Royal Crescent Patient Participation Group (PPG)

14th September 2017

Present: VCC (Acting Chair) JMF (Secretary) YC, GC, Dr PK (Senior Partner) JH (Assistant Practice Manager) Apologies: MC, ML

JH to send Care Navigation Powerpoint presentation link to VCC

The Minutes of the Meeting on 20th July 2017 had been circulated.

Flu Saturday, 30th September 2017: VCC had organised nametags and lanyards for PPG members. They intended to attend and chat to patients who attended for flu jabs. JH said RC receptionists had also organised a cake sale in Waiting Room 1 in aid of Macmillan Cancer, so there would be lots going on. PPG members had been invited to contribute cakes. VCC to create flyer and leaflet, to be printed at RC. PPG members to bring clipboards. VCC to circulate sheet for names/email addresses.VCC said other PPGs had tried “meet and greet” by going to surgeries and chatting to patients waiting for appointments. This strategy had resulted in a dramatic increase in membership.

News from the Surgery: In ML’s absence, JH reported news from the Practice Manager:

Receptionists had received Care Navigation Training, attended by VCC and MC from the PPG. Care Navigation would start after the telephone system messages has been changed. Awaiting telephone engineer.

The practice was working towards a new part-time partner joining in October. There had been no further progress with the new building. Dr PK said the lease was the stumbling block at the moment.

The practice was grateful to the PPG for making it think hard about wasted appointments. As a result, there were new posters and website information, a more robust protocol, a change to text message appointment reminders and the practice was considering investing in M-jog, a system of text message reminders where patients could text back to cancel appointments instantly. JH to circulate date and time of the M-jog webinar to VCC so PPG members could attend.

Fair Processing Notice: ML had thanked the PPG for comments on the draft. New electronic record-sharing arrangements were being trialled by TPP so draft needed to be put on hold until these were introduced later in 2017. Some members of the PPG said they would not want their records shared in any shape or form. Dr PK commented that in his previous experience working as a doctor in Out of Hours, it was very good, clinically, to be able to access the patient record. JH explained how the Summary Care Record and enhanced Summary Care Record worked compared to the sharing of the whole patient record.

Friends & Family Test forms:Gloucestershire CCG requested that PPGs get involved in advertising and reviewing feedback from FFT forms. The surgery has added the NHS animated FFT video to the waiting room TV screens. They're unconvinced about offering a NHS approved FFT form for children, due to it containing a question about ethnicity. The PPG requested that:

·  their recently revised FFT form replaces existing forms

·  hopefully before the 'Flu Clinic, the revised FFT forms are added in all waiting rooms in wall mounted holders, with clipboards and pens to aid completion including instructions about where to post forms. Ideally each waiting room will have a marked, locked, postbox

·  these FFT forms should be kept separate from the Nurses' feedback forms in Waiting Room 1

Dr PK highlighted some of the achievements of the PPG and RC so far:

* RC’s Twitter + Facebook presence established

* Funding for the PPG’s membership of the NAPP

* new PPG noticeboards in the surgery

* new strategies for tackling the problem of wasted appointments


·  RCS to replace a headed letter, with a previous GP's name on it, in the Patient Registration packs

·  RCS to consider adding both of the attached PPG handouts to the Patient Registration packs

·  RCS requested that a single POC liaises with them on behalf of the PPG

Discussion were unminuted after 7pm. The meeting closed at 7.45pm.