Jefferson County Schools


Jefferson County Schools

Federal Programs - Parent Involvement

Feedback from Parents at 7/21/14 Parent/Community Meeting


Please answer the following to help us revise our System and School-level Parent Involvement Policies and the School Parent Compacts.

1.  The school system must spend at least 1% of Title I funds on parent involvement. Please choose the two ways you would most like to see these funds used:

___Data collectors at the three elementary schools to notify parents and to help increase parent involvement at the earliest grade levels.

___Workshops for parents on helping students with academics

___Workshops for parents on increasing computer skills

___Workshops on parenting skills

___Curriculum nights for specific grade levels

___Other: ______

2.  What limits your participation in your child’s school activities, meetings, or conferences? (check all that apply)

_____ not enough information or notice _____ transportation

_____ inconvenient schedule/times _____ language

_____ childcare/babysitting _____ location

3. When would it be most convenient for you to attend meetings?

____ Morning _____ Afternoon _____ Evening

Circle one: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

4. What is/are the best way(s) to communicate with you and your family?

(check all that apply)

____ letters, newsletters _____ phone calls _____ email

____ system/school website _____ home visit _____ meetings

____ other:______

Circle the method you prefer.

·  What would help you participate more in decision making and the overall academic achievement in your child’s school? (check all that apply)

□  More encouragement from the school to get involved

□  More information on how to get involved

□  More information about the school issues to be addressed

□  More opportunities to share my opinion about school issues

□  More confidence in my abilities to help

□  More time in my schedule

□  Other (please explain) ______


·  What type of information programs would you like the school to provide for parents? (check all that apply)

□ Navigating the system & school websites / □  Homework help
□  Computer skills for parents
□ Reading strategies / □  Other (please describe)
□ Technology assistance / □  ______
□ Math skills

·  In your opinion, how effective are the following when it comes to the school communicating with you or your family?

Not Effective / Effective / Very Effective
Parent meetings (open house, curriculum night, etc.) / □  / □  / □ 
Parent/Teacher Conferences / □  / □  / □ 
Newsletters (link on schools Website) / □  / □  / □ 
Automated calls from the school / □  / □  / □ 
Email / □  / □  / □ 
System and school websites / □  / □  / □ 
Flyers sent home with your child / □  / □  / □ 

·  What types of training or programs to improve student academic achievement would you be likely to participate in if they were offered by the school? Please check all that apply.

___ Educational parent workshops or classes / ___ Lunch and learn sessions
___ Parent meetings or presentations / ___ Family fun learning nights
___ Online parent classes or webinar presentations / ___ Mentoring
___ School decision making committees or councils / ___ Volunteering

·  After reviewing the CLIP, the School Improvement Plans, and the Schoolwide Plans, please give us some specific things you think parents can pledge to do as part of our School Parent Compacts for 2014-15 (i.e. play word games, make math fun, attend curriculum nights, respond to surveys, listen to your child read 20 minutes per day, etc).

If applicable, please circle which school(s) your child(ren) attends: