Text:Statistics and Data Analysis: Second Edition

Calculator Required:Texas Instruments TI-84® or better (A TI-84® can be checked out from the school.)

Other Materials:Notebook with compartments for papers

Website and email:Google classroom and school website

[email protected]

My Availability:I am available to give extra help before school from 8:10 to 8:30 and after school until 4:00. Sometimes I stay later, but my attention may be divided because of after school robotics. My planning period is 3rd hour from 10:30-11:20.


  • Good Reader and Thinker
  • Algebra 2 Experience
  • Maturity

Goals – Students will…

  • Describe patterns and departures from patterns in data
  • Plan and conduct a statistical study
  • Explore random phenomena using probability and simulation
  • Estimate population parameters and test hypotheses
  • Take the AP Statistics Examination in May with confidence.

Grading Scale: 100-90 (A), 89-80 (B), 79-70 (C), 69-60 (D), 59-0 (F)

Homework and quizzes: 30%

Tests, Final Exam, and major projects: 70%

Homework, Late work, and Dropping tests

Expect homework most nights. In AP® Statistics, students will put proposed answers to textbook problems on the board at the beginning of class. Then the class will discuss the problems together as we grade them. Students will grade their own homework for immediate self-evaluation. If you detect a lack of understanding, I will sometimes allow you to redo the assignment without penalty. However, ask permission to do so and get my signature on the assignment. Late work without my signature will receive a grade of zero. I also allow one (1) unit test per semester to be dropped. Students who take the AP® exam will be allowed to drop 2 tests second semester, one of which may be the semester exam. Students who do not take the AP® Statistics exam will take an additional comprehensive exam on the day of the AP® Statistics exam.

My grade book is set to round scores to the nearest whole percentage for the purposes of assigning letter grades. However, it will display to the nearest 10th of a percent.


  • Respect the teacher and the learning environment
  • Respect one another
  • Take care of school property
  • Any other behaviors deemed inappropriate by the teacher because they are disruptive, destructive, dishonest, or disrespectful are forbidden.

Please read the student handbook for other specific rules and policies. Some things to note include the dress code and the electronic devices policy.

Last but not least...

If you ever have a question about your grades, think you have been graded unfairly, or feel I have misjudged or mistreated you in any way, please make arrangements to meet with me outside of class. You may bring a friend or parent if you like. That way we can get the problem resolved and get you back on the road to a successful year.

For parent communication, my email is . Don’t forget about Powerschool®. It is a wonderful resource.

I have received a copy of Mr. Moore’s AP Statistics course syllabus and I know where to find an extra copy on his website.

Student Name (please print):______

Student signature: ______

Parent signature: ______

Students: Which of goals for the course sounds the most intimidating to you? List some strategies you’ve used to face big challenges before and write a sentence or two connecting them to how you will face the challenge of AP Statistics.

I have received a copy of Mr. Moore’s AP Statistics course syllabus and I know where to find an extra copy on his website.

Student Name (please print):______

Student signature: ______

Parent signature: ______

Students: Which of goals for the course sounds the most intimidating to you? List some strategies you’ve used to face big challenges before and write a sentence or two connecting them to how you will face the challenge of AP Statistics.

I have received a copy of Mr. Moore’s AP Statistics course syllabus and I know where to find an extra copy on his website.

Student Name (please print):______

Student signature: ______

Parent signature: ______

Students: Which of goals for the course sounds the most intimidating to you? List some strategies you’ve used to face big challenges before and write a sentence or two connecting them to how you will face the challenge of AP Statistics.