Present: / Kevin Hutchison
Karen McCafferty
Evelyn Borland
Anne Dunbar
Alistair Low
Irene Proudfoot
Heather Jarvie
Dr Paul Ryan
Bernadette Campbell / - Keep well Social Referral Coordinator – Glasgow North
- Keep well Project Officer – Glasgow North
- Director of Health Promotion
- Learning & Workforce Development Co-ordinator P.H.R.U.
- Planning & Development Manager C.I.T.
- Crail Medical Practice
- Principal Health Promotion Officer
- Clinical Director North CHCP
- Practice Nurse Development
In Attendance: / Dr Helene Irvine / - Public Health Consultant
Apologies: / Gillian Halyburton
Jackie Britton
Irene MacPhail / - Practice Nurse Advisor
- Keep well Project Manager
- Keep well Social Referral Coordinator – Glasgow East
1. / Welcome & Introductions
EB welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance. EB advised that HI had joined the meeting today requesting an opportunity to consult the group. As the Group had received no prior request EB asked the meeting if all were happy to hear from HI. The meeting agreed.
2. / Apologies
Apologies as detailed above.
3. / Previous Minutes and Matters Arising
The minutes were approved as a true and accurate record.
Feedback was requested on the Health Behaviour Change Train the Trainers Course. It was advised that the course was altered but that there are still some changes required. AD is one of the trainers. HJ commented that there was a real mix of people and skills on the course. Some had never attended the HBC training and some had no training experience. EB suggested that when tailoring the course clever targeting should be considered. The course is likely to be offered again at the end of May 2008. It was noted that people who register for the course are screened.
HJ advised that she is working with a group, including AD & BC to deliver a one day training course in Health Behaviour Assessment with the first round of sessions around June 2008. The course will be delivered by GlasgowUniversity and will deliver 3 sessions.The training has a primary care focus. Separate training for services in the community may be offered with a different slant tailored for them.
HJ advised she was aware that Health Scotland had approached GP practices directly in offering training and suggested that Health Scotland should be advised that such invitations should be coordinated by this group. The meeting supported this request.
4. / Helene Irvine – Public Health Consultant
HI introduced herself and thanked the group for allowing her to speak on such short notice.
HI gave some background of the work she has done that was contributing to the local evaluation of Keep well.
This work had highlighted that the focus on CHD may be too narrow, with many patient interviews picking up other non-CHD related risk factors/conditions/early signs. There may therefore be merit in reviewing the design and use of the CDSS screens to allow a more holistic approach.
HI explained that she had reviewed data collected from the screens and prepared a paper for 22nd February 2008 which shows that evidence accumulation that we have, case fatality is good, double to what the national target is. For the first time in history, a year passed with no deaths in CHD in women aged 45-64 in East Dunbartonshire.
HI reported that on the 14th February she met with Alex MacKenzie, Linda de Caestecker, Jackie Britton, Angela Frame and Caroline Morrison with a list of changes. The list was discussed and Caroline did agree to some changes. Some where unable to be made due to read code issues. It was agreed that HI would meet with Jackie Britton and Janet Boyd to meet and come up with the changes. 14 items were agreed of which most are technical.This list is to go to the next IT subgroup and Project Team meetings for agreement.
HI’s work had highlighted potential gaps re motivational interviewing particularly in relation to alcohol but acknowledged that the training that had since taken place had addressed this.
The overall consensus of the group was that they would welcome the proposal to review the CDSS screen.
5. / Employability
To support the training a reference pack has been developed and will be given to participants.
KH also explained that the focus of the training will not be specifically on employment but also on meaningful activity as the most that some people will be realistically able to achieve may be voluntary work or learning new skills. The Scottish Government have adopted the pack and intend to role out to all CHPs in Scotland. KH anticipated that this will also be linked into LES as there is a very big link between health and employability.
Practices have been advised of the training but further letters and emails will follow. KH reminded that this will be the pilot of the training and that it came as a result of KW as it was taken to Equal Access by KH and John Thomson. Larry Callary will be one of the trainers and the literacy service will be present on the day with an information stand.
