high and low tide cycles in the oceans. Include the following in your answer.

1. How many of each occurs every day.

2. Why do they not happen at the same time every day?

23. You want to make an accurate model of the solar system that will fit in your classroom for a school science project.

1. Explain why this will be difficult to do.

2. How will you solve this problem?

24. Explain how moons stay in orbit around their planets rather than crash into the planet or fly off into space.

25. Compare Comets to Asteroids. List one way they are alike and one way they are different.

Solar System Test - Grade 5

Answer Section


1. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: 1 STA: E.ES.05.61