Chapter 8 (Religion and Reform 1812-1860) Guided Notes

Remember the Great Awakening of the 1700s????

There was a 2nd Great Awakening in the 1800s

America had become immoral according to Protestant preachers known as ______ .

The revived interest in religious feelings led to other social reforms in the 1800s.

Evangelical Revivals…



Charles Grandison Finney-

Debate Over Church and State…

The two sides



Sabbatarian Reform Movement

African Americans and Religious Reform

African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church


Role of Religion for Slaves



Mormonism (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)

Joseph Smith-

Mormon Discrimination-

Brigham Young-


Catholic Discrimination-




Ralph Waldo Emerson-

Henry David Thoreau-

Education Reform

Public School Movement-

Horace Mann-

Women emerge as prominent in school reform

Mental Illness and Prison Reform

Dorthea Dix-

Penitentiary Movement-

Temperance Movement

Alcohol blamed as cause for societal problems

Definition of temperance-

American Temperance Society-


By 1830… 2 million slaves


Strong family traditions (examples)-



Resistance was sometimes sabotage and sometimes escape


Underground Railroad-

200 slave revolts

  • Nat Turner (Richmond, VA)-
  • Denmark Vesey (Charleston, SC)-
  • White Reaction-

Free African Americans

Northern Manumission-

American Colonization Society (ACS)


Questioned Motives-

By 1804…all states north of Maryland had laws ending slavery.

1807…bringing slaves from Africa to any state was made illegal

Abolition Movement- Americans who wanted slavery abolished or ended

William Lloyd Garrison (Boston)

The Liberator-


American Anti-Slavery Society-

Grimke Sisters- Sarah and Angelina

Frederick Douglass-

Sojourner Truth-

Southern Arguments FOR Slavery

  • Necessary
  • Benefited North
  • Superior to Wage Labor
  • Christianity Supported Slavery

The South got more relentless in their maintenance of slavery.

Not all Northerners were abolitionists- actually they were the minority!

  • feared competition for factory wage jobs by free blacks
  • most in the North wanted to stay out of the slave controversy

The Gag Rule was passed in 1836 and renewed for 8 years to prevent discussion of slavery in Congress.

Abolition was small and confined to the North- but were very vocal and persistent.


Women’s Movement

In the 1800s, women’s freedoms and rights were severely limited.

After the 2nd Great Awakening, women took a much greater role in society.

Women’s Limitations

  • no property
  • no public office
  • no voting rights
  • usually forbidden to speak in public
  • limited education

The reform movements previously discussed in this chapter all had women playing prominent roles.

Industrialization provided women economic opportunities outside the home

Social Independence-

Economic Independence-

Women’s Labor Unions-

2 trends of the 1830s led to the Women’s Movement’s true beginnings



Margaret Fuller-

Grimke Sisters-

Lucretia Mott-

Elizabeth Cady Stanton-

Seneca Falls Convention (New York)

  • “Declaration of Sentiments”
  • Susan B. Anthony

Married Women’s Property Act-