Kentwood High School – Dance Team Contract / 2015-16

Kentwood High School

Dance Team Rules and Regulations Contract


Kentwood High School dance team members must show dedication and pride in all team activities and accept the following requirements. They must be prompt, willing to devote time and energy to the team, and abide by all regulations in this contract, as well as our team covenants. The coach(es) will be the final authority in interpreting this contract.


The purpose of this team is to give students the opportunity to promote school spirit, encourage school and team involvement, be supportive to other sport programs, encourage high standards, and develop or increase skills in dance, responsibility, leadership, and self-discipline. The dance team is also a highly competitive dance team who is actively involved in WIAA dance/drill competitions. As such, the coaches strive to teach each dancer valuable life lessons while sharing a passion for dance. Success in this activity is subjective and the dancers must be willing to pursue their craft even if they don’t “start” or compete. The main purpose of being on the dance team is to grow as a person and a dancer.


The Kentwood High School dance team shall consist of approximately 20 to 40 members. To be on the performing team, members will need to have outstanding participation in dance practices, camps and clinics, routine tryouts, maintain a highly cooperative attitude and follow the team contract and covenants. The quality of an individual member’s participation and skill level will determine their place, if any, on the competition team(s). The final decision as to membership rests with the coach(es) and athletic director.


To be eligible for Kentwood dance team the following requirements need to be maintained.

A.  Students are required to maintain a 2.0 GPA at the quarter, semester and/or during progress report time. Any member not maintaining a 2.0 GPA or not passing 5 out of 6 classes will be placed on academic probation. Members on probation may practice but not perform at an event. They will need to do weekly grade checks with the athletic director until such time they have earned their spot back on the performing team (when eligible/their grade is raised). Weekly reports are turned in to the athletic director until the grade is raised and/or the end of the quarter/semester.

a.  Report cards MUST be turned in at the first practice after they are issued or a performance may be missed.

b.  Altering a report card results in immediate expulsion.

B.  All dance team members are required to purchase an ASB card.

C.  All dancers are required to refrain from use of tobacco, alcohol or controlled substances while a member of the team.

D.  No money is refunded if a member resigns, is benched or dismissed.

E.  Members are required to participate in fundraisers. Some exceptions may be made depending on the circumstances. Any exceptions must be approved in advance by the head coach.

F.  Any injury or serious illness that was treated by a doctor will require a doctor’s approval to return to practice.


A.  Requirements

a.  If you are a current high school student, a current physical is required before tryouts begin. Physicals are good for two school years at the residing school, not two years between two schools. If you have a current physical on file at KW, nothing is needed for tryouts except the athletic director’s initials on the tryout clearance form.

b.  If you are a middle school student your current physical for middle school is sufficient only through tryouts and must be obtained after June 6th, but before team camp.

c.  If you are a middle school student and you have not had a physical you may wait until after June 6th to obtain one.

B.  Student accident/medical insurance form and fees must be completed and turned in before tryouts begin.

C.  Dancers must have emergency medical information and treatment authorization forms completed before tryouts. *All forms are available at the mandatory parent tryout meeting.


A.  Attendance expectations are very strict. All members are required to attend ALL scheduled practices and performances unless they have a legitimate excuse. Legitimate excuses include: physical injury, school scheduled (affects grade) event, illness, death in the family, or serious family business. Since you are provided with a calendar several months or more in advance, please schedule any appointments around dance obligations. If there are excessive excused absences, a member may be replaced by an alternate member or removed from the team. Medical or school related appointments are excused if scheduled at least THREE weeks in advance. Vacations are excused if scheduled at least FOUR weeks in advance. If appointments or vacations interfere with competitions, the dancer will be pulled from the performances affected by their absence(s).

a.  Elite Performance Dance Camp – Mandatory: June 25-28, 2015

b.  Kids dance camp fundraiser – Mandatory: July 15-17, 2015

c.  Dance clinic at Kentwood – Mandatory: August 24-29, 2015


Exceptions are rare, but not impossible. Please discuss with the head coach any possible conflicts with these dates prior to trying out for the team.

B. Members must attend all team practices, line practices, special activities, and performances. Members must stay for an entire game/event to support other Kentwood athletic teams at events in which the team performs unless told otherwise by the coach or athletic director.

C. For all absences or anticipated late arrivals/early dismissals, members MUST CALL or text the coach before practice begins OR BEFORE TEAM PERFORMANCE/ACTIVITIES. Failure to do so results in an unexcused absence and possible benching. Calling or texting another team member is not an acceptable form of notification for tardiness or absence.

D. Members who are absent or attend less than four periods of the school day are not allowed to perform nor participate in practice that day and depending on the reason for absence will determine whether the dance practice/event is an excused absence. In instances where we perform or compete on a Saturday, you must meet the four period minimum on the Friday before in order to be eligible to perform or compete.

E. Absences, whether excused or unexcused, that prevent a member from attending the two practices and/or tryouts prior to a performance result in the member missing the performance.

F. Late arrivals over fifteen minutes become unexcused absences.

G. ROLL IS TAKEN PROMPTLY AT the start of each designated practice time. A tardy is defined as one to fifteen minutes late.

