Bucks for Bush 2016 – Expression of Interest

Bucks for Bush 2016

Expression of Interestform


Contact person for applicant

This should be someone who has good knowledge of the project and can answer questions on the application if required

Our Ref: (office use only)
1.1 / Applicant details
Title / Ph (daytime)
First Name / Fax
Last Name / Mobile
Email address
Postal address
Town / Postcode
How did you find out about Bucks for Bush?
1.2 / Do you have an ABN? / Yes / No
Are you GST registered? / Yes / No
2.2 / Project description (max 100 words)
Please provide a summary of the project outlining the purpose of the project and the activities that will be undertaken. If Threatened flora or fauna are known on this site please list here.
  1. Project Details

2.1 / Nearest town to the project site:
Rural property address of project site:
2.3 / Proposed activities: Please select below which activity best describes your project
Fencing remnant vegetation / Proposed km’s of new fencing required (estimate)
Fencing around wetland/swamp / Proposed km’s of fencing (estimate)
Fencing of paddock trees/ establishing new paddock trees / Species of paddock trees if known e.g. Redgum
Revegetation for new windbreak/shelterbelt / Estimated proposed length (m)
Estimated proposed width (m)
Revegetation to buffer/enhance existing vegetation / Weed control in remnant vegetation
Pest animal control in remnant vegetation
Other activities:
(Please specify)
  1. Site Visit

Once this form is submitted you will receive a site visit to discuss your plans for the project. This will take place between the 2ndMay and3rd of June. If you have a preferred date or time of day for your site visit please specify here:

3.1 / I am available anytime in this period
I would prefer the following dates and or times:
Expressions of Interest received after the closing date will be considered ineligible. Mailed Expressions of Interest must be post marked April 22nd
All completed Expressions of Interestwill be acknowledged by email or phone within one week of the closing date.
  1. What Happens Next?

Please submit this form via one of the following options by 5pm Friday the 22nd of April:

Mail: / Bucks for Bush - attn. Cathy Ashby
PO Box 1046,
Mt Gambier, SA 5290
Email: /
Fax: / (08) 8735 1135

Full information including guidelines are available at naturalresources.sa.gov.au/southeast. For questions relating to your Expression of Interest please contact Cathy Ashby on 8735 1236 or