Delaware SeaSide Railroad Club, Inc.

Monthly Meeting Minutes

April 12, 2016

South Coastal Library, Bethany Beach, DE

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by John Hodges, Engineer. Board members present included John Hodges, Engineer; Joe “Doc” Dougherty, Fireman; John Martin, Ticket Master; and Frank Mack, Conductor. John Weisel, Dispatcher was excused.

29 members & 1 guest were in attendance.

Monthly Officers Reports

o  Engineer

John mentioned that the memorial service for Bob Hodges at his home was well attended and thanked the members for participating. Bill Mixon shared a slide presentation and stated that Bob will be truly missed, and that he epitomized what a true club member is. Also, there was a short slide presentation of photos taken by Tom Bradley.

o  Fireman

Doc mentioned he is getting stuff together to sell at the show.

o  Ticket Master

John Martin reviewed the March 2016 financials, and based on our board meeting made some minor changes. Checking balance $9,227 & savings $11,787.

o  Conductor

Frank requested a motion and second to approve the March meeting minutes so moved and approved. Membership is at 65, after purging members who did not renew. New members Dan Mann and Bob Mericsko were introduced.

o  Dispatcher

John Hodges indicated John Weisel is working with local newspapers to advertise the spring show.

Train Committee Report:

G – Nelson Davison: Progress. Most of the new track is in place. Don Dean is working on lower level bridges.

O – Bill Ziegler: There will be a work day this Wednesday. Hope to finish cork roadbed and have track installed on lower level. John Hodges has started wiring.

S – John Hodges: Has some S- gauge items from Bob’s garage to review.

HO – Tom Bradley: layout has been working well. He will be selling his engine that has been running well on the layout to the club for $175. Also, we will be selling a club engine and passenger cars that don’t run well. Asking $300. Jim LeGates mentioned that he has an assortment of HO equipment donated from ACTS that he will drop off at the club on Wednesday.

N – Bill Gluth: the 4’ x 8’ layout is back at the club, and will be working on wiring and scenery.

‘CLUBHOUSE’ Committee – David Lawrence:

o  March activity report is attached - has been modified per Steve Cawunder’s suggestion to capture “volunteer hours”

o  Since David is stepping down, John Hodges talked about a Clubhouse Manager – see New Business.

Fundraising Committee Report – Bill Mixon:.

o  Bill indicated we have 32 sponsors and have collected $3,200.

o  Started a new program – “Donors Program”. If someone donates $100 or more, they will have a plaque on the club wall. Donors of a lesser amount will have their name added to a Donors List.

o  In kind donations of goods or services are also accepted. Rule of thumb is the donated item should have a value of at least $200.

o  Movie night will be in November. Bill Ziegler asked if we could do it as a Saturday Matinee. Doug Hornberger will check, but thinks not, as she does our show on a day she is normally closed.

o  Thinking of doing a “Lego” building contest for kids, with a Lego watch as the grand prize.

o  T-shirts will no longer be sold as a donation, but strictly as cost of goods sold.

o  Doc Dougherty mentioned that we should capture patrons/donors email’s to build a database.

Outreach Committee Report:

Old Business:

o  Work Day at Jean’s Garage – Part 2: Tuesday, April 19th @ 10:00AM

o  Hartly Show April 16th - Sign Ups, Bill Ziegler

·  4-6-9-3-6: Bill asked if anyone knows the meaning.

4 – Leave for Hartly at 4:00 AM

6 – Start setup at 6:00 AM

9 – Show opens at 9:00 AM

3 – Show ends at 3:00 PM – teardown and pack van

6 – Arrive back home at 6:00 PM

o  Roxana Spring Show – Sign-ups, Bill Ziegler has sheets

New Business:

o  TCA-York Train Meet – April 14-16th – Car Pools

·  Cars leave at 8:00 AM from the Wal-Mart parking lot in Georgetown

o  Clubhouse Manager – New Board-Level Position

·  John Hodges discussed the need and responsibilities.

§  Make sure in advance we have coverage during open hours and to notify the Engineer if we don’t.

§  Make sure there is an adequate supply of forms, cleaning supplies, etc.

§  Will be a non-voting position on the board, similar to the previous Yardmaster position.

§  John Hodges will take on this responsibility for now.

o  Computer Program – scheduling volunteers

·  Doc Dougherty will reach out to Del Tech and Sussex Tech for a student to work on a computer program for scheduling volunteers at the club.

o  There was a group visit of about 15, from Peachtree last Monday.

Our next meeting is May10th, at the South Coastal Library, 7 PM.

Adjourn to Post business activities @ 8:01 PM

Larry Coggins gives a pictorial summary of his train-watching in America’s Southwest and Western States

Respectfully submitted: Frank Mack, Conductor (Secretary)