Time: 1 ½ Hrs. MM: 50

General instructions:

1. Answer to questions carrying 1 marks should not exceed 10 words each.

2. Answer to questions carrying 3 marks should not exceed 30-40 words each.

3. Answer to questions carrying 4 marks should not exceed 60-80 words each.

4. Maps should be securely tied in the middle of the Answer-Book.

5. Attempt all parts of a question together.

Geography 10 Marks

Q.1 Name any two state which have large percentage of forest area under reserved forest category. 1

Q.2 In what way the people of Rajasthan stored water for drinking? 1

Q.3 Explain any three factors which has caused depletion of the flora and fauna in India. 3

Q.4 Why many of our large cities face the problem of water scarcity? Give three reasons. 3

Q.5 (a) On the given outline political map of India are shown two geographical features by A and B. Identify these features with the help of map key and write their correct names on the line marked against each in the map.

½*2= 1

(b) On the same given outline political map of India, locate and label the following features and attach the map in your answer book:

1.  Mettur Dam. ½*2=1

2.  Sardar Sarovar Dam.

Democratic Politics 10 Marks

Q.6 Define the term Majoritarianism. 1

Q.7 Give two examples of power sharing among social groups. 1

Q.8 What are residuary subjects? 1

Q.9 Distinguish between horizontal and vertical form of power sharing. 3

Q.10 “India is federal country”. Justify with four points 4


Justify the importance of local government for a large and highly populated country like India.

Understanding Economics 15 Marks

Q.11 Give one example of government policy that ensures implementation of right to work in India. 1

Q.12 Why money is called the medium of exchange. 1

Q.13 Which bank supervises the functioning of banks in India and how? 1

Q.14 Give three reasons for rising importance of tertiary sector in past few years. 3

Q.15 Name the any two vulnerable groups from each rural and urban areas who need protection. Give two reasons why they need to be protected. 2+1

Q.16 How is formal credit different from informal credit? 4


Analyse the role of credit for development.

India and the Contemporary World 15 Marks

Q.17 What is meant by the idea of Satagraha? 1

Q.18 Name two types of shelter setup for homeless labourers. 1

Q.19 Mention any three effects of Non-corporation on economic front. 3

Q.20 Why were there clashes between the Indians weavers and company gomasthas? 3

Q.21 What role did a Jobber play for an industrialist? 3

Q.22 How did the pattern of Indian industry change in early 20th century?

Or 4

Explain various problems faced by the Indian weavers in the 19th century.