Name ______Hour ______Due:______

HW week 2 due February 5th

Lab 27

/ Due:______
Heart Lab / Data Tables (Not attached) / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3
Questions / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5


/ Due:______
Pulse Lab / Data Tables / 0 / 1 / 2
Questions / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3
Graph / 0 / 1 / 2
HW / Due:______
Flow #1 / Page (not attached) / 0 / 1 / 2
Flow #2 / Page (not attached) / 0 / 1 / 2
Heart WS / Page / 0 / 1 / 2
Vessels / Page / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

Your Points

Total Points Possible 26 pts

Lab 28 – Pulse Lab


The heart pumps blood to all the cells of the body. As you exercise, the muscle cells are burning sugar to make energy, this needs oxygen. The cells also produce wastes, CO2 and acids that need to be removed. The heart responds to changing needs of body cells by pumping more frequently.

Procedure 1:

1.  Locate your carotid pulse. If having difficulty call your teacher over.

2.  Each bump that you feel is a heart beat.

3.  Sit quietly for 2 minutes.

4.  Count your pulse for 15 seconds, and record.

5.  Repeat step 4 twice more.

6.  Calculate the heart rate per minute by multiplying the rate by 4.

7.  Calculate the average rate per minute.

Data Table:

Condition / Trial / Beats/15 seconds / Beats per minute
Resting / 1
Heart / 2
Rate / 3

Hypothesis – Increasing exercise will do what to heart rate and why?






Procedure 2:

1.  Exercise for 30 seconds.

2.  Take your pulse for 15 seconds and record.

3.  Repeat steps 1 and 2 for ten minutes.

4.  Sit, continue to record your pulse each minute for the next ten minutes.

Condition / Minutes / Beats/15 seconds / Beats per minute
Exercise / 1
Recovery / 11


1.  Using the data in the data table make a graph of your heart rate per minute versus time.

2.  What was your average resting heart rate?

3.  What was your highest heart rate and when did this occur?

4.  Why was your heart rate the highest here?

5.  When was your heart rate the lowest?

6.  Why was the rate low?

7.  What are some things that might lead to a slow recovery time?

8.  What are some things that would increase one’s recovery time?

9.  Define: recovery time –

10.  Was your initial hypothesis concerning heart rate true, why or why not?

11.  What are some other things that might cause your heart rate to change (either increase or decrease)?

HW – Heart Worksheet

Locate the four chambers of the heart. Now use your knowledge of the path blood takes as it flows.

1 ______2 ______

3 ______4 ______

5 ______6 ______

7 ______8 ______

9 ______10 ______

11 ______12 ______

13. Map the flow of blood by drawing color coded arrows, red for oxygenated and blue for deoxygenated.

Match the terms in Column A with the descriptions in Column B. Place the letter of your choice in the space provided. Use your textbook for a reference source if needed. Check your answers against the key provided or with your instructor.

Column A

A. Aorta

B. Aortic Semilunar Valve

C. Bicuspid (mitral) Valve

D. Inferior Vena Cava

E. Left Atrium

F. Left Pulmonary Artery

G. Left Ventricle

H. Myocardium

I. Coronary Arteries

J. Coronary Sinus

K. Pulmonary Artery (trunk)

L. Pulmonic Semilunar


M. Pulmonary Veins

N. Right Atrium

O. Right Ventricle

P. Superior Vena Cava

Q. Tricuspid Valve

R. Septum


1.  Briefly summarize the general functions of the heart in your own words.

2.  What are the differences between atriums and ventricles?

3.  Why do you think the left ventricle is larger than the right?

4.  During atria contraction, the hearts valves will be closed, and which will be open?

5.  What is the natural pace maker of the heart and why is it in control of contractions?

Read the text “Arteries, capillaries and veins” and match the first part of each sentence with the second one, to find out the whole sentence:

1 ___ Your heart and blood vessels / A. are called capillaries
2 ___ At the centre of your blood system / B. carry blood back to the heart
3 ___The job of your heart / C. carry blood away from the heart
4 ___ Blood vessels are tubes / D. they branch many times
5 ___ There are two main types of blood vessels: / E. to form veins
6 ___Arteries are vessels which / F. is your heart
7 ___ When arteries get to an organ / G. make up your blood system
8 ___The smallest branches / H. is like the one of a pump
9 ___ The capillaries then join up / I. arteries and veins
10 ___ Veins are vessels which / J. where blood runs

Read the text “Heart and double circulation” then put the terms or expressions below in logical order, following the way of the blood in your circulatory system (start from: “veins from the body”).

artery to the body – blood gets oxygen and releases carbon dioxide – left atrium – artery to the lungs – right atrium – left ventricle – veins from the body – blood gives oxygen and carries carbon dioxide away – right ventricle – veins from the lungs