ShandongUniversitySchool of Medicine

Year 2010 -2011 Semester1 2010, April

Test Paper ofPharmacology (A)

No. / PartⅠ / PartⅡ / Part Ⅲ / Marks / Examiner
PartⅠ / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20

Part Ⅰ Choice Questions (only one answer is correct)(40 points)

1. Which of the following drugs has the largest therapeutic index?

A. Drug A LD50=150mg, ED50=50mg

B. Drug B LD50=300mg, ED50=50mg

C. Drug C LD50=250mg, ED50=100mg

D. Drug D LD50=100mg, ED50=50mg

E. Drug E LD50=300mg, ED50=200mg

2. A drug eliminated with first-order kinetics, the concentration of the drug in plasma is 200mg/L at 9 am after administration of a single dose, and at 6 pm the drug plasma concentration is 25 mg/L. So, its t1/2 is

A. 3h

B. 4h

C. 5h

D. 6h

E. 9h

3. The drugs that can pass across the blood brain barrier are

A. small in molecular weight and ionized drugs

B. small in molecular weight and nonionized drugs

C. large in molecular weight and ionized drugs

D. large in molecular weight and nonionized drugs

E. lower liposolubility

4. Which of the following is true for a drug whose elimination from plasma shows first-order kinetics?

A. the half-life of the drug is proportional to the drug concentration in plasma

B. the amount eliminated per unit time is constant

C. the rate of elimination is proportional to the plasma concentration

D. elimination involves a rate-limiting enzyme reaction operating at its maximal velocity

E. a plot of drug concentration versus time is a straight line

5. Among the following drugs, which will be excreted most quickly in acidic urine?

A. a weak acid drug with pKa of 5.5

B. a weak base drug with pKa of 6.5

C.a weak base drug with pKa of 4.5

D. a weak acid drug with pKa of 3.5

E. a weak base drug with pKa of 7.5

6. After repeated administration of phenobarbital sodium, the patients complain the drug is less useful, this phenomenon is called

A. tolerance

B. resistance

C. dependence

D. side reaction

E. residual effect

7. Patients with myasthenia gravis are more effectively treated with

A. physostigmine

B. propranolol

C. epinephrine

D. atropine

E. pilocarpine

8. When presynaptic β-receptor is activated

A. the release of NE is not influenced

B. the release of NE increases

C. the synthesis of NE increases

D. the release of NE decreases

E. the synthesis of NE decreases

9. Atropine can not be used in the treatment of

A. bradycardia

B. infectious shock

C. prostatic hypertrophy

D. neostigmine overdose

E. intoxication of organophosphate

10. The main route of inactivation of ACh is

A. it is destroyed by MAO

B. it is destroyed by COMT

C. it is destroyed by PNMT

D. it is hydrolyzed by cholinesterase

E. it is retaken into the cytoplasm

11.Which is correct description about the β-adrenoceptor effect?

A. both cardiac excitation and vascular dilation belong to β2 effect

B. both cardiac excitation and bronchial dilation belong to β2 effect

C. both cardiac excitation and vascular dilation belong to β1 effect

D. both vascular dilation and bronchial dilation belong to β2 effect

E. both cardiac excitation and bronchial dilation belong to β1 effect

12. The elevated blood pressure caused by epinephrine may be reversed by

A. propranolol

B. phentolamine

C. norepinephrine

D. nicotine

E. atropine

13. Which of the following does NOT belong to muscarinic actions caused by M-receptor activation?

A. Heart depression

B. Vessel dilation

C. Miosis

D. Skeletal muscle contraction

E. Glands secretion

14.Which of the following drugs would reverse myocardial remodeling and reduce overall mortality in patients with heart failure?

A. Cardiac glucosides

B. Diuretics

C. AT1-receptor blockers

D. Phosphodiesterase inhibitor

E. Calcium channel blockers

15. All of the following measures can be used in the treatment of digoxin-induced tachycardia EXCEPT

A. stopping digoxin administration

B. potassium administration

C. phenytoin administration

D. atropine administration

E. lidocaine administration

16. Which one of the following drugs decreases de novo cholesterol biosynthesis by inhibiting the enzyme HMG CoA reductase?

A. Niacin

B. Lovastatin

C. Gemfibrozil

D. Cholestyramine

E. Probucol

17. The therapeutic action of β-receptor blockers in angina pectoris is believed to be primarily the result of

A. Reduced production of catecholamines

B. Decreased HR and cardiac contractility

C. Dilation of the coronary vasculature

D. Increased peripheral resistance

E. Increased sensitivity to catecholamines

18. Which of the following drugs acts at central imidazoline (I1) recptors?

A. verapamil

B. clonidine

C. hydralazine

D. enalapril

E. nifedipine

19. Which of the following agents is the drug of choice for ventricular fibrillation?

A. verapamil

B. amiodarone

C. propranolol

D. lidocaine

E. quinidine

20. The mechanism of positive myodynamial action of cardiac glycoside is due to

A. exciting vagal nerve

B. exciting sympathetic nerve

C. activating Na+-K+-ATPase

D. inhibiting Na+-K+-ATPase

E. inhibiting Na+-Ca2+ exchange

Part Ⅱ Please explain the following pharmacological terms(20 points)

1. Half-life time(t1/2)


2. Tolerance


3. Therapeutic index (TI)


4. Side effect


5. Bioavailability


Part Ⅲ Assay Questions (40 points)

1. Please describe the clinical uses of pilocarpine. (10 points)


2. Why is adrenaline used as the drug of choice in the treatment of allergic shock? (10 points)


3.Please describe the mechanism of ACEI in the treatment of hypertension (10 points).


4. Please describe the side reaction of cardiac glycoside. (10 points)


Additional test paper (only 1 page)