Date:April 23

Time:12:00 – 1:00 PM

Location: Prince Lawn


  1. 1 player per team will participate.
  2. No hands! Face-first eating is required. Putting hands to the mouth or into the pie filing is grounds for disqualification.
  3. Vomiting during the challenge is an automatic disqualification.
  4. Pushing too much food on the floor, in the lap or around the pie plate is grounds for disqualification.
  5. Stuffing food into the cheeks at the end of the competition is grounds for disqualification.
  6. As long as all of the preceding rules are followed, the first person to finish his/her whole pie within the ten minute time limit and stand up will be declared the winner! Challenge officials will decide if the pie is actually finished before ending the contest.
  7. In the event no one has finished their pie within the designated time limit, the winner will be the person who eats the most pie. To determine this, all pies will be weighed before the contest. Pies will be weighed again at the end of the ten minute time limit. The person who has eaten the most pie will be the winner.
  8. In the event of a tie, more than one first place winner may be selected.


Players must sign a waiver indicating they have no food allergies, diabetic or other health condition which may contribute to a harmful physical reaction (see below).


Please complete and return this form to:

Lauren Vinson, Office of Training and Development, Coastal Science Center 166 or scan and email to


I hereby agree, acknowledge and accept the following and am registering for the Pie Eating Contest: I know that eating a pie at a fastrate of speed is potentially a hazardous and uncomfortable activity. I should not enter and eat unless I am medically able. I agree toabide by any decision of the contest officials and abide by any and all challenge rules. I assume all risks associated with eating in this

challenge including, but not limited to, indigestion, that stuffed feeling, contact with other contestants, a general dislikeness for pie after I am done, and all such risks being known and appreciated by me. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive, and release Coastal Carolina University, the Office of Training and Development, challenge organizers, pie suppliers/bakers, their representatives and successors from all claims of liabilities of any kind arising outof my participation in this event. I also understand that the above is also related to any food allergies, that I hold harmless Coastal Carolina University, the Office of Training and Development, challenge organizers, pie suppliers/bakers,their representatives and successors from all claims of liability of any kind.

Contestants agree that by signing the below, their image may be used in university media and publicity.

Contestant’s Signature: ______

Contestant Printed Name: ______

Date ______, 2015