Department of Community Justice


Business Continuity Plan


Planning Committee

Craig Bachman

Jann Brown

Jesse DeJesus

Shaun Coldwell

Kristine Kjarval

John McVay

John Turner

Prudence Veach

Charlene Willett

Jason Ziedenberg

DCJ H1N1 Business Continuity Plan1September 22, 2009

September 22, 2009 (revised)

Department of Community Justice


Business Continuity Plan


In 2008, the Department of Community Justice joined in a countywide effort to develop a Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP). The plan was created to provide a quick response to emergencies that would allow us to continue the essential missions of the department in times of crisis. In the face of the H1N1 pandemic, the CountyChair directed each department to craft a plan specific to this kind of crisis. This plan will become a part of the COOP plan.

MultnomahCounty is planning for the possible reduction of 30% of the workforce over a 6 week period during the winter of 2009-2010. Our charge is to identify mission critical functions of the Department of Community Justice and plan for the continuation of those functions.

This plan will be communicated to our partner agencies within MultnomahCounty as well as our community partners.


  1. All offices will be supplied with CDC “Cover Your Cough” posters to hang in reception areas.
  2. All offices will be supplied withtissue, alcohol based hand cleaners and cleaning supplies for reception counters, doorknobs, etc.
  3. All management staff must familiarize themselves with the H1N1 Employee FAQ posted on the CountyMINT site at: Pay special attention to the “Sending Sick Employees Home” section


  1. Information will be posted to the DCJ web site, to include how to access County web mail from a non-County computer, how to change your voice mail message to indicate you are out of office, the correct telephone number to call to report in sick, the correct number to call for DCJ information updates.
  2. DCJ IT will coordinate the required number of concurrent VPN access slots and work with Central IT to ensure we have enough VPN fobs and enough system capacity.
  3. All DCJ staff will update their Personal Information Forms (PIF) on the CountyMINT site.
  4. All management staff will receive updated emergency information for their direct reports.
  5. Notices will go out to adult offenders with the October 2009Supervision Fee statements: “If you are sick, please call your Parole/Probation Officer before reporting in.” This message may be extended to future months, but is not intended to be a permanent message.
  6. Resources for information:

Multnomah County H1N1 MINT site mult-wiki/H1N1

Center for Disease Control website

Multnomah County Health Department website

Multnomah County HR FAQ mult-wiki/H1N1/index.php/FreqAskedQuestions

DCJ Inclement Weather or Natural Disaster line 503-988-6757


All DCJ staff who are unable to come in to work due to illness or any other reason will call the designated person at their worksiteto report. For all offices that have access to Who’s In, office staff will update that system with information on the employee: a) out sick; b) working from home or other locations (teleworking); or c) on vacation. These categories are mandatory for tracking available staff. DCJ HR will coordinate all staff resources to backfill critical functions as necessary to continue operations.All staff who are well will report in to work unless they have specific permission to work off site.For locations that do not have access to Who’s In, support staff or the CJM will contact HR staff to report resource availability. CJM’s will call HR if the level of staffing in the critical programs falls below the ability to continue operations.

Adult Services Division

Mission Critical Functions:

  1. Adult Recog
  2. Can operate to meet mission critical functions at 30% loss of staff on a temporary basis.
  3. Staff must be on site. HR will coordinate any backfill necessary with available staff who formerly worked in Recog.
  4. CJM can work from home or other location.
  1. Court Hearings (JC2)
  1. Need one PPO or CJM to provide this service. Sequence of filling this post is Russ Martin, Duane Cole,Nikki Thompson, Jerri Jarmer, Demaris Prue, Susan Rath.
  2. Requires support staff to work on site.
  1. PV Court Hearings
  1. Request court setover.
  2. Request to use telephonic communications.
  3. PPO or CJM must be available to appear in court if the courts do not approve the setover or telephonic communications.
  1. TSU Housing

TSU can operate to meet mission critical functions at 30% loss of staff on a temporary basis.