AL suggested that KH link in with Jackie Erdman who has responsibility for employability. - ACTION
HJ suggested that Wave II needs a more coordinated approach for training. KH asked HJ if the training should be open to Wave II and HJ replied that it would be a good idea as some may go. It is important to highlight the skill development. EB noted that employability is a CHCP priority. The training may be tailored round the edges with local info but core elements will remain the same. KH to forward details to HJ who will in turn promote it to Wave II.– ACTION / KH
6. / Alcohol Training
KH advised that KW, East Glasgow had intended to run local alcohol training for their area but the session had to be cancelled as it coincided with LES training. HJ will feed back into LES. - ACTION
BC noted that having the props has been very effective. EB stressed that the project remain realistic about how much a half hour intervention can achieve.
GCA Alcohol Training content to be send to AL. - ACTION / HJ
7. / Annual Training Programme
Links to GMS Group
KH reported that JB wanted to flag up the GMS training group. HJ informed that she sat on this group and that she should be used as a link. It was agreed that it would be useful to know what training is already happening and what KW can link in to. AD requested reassurance that there isn’t a parallel training group causing duplication.
HJ advised that there will soon be a module for Healthcare Support Workers.
8. / Practice Nurse Focus Groups (LES Focus Groups)
It was advised that there are 2 arranged for end of May 2008 and there would be an opportunity to repeat for KW.
EB informed the meeting that funding for a further year had been allocated to Keep well. EB also stressed that other groups need to be able to feedback info into the IT Subgroup.
As a lot of the changes in relation to the screens have never been piloted IP felt that it would be good for practices to know the changes had been tried and tested. PR highlighted that at the recent practice event at the Campanile Hotel, there was no consensus for changing the screens.
BC advised that new epilepsy screens were recently launched. Since the roll out of those screens nine of fourteen suggested changes have been carried out. Not all of the suggestions are anomolies of the screens per se but in creating links to information which the patient might request e.g. information around driving restrictions when diagnosed with epilepsy.The Epilepsy Specialist Nurse will advise on suitable information to be included.These issues are being addressed on comments received from PNs prior touse of the screensin theannual review process. BC stressed that the opportunity to comment is always required and feedback direct from nurses as users is especially important.
HJ informed that major changes are only available twice a year. Communication of changes with people is vital so that all are made aware of any changes.
9. / A.O.C.B.
HJ raised the subject of membership and felt that the group should re-evaluate itself and look at the possible inclusion of Wave II. PR asked the group to consider whether it was there for KW or Anticipatory Care?
HJ highlighted that there is no other forum for HBC, equality training and asked how the bigger picture can be informed. It therefore was suggested that this group could develop a role beyond Keep well to support a more coordinated approach to primary care.
EB asked the members to consider the following:
  • Would it impinge on any other structures?
  • Does the group have the right interests?
  • Would it be better to keep it tight the now and expand later but get the right people on early e.g. Larry Callary?
It was agreed that AD and HJ email their suggestions to EB and that EB would consult with KH and Jackie Britton.- ACTION
Healthcare Support Workers (HCSW)
KH highlighted the fact that in 10 years HCSWs will be more involved in primary care. BC agreed and expressed her concern that training is very fragmented. She regularly receives 4-5 calls a week from practice managers wanting to train up receptionists or other members of staff. Support training (half day) is being delivered by GlasgowCaledonianUniversity. HCSW recognise that they are there to support, they know their limitations and are very keen. BC commented that any training for HCSW in primary care must be unique to them as the majority are in secondary care models.
HJ stressed that the HCSWs role in practices is very variable and that a lot of learning has developed through KW, especially as it has allowed the NHSGG&C to work closely with practices as partners. HJ queried if people have missed out on training as more HCSW have joined service without receiving training.
It was agreed that training for healthcare support workers should be better coordinated to support the future development of that role. / EB/ AD/ HJ
Next Meeting
Training Sub Group
5th June 2008
2pm, Eastbank Health Promotion Centre

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