Question and Answer Bank

First Grade

SOL 1.1 History
How have schools changed over time? / Schools have changed from being small one-room buildings to large buildings with many rooms.
How have communities changed over time? / Communities have changed from being smaller than today, with fewer people, to being larger than in the past with more people.
How has transportation changed over time? / Transportation has changed from people walking, riding horses, or riding in wagons, to people riding in cars, airplanes, trains, and space shuttles.
How has family life changed over time? / Family life has changed from people wearing handmade clothes, playing homemade games, and having a family vegetable garden, to people wearing store-bought clothes, playing electronic games, and eating microwave food.
What is community? / A community is a place where people live, work, and play.
What is change? / Change is something that happens to make things different.
What is family? / A family is a group of people who care for one another.
What is past? / The past includes things that have already happened.
What is present? / The present includes things that are happening right now.
What is future? / The future includes things that may happen someday.
What does a timeline show about the past and present? / Time lines show the sequence of events occurring in the past or in the present.
How might a community change in the future? / A community may get larger in the future and use online resources.
Examples of schools in the past. / Small. One-room buildings
Examples of communities in the past. / Smaller than today, fewer people
Examples of transportation in the past. / Walking, riding horses, or riding in wagons
Examples of family in the past. / Handmade clothes, homemade games, family vegetable garden
Examples of schools in the present. / Large building with many rooms
Examples of communities in the present. / Larger than in the past, many people
Examples of transportation in the present. / Riding in cars, airplanes, trains, and space shuttles
Examples of family life in the present. / Store-bought clothes, electronic games, microwave food
SOL 1.2 History
What does contribution mean? / A contribution is the act of giving or doing something.
What contributions do we remember that were made by George Washington / He was born in Virginia. He was a farmer. He became a brave leader of soldiers. He was the first President of the United States. He is known as the “Father of our Country.”
What contributions do we remember that were made by Benjamin Franklin? / He proved that electricity was present in lighting through his kite experiment. He started the first library and the first volunteer fire department in America.
What contributions do we remember that were made by Abraham Lincoln? / He was born in a log cabin. He taught himself how to read. He became a United States President. He was known as “Honest Abe.”
What contributions do we remember that were made by George Washington Carver? / He was an African American who studied science and plants. He became a teacher. He developed hundreds of uses for peanuts, sweet potatoes, and soybeans.
What contributions do we remember that were made by Eleanor Roosevelt? / She was a leader for equal rights for all people. She volunteered for many organizations.
SOL 1.3 History
Why do people celebrate holidays? / Major holidays are celebrated to remember certain important leaders and events of the past.
What is a holiday? / A holiday is a day on which something or someone is honored or remembered.
Who and what do we celebrate on Columbus Day? / This is a day to remember Christopher Columbus who was given credit for discovering America. It is observed in October.
Who and what do we celebrate on President’s Day? / This day to remember all United States Presidents, especially George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. It is observed in February.
Who and what do we celebrate on Independence Day (Fourth of July)? / This is a holiday to remember when America became a new country. It is sometimes called America’s birthday. It is observed in July.
1.4 Geography
How are land, water, cities, and roads shown on a map? / Land, water, cities, and roads are shown on maps with map symbols.
What are the cardinal directions? / The cardinal directions are the directions of north, south, east, and west.
How may Virginia and the United States be located on maps and globes? / Virginia and the United States can be located on maps and globes by their physical shapes.
How can the capital cities of WashingtonD.C. and Richmond, Virginia be located in a United States maps? / The capital cities of Washington, D.C and Richmond Virginia, may be located by using symbols on a Untied States map.
What is a map? / A map is a drawing that shows what places look like from above and where they are located.
What is a globe? / A globe is a round model of the Earth.
What is a symbol? / A symbol is a picture or thing that stands for something else.
What are cardinal directions? / Cardinal directions are the directions of north, south, east, and west.
What do map symbols identify? / Map symbols identify land, water, cities, and roads.
What are the terms north, south, east, and west? / They are used to determine the location on simple maps.
SOL 1.5 Geography
What is included when making a map? / Maps include symbols that are pictures that stand for something else. Most maps also have map legends. They also include the cardinal directions of north, east, south, and west.
What information is learned from a map legend? / Most maps have legends including symbols that represent objects and places.
What is a map legend? / A list of shapes and symbols used on a map and an explanation of what each stands for.
SOL 1.6 Geography
How does location affect how people live? / Location affects the way people in a community meet their basic needs. This includes the foods they eat, the clothing they wear, and the kind of homes they build.
How does climate affect the way people live? / Climate affects the way people in a community meet their basic needs. This includes the food they eat, the clothing they wear, and the kinds of homes they build.
How do physical surroundings affect the way people live? / Physical surroundings affect the way people in a community meet their basic needs. This includes the food they eat, the clothing they wear, and the kinds of homes they build.
What is location? / Location is where people live.
What is climate? / Climate is the kind of weather an area has over a long period of time.
What are physical surroundings? / Physical surroundings include land and bodies of water.
What are seasons? / Seasons are any one of the four phases of the year (spring, summer, fall, winter).
How does geography affect people? / Geography affects how people travel from one place to another and determines what is available for recreation.
SOL 1.7 Economics
What are goods? / Goods are things people make or use to satisfy needs and wants.
What are services? / Services are activities that satisfy people’s needs and wants.
Who is a consumer? / A consumer is a person who uses or buys goods and services.
Who is a producer? / A producer is a person who makes goods or provides services.
SOL 1.8 Economics
What happens when people cannot have everything they want? / People cannot have all the goods and services they want, so they must choose some thing and give up others.
SOL 1.9 Economics
Why do people save money? / People save money so it can be spent in the future.
What is money? / Money is paper bills and coins that are used to pay for goods and services.
What is savings? / Savings is money not spent now so it can be spent in the future.
SOL 1.10 Civics
What are some traits of good citizens? / Students can demonstrate good citizenship by:
  • Playing fairly
  • Exhibiting good sportsmanship
  • Helping others
  • Treating others whit respect
  • Recognizing the purpose of rules
  • Practicing self-control
  • Working hard in school
  • Taking responsibility for one’s own actions
  • Valuing honesty and truthfulness in oneself and others
  • Participating in classroom decision making

Why are rules necessary? / Reasons for rules are:
  • To protect rights of people
  • To suggest good behavior
  • To keep people safe

Why do people vote? / Reasons for voting are:
  • To voice you self-interest
  • To take part in the process

SOL 1.11 Civics
What are some patriotic symbols and traditions of the United States? / Some patriotic symbols are:
  • American flag
  • Bald eagle
  • Washington Monument
  • Statue of Liberty

How do citizens demonstrate respect for the American flag? / Citizens demonstrate respect for the American flag by saying the Pledge of Allegiance and the United States.
What is a symbol? / A symbol is a picture or thing that stands for something else.
What is a tradition? / A tradition is a custom or belief that happens over a long period of time.
What does patriotic mean? / Patriotic means showing respect for and love of country.
What is the American flag? / The American flag is a flag representing the United States.
SOL 1.12 Civics
Why are local governments important? / Local governments are elected by people and try to make the community a better place to live and work.
Why do communities have volunteers? / Volunteers work to make communities better.
How do Virginians of different ethnic origins, customs, and traditions share common principles? / Communities in Virginia include people of many ethnic origins who come from different places. Most Virginians make valuable contributions to their communities. People celebrate American holidays and traditions in addition to their cultural holidays and traditions.
What common principles unite Virginians as Americans? / People in our communities are united as Americans by common principles and traditions such as celebrating Independence Day (Fourth of July), pledging allegiance to the flag, and voting in elections.