H. Early dismissals will only be considered if it is for another school related activity or it will be considered an unexcused absence.

I.  Team members will not be excused for extended periods of time for parental discipline actions, including family grade expectations. They have a commitment and responsibility to the team and their teammates.

J. In the event that two consecutive practices are missed due to unexcused absences, sat out/couldn’t participate due to minor ailments (if more than two consecutive nonparticipation practices a doctor visit/letter of participation is necessary), or member is disciplined during practice for breaking rules, the member will be put on probation. If any other infractions occur for any of the above reasons the member will be removed from the team.


A. Members who fail to turn in signed parent permission slips prior to approved team trips will not be allowed to attend these events.

B. Kent School District policy mandates that students MUST ride with the team in transportation. Other transportation is allowed only when approved by the advisor; athletic director; or principal for both to and from away events. Members may not ride with another team member without an adult without prior authorization for both to and from away events.


A.  All members must pass a tryout for each routine during all seasons. Members must also exude maximum effort, proper technique and demonstrate they know the routine in its entirety with virtually no mistakes. Members are notified in advance with the date(s) of tryouts. Any member judged to be below team standards by the coaches will not perform. A member is not assured of performing at all performances. The coach has the final decision on who will and will not perform for each performance.

B.  Competition routines each have a separate tryout. Different members may be selected for each category. Additional tryouts may be allowed later in the season at the coach’s discretion but are not guaranteed. All dancers should put forth maximum effort to make the competition routine(s) at the first tryout date in the fall.


A. Members MUST wear uniforms whenever the officers and/or coaches designate.

1.  Practice uniforms are to be worn intact to all practices.

2.  Tennis shoes appropriate for running and cardio exercise are required for all practices. The team hip hop and dance shoes are also to be worn at all practices and performances unless otherwise instructed.

3.  No jewelry may be worn of any kind during practices or performances/competitions. Including bellybutton, nose, eyebrow, ear, etc., no plugs are allowed during competitions but may be worn during practice.

4.  No slippers, boots or Uggs can be worn to performances, competitions, events, public appearances, or to school with team warm ups.

5.  Hair must be worn up and away from the face at all times during practices.

6.  Members are not to wear uniform pieces except when specified by coaches. For years following being a dance team member, and a uniform piece is a current piece, you may not wear the item until it is no longer in use by the team. No uniform pieces may be combined with street clothes after performances. No uniform pieces are to be “loaned out” under any circumstances while currently being used as a costume piece.

7.  Chewing gum is not allowed during practices or performances.

8.  Members must remain in uniform with the uniform in tact until after performing. When a member is authorized by the coach to change after performing it must be school appropriate/approved clothing. Members are allowed to change during the third quarter and MUST BE BACK with the team and student body to support and encourage other sport teams for the fourth quarter.

9.  Makeup shall be worn as directed.

10.  No writing on the body of any kind is acceptable unless it is part of the costume.

11.  Only clear, French manicure or no nail polish is allowed for performances, unless otherwise directed for costume. Nails cannot be long enough to be seen over the end of the fingertips and absolutely no nail polish is acceptable for any competitions.

12.  Being in uniform at school does not excuse member from not suiting up in P.E.

B. Members assume financial responsibility for all damaged, lost or stolen articles

1.  Each uniform piece should be marked with the member’s name or initials. It is the dancer’s responsibility to mark their clothing items.

2.  If a member loses any part of their costume or practice clothing, they are required to purchase replacement items and pay for said items in addition to their original payment budget.


A.  Dance Team Members must remember they represent their school, the community, and the entire Kent School District. Therefore, members must maintain a HIGH standard of performance, behavior, appearance and sportsmanship which will reflect favorably upon themselves, their team, and their school.

Officers or members who receive DETENSION, SUSPENSION OR WEDNESDAY SCHOOL SHALL CONSTITUTE SUFFICIENT CAUSE FOR DISCIPLINE/SUSPENSION from the team. The coach and school administration will determine if the member will resign their position based on the above. Violations include but are not limited to:

1.  Possession, use of alcohol, drugs or illegal substances at any time both at school or away.

2.  Remaining where alcohol, drugs or illegal substances are present, EVEN IF YOU ARE NOT PARTICIPATING IN THEIR USE.

3.  Swearing is not permitted during school activities or events.

4.  Inappropriate sexual contact or vulgar behavior at any dance team attended school event.

B.  The coach will have the authority to place any member on probation, suspend or drop permanently, any team member for the following reasons:

1.  Undesirable conduct, language or behavior. (This includes ALL aspects of social media – i.e. foul language, disrespectful dialog or photos)

2.  Uncooperative attitude with the coach, captains or other team members

3.  If a dancer is truant (skips) from school

4.  Violation of the dance rules and regulations, contract or team covenants.

The coaches will take each incident on a case by case basis and aim to adhere to consistent forms of discipline for every team member, regardless of status, tenure or relationship with the coaches. Fairness is our highest priority.



Parent/Guardian Signature
Parent/Guardian – Print Name
Student Signature
Student – Print Name
Date Signed


Revised 3-13-15