Aquia Harbour Women’s Club Scholarship Guidelines

1)The Aquia Harbour Women’s Club will award one $750 scholarship annually.

2)In order to qualify for consideration, a student must meet the following criteria:

  1. Be a graduating female senior from Brooke Point High School, an accredited private school, or home school
  2. Plan to attend a national or state-accredited college or university, junior college, or school of nursing the year following graduation
  3. Apply for the Aquia Harbour Women’s Club Scholarship. The application consists of completing and returning the enclosed application with the required information to the school’s counseling office or to the Aquia Harbour Women’s Club Scholarship Committee by Friday, April 27, 2018 (email address included at the end of this application)

3)Applicant must have a 3.0 GPA average or better. The scholarship recipient will be selected based on the following criteria:

  1. The primary considerations will be given to the student’s overall academic record, service to the school and community, and financial need
  2. Evaluation will be given to the student’s character, citizenship, integrity, responsibility, leadership, and personal motivation

4)To be considered for the scholarship, a student must submit the following information:

  1. A completed application
  2. One written recommendation from an academic teacher, activity sponsor, or person unrelated to the applicant (i.e., employer, neighbor, minister)
  3. Complete the essay questions listed at the end of the application

5)Recipients of any full scholarships, including National Merit, ROTC, and appointments to any service academy are not eligible for this scholarship award.

6)The Aquia Harbour Women’s Club Scholarship Committee will select the scholarship recipient. No individual who has a daughter or relative applying for this scholarship shall be eligible to serve on this committee.

7)The Scholarship Committee will select one recipient and an alternate should the primary recipient become ineligible for any reason.

8)The scholarship will be remitted directly to the academic institution upon notification that the recipient has been granted admission and registered. Said scholarship is reserved to defray the expenses of tuition, books, and academic fees. The recipient will forfeit said scholarship if she is not registered by August 1 of the year of selection unless an extension is granted by the Aquia Harbour Women’s Club Board of Directors.

Aquia Harbour Women’s Club 2018Scholarship Application
Note: Applicant must be a female Aquia Harbour resident

Phone Number (home and cell phone):
Email Address:
Please list the school activities and community service organizations in which you participated in during high school?
Do you have any employment experience? (If yes, please list)
What was your grade point average (GPA) at the end of your junior year?
What is your current GPA?
Which college/university do you plan to attend?
Have you applied?
Have you been accepted?
Have you received any other scholarships? (If yes, please list them and their value)
Have you chosen a major or field of study? (If yes, please describe)
Are any other members of your immediate family currently attending a college/university? (If yes, please list details)
Please list three references with contact information and attach a written recommendation from one to your application.

Required Essay Questions

Why are you applying for this scholarship? (Please attach response and keep to 200 words or less)

How will this scholarship assist you and/or your family as you plan financially for your college education? (Please attach response and keep to 200 words or less)

More than 30 years ago, the Aquia Women’s Club, a service-focused organization, started to support the community. Describe a community service organization you participate(d) in that has encouraged you to contribute to your community and has provided you an opportunity for a personal volunteer accomplishment. (Please attach response and keep to 500 words or less)

How has your community service involvement prepared you for college? What skills have you learned through volunteering that you plan to use in college? (Please attach response and keep to 500 words or less)

Additional Information
We thank you for your interest in the Aquia Harbour Women’s Club Scholarship. The scholarship recipient will be notified by the end of the school year. The scholarship recipient and her mother will be invited to our June 12, 2018 dinner meeting at a local restaurant. Please turn your application packet in to the BPHS guidance office or email your application and direct anyquestions to Patricia Englman at or call 540-226-3009.