  1. Reach-In services may be suspended if the resources are not available.
  2. The Medford can operate without the two Corrections Counselors who are stationed there.
  3. Couch Street house must have at least some check-ins even if the staff is unable to be on site.
  4. Our contracted housing providers such as Central City Concern have staffing back up plans for coverage (though not necessarily for a sustained 30% staffing reduction)
  5. Breakfast club may be cancelled if the contractor is unable to provide service.
  1. Local Control

a.Can go 2-3 days without operating.

b.Need 1 PPO on site.

c.Need 1 support staff on site (see support staff chart)

  1. Hearings

a.Can go one week without operating.

b.Need 1 PPO on site. Sequence of filling this post is Hearings Officer Jerri Jarmer, Hearings Officer Cynthia Toronto, Demaris Prue, Gina Clanton, Dave Paul, Other County Hearings Officer.

c.Need 1 support staff on site (see support staff chart)

  1. Intake

a.Can operate to meet mission critical functions at 30% loss of staff on a temporary basis.

b.Need 2 support staff

c.Need 3 PPO’s

  1. Community Supervision

a.Can operate to meet mission critical functions at 30% loss of staff on a temporary basis.

b.Based on need, CJM’s or their designee will prioritize work for the unit based on need.

c.CJM’s will reference and use the “PPO Priorities List.”

d.CJM or their designee will access voice mail messages for PPO’s who are out of the office, provide follow up as needed.

e.CJM or their designee will track or print EPR’s.

f.Use guidance from the Multnomah County Health Officer for community contacts or home visits.

  1. Support Staff

a.Can operate to meet mission critical functions at 30% loss of staff on a temporary basis.Staff must work on site.

b.Clerical Unit Supervisors and Leads, along with the CJM, will coordinate support coverage and workload between buildings.

c.Reception areas must be covered if the buildings are operating.

ASD Support Operations / Coverage

Mission-Essential Functions

Mission Essential Function (MEF) / Organizational Unit / # of Personnel & Positions / Resources, Equipment, Systems, OR Vital Records / Database
Receptionist Coverage
MEFs for each office to be identified by CUS / Lead Support Staff with their CJM / Recommended minimal staffing:
2 – 1st (Reception)
1 - MEZZ (HRDU)
2 – 2nd (MTSW)
3 – 3rd (Intake & TSU)
2 – 4th (RST / LLC)
1 – 5th (DRC)
2 – 6th (MTLC, ACS, HRG, PSI)
1 – 7th (FSU)
2 – PSP, EM
2 – Each Office
3 / Daily staffing needs to be coordinated by CUS / Lead Support within district
Reassignment needs to be directed by CJM or other management staff / Who’s In
Each office’s coordinator to report daily attendance / absence to Central Response Team

Juvenile Services Division

Mission Critical Functions:

  1. Juvenile Detention and RAD

a.Staff must work on site. JCSS staff will maintain a standard of 1:8 youth in residence. On-call staff and/or overtime may be used.

b.If more youth are sick than the current medical isolation capacity, more pods may be opened to isolate sick youth.

c.Visiting may be limited to prevent spread of flu.

  1. Food Services

a.Need 2 cooks and 2 Food Service Workers to operate food service for youth in residence 7 days a week during food service hours.

b.Food service staff must work on site.

c.May need to close the café for service if the staffing levels fall too low to meet mission critical function.

  1. Juvenile Counseling and TreatmentServices

a.Can operate to meet mission critical functions at 30% loss of staff on a temporary basis.

b.Based on need, CJM’s or their designee will prioritize work for the unit based on need.

c.CJM or their designee will access voice mail messages for JCC’s that are out of the office, provide follow up as needed.

d.Use guidance from the Multnomah County Health Officer for community contacts or home visits.

e.On site programs for youth may be cancelled.

  1. Placement Coordinator

a.Need 1 Juvenile Court Counselor.

b.JCC must work on site.

c.CJM’s will coordinate coverage in the event primary person (Mark Fry) is ill.

  1. Prelim Coordinator

a.Need 1 Prelim Coordinator

b.Prelim coverage protocol shall be followed in the event primary person (Kim Billups) is ill.

  1. Child Abuse Services

a.Need 1 Corrections Tech.

b.CT must work on site.

  1. Data Services

a.Need 2 Records Tech’s.

b.RT must work on site.

