London Region Dignity Champions Newsletter

September 2009

Welcome to the new Newsletter

We plan to:
  • Inform you about activities for Dignity Champions in London
  • Facilitate exchange of good practice via the newsletter
  • Promote success stories through the newsletter
  • Keep you informed about new developments in dignity in care work
/ We will:
  • Issue a newsletter every three months and keep it short
  • Invite you to contribute to the newsletter
  • Request you to circulate the newsletter more widely
  • Ask you to get more involved in promoting dignity in health and social care

Our aim is to promotegood practice on dignity in health and social care
In this Newsletter
  • Details about a survey with Dignity Champions
  • Invitation to get involved in a Working Group
  • Information about Dignity conference

Survey with Dignity Champions
We are undertaking a survey with all London Dignity Champions. The survey questionnaire will be e-mailed to you in the week commencing 14 September 2009 for completed returns by 28 September 2009. Dignity Champions who do not have
e-mail access will be sent the questionnaire by post.
It is important for all Dignity Champions to complete the questionnaire. In this way, we can find out what type of activities you would like organised to support you in your dignity work and how you would like to be involved in promoting good practice on dignity in care.
It is a short questionnaire and will only take about 10 to 15 minutes of your time. Please spare the time to complete it. All answers will be treated in strict confidence and no individual will be identified in any reports about the survey. Only aggregated results will be presented.
We will discuss the results at the Working Group meeting on 15 Oct (details below) and prioritise activities for a programme over the next months,according to your interests
London Dignity Champions Working Group Meeting
Thursday 15th October 2009 10:00am to 12:00pm
at Government Office for London, Riverwalk House
157 - 161 Millbank, London SW1PP 4RR
We would like to invite Dignity Champions to a meeting that we are organising to develop an action plan to support Dignity Champions across London. We would like to do this by holding a WorkingGroup Meeting at the above time and place.
The meeting will largely focus on identifying the kinds of activities and support youwould like so that you are able to carry out your role as aDignity Champion fully.
We will present the results of the survey at the meeting and discuss developing a programme of activities for the coming months. We will also discuss how the programme may be delivered.
If you are interested in supporting this work, pleaselet us know by Friday 1 October 2009 by e-mailing/posting the attached form with your details completed to Debra Roodenburgh at.
By post to Debra Roodenburgh, Social Care & Partnerships - Dept of Health (London Regions), 5th Floor Riverwalk House, 157 – 161 Millbank, London SW1 4RR.
You will receive confirmation of attendance by Wednesday 7th October 2009.
If you would like further information about the meeting, please contact Olivia Nuamah at tel: 0207 217 3046
Dignity in practice in health and social care conference
Friday 20 Nov 2009, London
The aims of the conference are:
-to raise awareness about dignity in the provision of health and social care;
-to highlight dignity issues in different settings and for different client groups and communities;
-to discuss dignity challenges in practice across health and social care sectors and agree actions;
-to set up an initiative to manage strategic policy approach on dignity in practice in health and social care in London;
-to highlight the role of dignity champions.
Please note the date in your diaries. Details will follow.
Do you want to tell others about your dignity activity or event?
Do you have a success story to share with others?
Please e-mail information to us before 14 January 2010for the next newsletter. / Contact details:
  • Olivia Nuamah

Tel: 0207 217 3046
  • Dhanwant Rai

(until 16 Oct 09)

London Dignity Champions Working Group Meeting
Thursday 15th October 2009 10:00am to 12:00pm
at Government Office for London, Riverwalk House
157 - 161 Millbank, London SW1PP 4RR
If you are interested in attending this event please complete and return the form below
Full Name of Attendee:
Job title if applicable:
Organisation if applicable:
Post code:
Phone number: / Mobile: number
Email address:
Please specify any access requirements or other needs below:
Please forward completed registration form by 1 October 2009 to:
Dimitrios Panagos at
If you require further information about this event please contact:
Olivia Nuamah : Tel: 0207 217 3046


London Region Dignity Champions Newsletter, September 2009