
This policyhas beenapproved foroperationwithinRabia Girls & Boys School

Date of lastreview / July 2017
Date of next review / July 2018
Reviewperiod / On a yearly basis
Policystatus / Statutory
Owner / Rabia Educational Trust (The board of Governors)

This policy operates in the context of the school’s Code of Conduct and reflects the ethos of the school.
We are a caring community with a sound value-base.
We believe that rewarding good behaviour and providing encouragement promotes a climate of consideration for others and encourages good behaviour rather than merely deterring anti-social behaviour.


  • To ensure that every member of the school community feels valued and respected.
  • To support the way in which all members of this school community can live and work together in an environment that is happy, safe and secure and where effective learning can take place.
  • To promote teaching and learning through the building of good relationships based on mutual respect and consideration for others.
  • To help children grow in a safe, happy and secure environment and become positive, responsible and independent members of the community.
  • To reward good behaviour and provide encouragement and stimulation to all pupils.
  • To treat all children fairly and apply this policy in a consistent way.
  • To ensure that children are aware of the school rules and the Code of Conduct. Each class has its own classroom code.
  • To teach, through the school curriculum, values and attitudes as well as knowledge and skills, in order to promote responsible behaviour, self-discipline and respect for self, others and the world around us.

A Positive Approach
An effective discipline policy is one that seeks to lead children towards high self-esteem and self-discipline. Consequently, good discipline arises from good relationships and from setting expectations of good behaviour.
It is important that children are familiar with the school ethos and the Code of Conduct.
In this context, children will be rewarded for good behaviour.
We will use a positive system of rewards, which will include:

  • Verbal praise
  • Positive comments in books
  • Special mention in class or in Assembly
  • Exhibiting good work in class, corridor or Headteacher’s noticeboard
  • Informal referral to Headteacher, Deputy headteacher or Curriculum Co-ordinators for commendation
  • Using stars/smiley faces on charts, books etc
  • Use of special award certificates within classroom

We reinforce good behaviour and help our children feel good about themselves.

Sequence of Punishments/Sanctions

Failure to abide by the principles of the Code of Conduct or to obey school rules may result in the following punishments or sanctions being applied:

  1. The pupil will be told that his/her behaviour is unsuitable, given the opportunity to discuss the situation and will be encouraged to modify that behaviour.
  1. Disruptive behaviour in class may result in a child being isolated from his/her peers and
  • seated at a single desk, near the teacher or
  • asked to work for a short time in another classroom.
  1. The pupil may be asked to write out some or all of the school rules (infants exempted) or to complete an extra piece of work during lunch. Pupils will be supervised by their class teacher, who will record the misdemeanour and the sanction applied.
  1. Withdrawal of privileges may be applied. These will be appropriate to the situation and the age of the child and parents will be informed if deemed necessary. Care will be taken not to jeopardise the delivery of the curriculum and sanctions may involve:-
  • exclusion from a particular class.
  • exclusion from an extra-curricular activity.
  • exclusion from a school-organised outing or trip.
  1. Failure to improve the standard of behaviour will result in a “Detention”. This is reserved for children who persist in disregarding the school rules and Code of Conduct and is only used for children whose behaviour is consistently unacceptable and who have failed, after previous steps have been taken, to show any improvement. Detention is the responsibility of the teacher and is reported to the Headteacher who will speak to the children involved. Parents may be informed at this stage. All children receiving a second detention will have a home contact as a matter of policy. In consultation with the class teacher, the deputy head will monitor the pupil’s behaviour and, when appropriate, class work.
  1. If, after applying all previous steps, no improvement in behaviour or attitude is evident, the pupil will be placed on a daily report, so that behaviour can be closely monitored and parents will be informed. Advice and assistance for the school and the pupil may be sought from other professionals.
  1. Pupils who have been placed on any report will be seen by the school Pastoral Team for regular counselling meetings.
  1. Extremely serious misconduct may result in suspension or expulsion.
  1. To take the appropriate measures, teachers must provide sufficient evidence of the problem.
  1. Minor incident – In the case of minor incidents individual teachers will give lunchtime detentions. If the disruption occurs in several occasions, or if the individual situation is serious enough to merit it, the incident sheet should be completed and put in their individual files. If Head teacher/Deputy Head thinks appropriate than he/she will notify parents.
  1. Major incidents – If the pupil has been involved in a serious incident, i.e. Fighting, damaging school property, abuse of language etc, parents will be contacted to discuss the matter further. This might result in a Temporary Exclusion for a period.
  1. Truancy, leaving school without permission, avoiding lessons etc. Parents must be informed in writing. The incident should be recorded and placed in the pupil’s personal folder. Work missed should be made up. The pupil will be monitored by his form tutor and will report to the office.

Procedure for detention

  • Teachers must check the calendar for scheduled detention days
  • A rota will be made for detention, Subject teachers must attend when required.
  • Detention slips must be given at least 24hours in advance from the detention day.
  • In some instances Teachers can keep a student in an after-school detention for a maximum of 15 minutes without a notice given to the parents on the same day that the detention is given. Parents must be informed in advance about this.
  • The detention record book in the office must be filled in correctly at least 1 day before the date of detention.
  • Teachers on duty must check those present against the record book. Any pupil not present must be noted down and handed into the office.
  • Pupils must not be allowed to talk during the detention.
  • Pupils must be given work to do during detention. Either complete incomplete work for which detention is given or arrange alternative work according to subject.
  • Teachers must keep pupils in school until the full length of the detention.
  • Teachers must collect all work from pupils at the end of the detention.
  • The teacher must remain in school until all pupils have left.

The following are regarded by the Department and the Board as valid reasons for suspension or expulsion:

  • Substance abuse on school premises
  • Persistent bullying of a pupil
  • Physical attack on a pupil or member of staff
  • Verbal abuse of a pupil or member of staff
  • Disruptive behaviour in class
  • Persistent infringements of relatively minor school rules
  • Significant damage to school, staff or pupils’ property, either in or outside school
  • Stealing from school, staff or pupils, in or outside school.
  • A very serious problem may result in the normal procedures being abandoned and a child being taken home straight away

The Role of Parents

Parents have a vital role to play in their children’s education. It is very important that they support their child’s learning and co-operate with the school. We are very conscious of the importance of having strong links with parents and good communication between home and school.
We will inform parents if we have any concerns about their child’s welfare or behaviour and we would appreciate it, if parents have concerns, that they make these known to the Headteacher or class teacher.
The Role of Governors

The Governors have endorsed this policy and, with the Headteacher, will review its effectiveness.
They will ensure that the policy is administered fairly and consistently.

This Discipline Policy will be reviewed and updated regularly and as required.

Appendix 1

Rabia Education Trust Revised 01/10/2018Version 1.1