  1. Family Court Services
  2. Can cover all mediations with reduced staff.Would have to reduce Wednesday morning group orientation somewhat.Would also likely place a moratorium on assigning custody evaluations until we returned to adequate staffing levels.
  3. Support staff will be supported by temporary staff if absolutely necessary.In addition, all counselors will cover some front desk duties when possible, in order to allow a reduced support staff to take care of critical office functions.
  4. The Court Support position would not be backfilled in the event of illness. The courts will be notified of the employee’s absence.
  1. Support Staff

a.Can operate to meet mission critical functions at 30% loss of staff on a temporary basis.

Staff must work on site.

b.Clerical Unit Supervisor, Operations Supervisor, along with the CJM’s will coordinate support coverage between buildings.

c.Reception area in the Juvenile JusticeCenter must be covered.

JSD Support Operations / Coverage

Mission-Essential Functions

Mission Essential Function (MEF) / Organizational Unit / # of Personnel & Positions / Resources, Equipment, Systems, OR Vital Records / Database
Receptionist Coverage
To be identified by Operations Supervisor and CJM’s / Recommended minimal staffing:
Juvenile Complex:
2 reception
2 Data Services
1 Document Support Services
1Prelim Coordinator
1 Child Abuse Services / Daily staffing needs to be coordinated by CUS / Operations Supervisor and CJM’s
Reassignment needs to be directed by Operations Supervisor, CJM or other management staff / Who’s In
Each office’s coordinator to report daily attendance / absence to Central Response Team

Clinical Services

  1. Treatment Providers

a.ECCS is communicating with treatment providers to ensure that they have plans in place for offenders in residential treatment.

DCJ Central Administration and Support

Mission Critical Functions:

  1. Director’s Office

a.Director will have VPN access and may work off site.

b.Communications and Policy Manager will have VPN access and may work off site. He will coordinate with Chair’s Public Affairs Office, and will maintain all messaging to staff. Sequence of filling this post: Jason Ziedenberg, Jeremiah Stromberg

  1. Business Applications andTechnology

a.IT Manager will have VPN access and may work off site.

  1. Business Services

a.Business Services Manager will have VPN access and may work off site. Sequence of filling this post: Shaun Coldwell, Joyce Resare

b.Accounts Payable is a mission critical function and must be done on site. Sequence of filling this post: Julie Laramie-Moss; Jocelyn Mendoza; Jesse DeJesus; Erin (Schroetke) Russell; Joyce Resare.

c.Reception area in the MultnomahBuilding, suite 250, must be covered. Sequence of staff coverage for short duration (1 day or less) is: Andres Avila, Esther Shaw, Linda Bird, Charlene Willett, Dana Schnell, Leslie Waldow, Michelle Williamson. For more than one day, call in temp help from our on-call list.

d.Costs related to H1N1 Pandemic will be tracked under wbs EM.H1N1.DCJ.FEMA for reimburseable expenses, or EM.H1N1.DCJ.CGF for costs that will fall to the general fund.

  1. Human Resources

a.HR Manager (Time Approver) will have VPN access and may work off site. Sequence of filling this post: James Opoka, Prudence Veach;

b.HR Technician (Timekeeper) will have VPN access and may work off site. Sequence of filling this post: Lorraine Newell, Shawntia Otero, Jill Bradford;

c.Payroll, Leave Administration and HR Consultation are mission critical functions; some functions may be performed off site but the HR Manager (or Sr. HR Analyst) must be on site to provide coordination resources.

Critical Buildings:

In the event that a building cannot be staffed sufficiently to continue operations, the CountyChair or his designee will have the authority to close buildings during normal operating hours. Staff who can report to work will be redirected to another location. The COOP Relocation Team will have responsibility for managing the relocation process. The COOP Relocation Team will place a message to staff on the designated message line; communicate with Facilities and Property Management; forward the main reception phone lines; and leave a message on the door directing offenders to a different location.

COOP Relocation Team members are as follows:

Adult Programs:

Carl Goodman

Jann Brown

Charlene Willett

Karen Rhein

Kevin Criswell

Prudence Veach

Juvenile Programs:

Dave Koch

Thuy Vanderlinde

Craig Bachman

Lavoris Robinson

Thach Nguyen

Jann Brown

James Opoka

Director’s Office/ECCS:

Scott Taylor

Jann Brown

Kathleen Treb

Shaun Coldwell

James Opoka

DCJ H1N1 Business Continuity Plan1September 22, 2009

September 22, 2009 (revised)