1. Вставьпропущенныеслова

In the evening, pupil, hands, lunch, face, teeth, school, breakfast

John lives with his mum and dad. He is a (1)…. He goes to …(2). He gets up at seven o’clock. He washes his(3)… and….(4), cleans his …(5). John has his….(6) at 7.45 a.m.John comes home at 2 p.m. After … (7) he does his homework. (8)…he watches TV and read books. He goes to bed at 9 pm.

2. Подберите подходящее слово к предложению

1)It is … in Russia in winter.

a)rainy b)frosty c)hot

2)In summer the days are… .

a)sunny b)short c)cold

3)December, January and February are… months.

a)spring b)summer c)winter

4)June, July and August are … months.

a)summer b)autumn c)spring

5)March, … and May are spring months.

a)June b)February c)April

6)There are four seasons: spring, summer,… and winter.

a) autumn b)umbrella c)August

7) It is very hot. Put on … .

a)a cap b)a warm coat c)trousers

8) You put them on.

a)clothes b)September c)umbrella

9)At school you wear… .

a)jeans b)shorts c) uniform

10)Foxes have got a long… .

a)nose b)tail c)eyes

3.Чтоследует(should) или неследует(shouldnot)делатьДжону.

1) If it is warm, John … wear a warm coat.

2) If it is cloudy and rainy, he … go for a walk.

3) John … help mother to lay the table.

4) It is very frosty and stormy. John… go to school.

5) He … feed his dog pet.

4.Прочитайте. Ответьте на вопросы.

HeisfromBritain. The capital of Great Britain is London. It is small and beautiful

country. There are forests, lakes, mountains. He lives in Cardiff. He likes his city

very much. His favorite place is their wonderful park. He likes to playing games and going on a rides there.

1. What city does he live in?______

2. What is his favorite place there?______