Farmingdale Executive Committee
Good of the Order Meeting
Friday, October 28, 2016 9:30 a.m.
Present: Yu Chen; Loucas Chrysafi; Adam Filios; Nazrul Islam; Lloyd Makarowitz (Chairperson); Abeba Mussa; Luisa Nappo-Dattoma; Christine Nebocat; Stephan Patnode.
Regrets: Christine Antonetti; Karen Gelles; Howard Gold; Laura Joseph; Orla LoPiccolo; John Nader; Louis Scala; Yolanda Segarra.
The meeting was called to order at 9:30 am.
Christine Nebocat was appointed alternate secretary for the day.
1. Approval of minutes of October 14, 2016.
2. Reports of Liaisons
The following committees had no report:
AAS, Bylaws, CCTA, Chancellor’s Awards for Professionals, Environmental Health and Safety, Multicultural, Planning and Budget
CAFPC: meeting will be held November 3rd; committee is now complete.
Calendar: reviewing possible change to the Fall 2019 calendar at the request of the registrar’s office, request to move start date.
Campus Health and Safety: Christine Nebocat appointed secretary; committee working on new free app to be offered to college called Rave Guardian to streamline emergency communications; minutes will now be posted on governance website.
Chancellor’s Award for Faculty: Sandy Lory-Snyder elected Chair; next meeting November 8th.
Curriculum: Two CCP’s from Biology and one from Psychology approved; Nine CCP’s from BCS approved; Three CCP’s from Geography approved; One CCP from Automotive approved; One CCP from Horticulture tabled for clarification of prerequisites.
Elections: 1st meeting will be held on November 3rd.
International Education: Meeting October 18th; working on bylaw change to present at November governance regarding composition of committee; request to departments to get involved in International Education Week; discussed short-term study abroad programs for new students to encourage future long-term study abroad programs.
Sabbatical and Reduced Load: Two applications for sabbatical; Ten applications for reduced load; all recommendations have been sent to the Office of the Provost; Meeting to review bylaws will be scheduled.
Scholarship and Awards: Four recipients of the Wall of Honor Scholarship; Ten Recipients of the Campus Fund Scholarship; Eighteen to receive Farmingdale Student Government Scholarship (not yet selected)
Student Affairs and Services: meeting to be held November 8th.
3. Report of the Chairperson
Ø Dr. Hanna Horowitz elected by School of Health Science to Promotions Committee
Ø Prof. Ken O’Brien to be confirmed as School of Business representative for Promotions Committee
4. New Business
Ø Discussion of student registration survey; first page “opt out” option suggested
Ø Degree Works discussion
- Financial aid conflicts, program specific issues, lack of support for program in Registrar’s office
- Suggestion to allow chairs to access program to submit changes, which would then be subject to approval by Registrar
Meeting was adjourned at 10:30 am.
Respectfully Submitted,
Christine Nebocat