Class: Intro Unit: 1 Lesson: 2 Day: 2 Date: 9/8-9/9

Lesson Plan – Intro 1.2.2


Learning Goal 2: Greet family, friends, and adults; tell where you are from.

SWBAT identify and produce origin vocabulary in order to state where he or she is from in Spanish.

Key Points

Tell where you are from

-  Origins vocabulary

o  ¿De dónde eres tú?

§  Soy de ______(location)

o  ¿De dónde es ______(name)?

§  Es de ______(location).

§  Use this for boys and girls

Summative Assessment

3) ¿De dónde eres tú? ______

Daily Assessment

Exit Slip

1)  Translate the following question into English. (Tell me what this sentence is asking you!): ¿De dónde eres tú?

2)  Answer the following question in a complete Spanish sentence: ¿De dónde eres tú?

3)  Answer the following question in a complete Spanish sentence. Use the English location given to answer. ¿De dónde es Miguel? New York

4)  Answer the following question in a complete Spanish sentence. Use the English location given to answer. ¿De dónde es Diana? Los Angeles

5)  Review: Answer the following question: ¿Cómo estás tú?

Opening (Time ______)

NO HW to check à ask for more agreements

Pass back exit slips and have students record them in their trackers – explain the importance of this, and for those that got 80%, that they mastered that objective

Hacer Ahora: Review of last class

1)  Translate the following words from English to Spanish:

  1. Good
  2. Bad
  3. So-So

2)  Answer the following question in a complete Spanish sentence: ¿Cómo estás tú?

3)  Answer the following question in a complete Spanish sentence: ¿Cómo te llamas?


LCD with Hacer Ahora

Introduction to New Material (Time ______)

Review a few things first from last class – tú vs. usted

-  Who can explain to me the difference between FORMAL and INFORMAL?

o  How do we ask someone how he or she is doing if it is an informal conversation?

o  How do we ask someone how he or she is doing if it is a formal conversation?

o  Tú vs. usted

§  They both mean “you” à but one is informal, the other is formal

§  If you were talking to the following people, which one would you use?

·  Mrs. Covington

·  Sr. Rabin

·  Your little sister

·  Your friend

·  Barack Obama

·  doctor - ud

-  INM: Last introductory vocab

o  Know how to find out people’s names, how to greet people, how to find out how people are doing/feeling

o  Now we need to know where they are from!

-  Ask class if anyone knows how to ask where someone is from

-  Origins vocabulary – HAVE THIS ON A TRANSPARENCY!

o  ¿De dónde eres tú?

§  Soy de ______(location)

o  ¿De dónde es ______(name)?

§  Es de ______(location).

§  Use this for boys and girls

-  Do a whip around with the soccer ball – ask people where they are from, and where others are from

o  Have them answer orally, because they’ll answer on written paper during the GP


-  transparency with origins vocab

-  soccer ball

Guided Practice (Time ______)

Part 1: I will ask a series of questions about different people, either in the class or on the cards that I have. For example, I will ask: De dónde es Diego? (the card will say where diego is from) and students need to write it down on their paper (Es de ______). Have one or two students come up and answer it on the board à write it on the board for everyone to check their work with.

This can also be done with celebrities!! – Do that with pictures! The pictures that I printed out for Spanish 2 and never used.

Part 2 (if time): Introducing other students: Each student will pair up with another student. They are to ask the appropriate questions to find out each other’s names and where each other are from, write them down, and then we will model them for the class. Every student will have a chance to speak. They will say “Se llama ______. Es de ______”.


Celebrity pictures and name/location notecards

Independent Practice (Time ______)

Worksheet that I will create. Questions with different people on it, saying where you and others are from.

Put it on a transparency


Worksheet on transparency

Closing (Time ______)

Exit Slip: Put it on transparency and then show to class – have them write on their own paper


Exit slip on transparency


-  Find out where 5 people are from – people at home, people at school, people wherever you are

-  I want to see their name, and then where they are from in a COPMLETE SPANISH SENTENCE

o  You will not get credit if it is not in a complete sentence!

o  Model Example: “Mom. Mom es de New York City.”

o  5 of those!