CookHigh School

Foundations of Engineering

Course Syllabus

Instructor: Cammie P. Lund

Contact Info: 229-896-3939

Course Title: Foundations of Engineering

School Year: 2010-2011

Course Description:

Foundations of Engineering and Technology is the introductory course for all Georgia Engineering and Technology Education pathways. This course provides students with opportunities to develop fundamental technological literacy as they learn about the history, systems, and processes of invention and innovation.

Technology Student Association (TSA) is our programs appropriate organization for providing leadership training and/or for reinforcing specific career and technical skills and may be considered an integral part of the instructional program. You are strongly encouraged to join TSA and compete in our conferences in St. Simons and Athens.

TSA dues are $20. Students will participate in philanthropy projects and fundraising for TSA.

Instructional Philosophy:

Students will be expected to meet the course goals as listed below and be able to demonstrate their understanding through projects and daily activities. The instruction will be in a classroom and lab setting. Students will learn in a lab and use equipment similar to what would be found in real world setting. Students will be assessed on their ability to maintain the lab, work individually and in groups and demonstrate their ability to work with technology and equipment. Students will be able to demonstrate the skills required to complete each activity.

What will you learn?

Students will describe the career pathways that are encompassed by Georgia Engineering and Technology Education.

Students will describe the history of technological advancement.

Students will explain the universal systems model.

Students will describe the essential systems and processes involved with invention, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

Students will use visual and verbal communication to express basic design elements.

Students will recognize the systems, components, and processes of a technological system.

Students will identify the impact of engineering and technology within global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.

Students will design technological problem solutions using scientific investigation, analysis and interpretation of data, innovation, invention, and fabrication while considering economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability constraints.

Students will apply principles of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, interpersonal communication, and teamwork to the solution of technological problems.

Students will select and demonstrate techniques, skills, tools, and understanding related to energy and power, bio-related, communication, transportation, manufacturing, and construction technologies.

Students will enhance reading by developing vocabulary and comprehension skills associated with text materials, problem descriptions, and laboratory activities associated with engineering and technology education.

Students will develop leadership and interpersonal problem-solving skills through participation in co-curricular activities associated with the Technology Student Association.lls and knowledge, which will be useful for college, future employment and in life.

Grading Policy:

Formative Assessments55%

Summative Assessments30%

Nine Weeks Tests15%

Save all projects to your network drive and save often.

Please save all files as lastname.projectname (ex. lund.documentary)

I like you to make folders for EACH project!

Assessment Plan: what should my grade tell me?

A / Did work to the best of their ability. Met all guidelines and produced quality work. Demonstrated ability or mastered skills to 90% or more.
B / Did work well and met some guidelines. Left some key ideas or concepts out of the project. Demonstrated ability or mastered skills to 80% or more.
C / Did work and turned in assignment. Project needed improvement. Did not meet many guidelines and demonstrated skills with 70% mastery.
F / Did not complete project. If project was completed it did not meet requirements or demonstrate skills needed to pass.
Make up work

Make up work can be scheduled after school if the absence is excused. You have3 days to complete any missed work. Appointments can be made with me to complete make-up work before or after school.


What will keep me happy in Mrs. Lund’s class?

NO CELL PHONE use in the class room or lab! (see handbook for cell phone policy)

You must be in dress code.

Be on time to class! If you are late sign in and have a seat quietly please.

You MUST have a hall pass approved by me to use the restroom or leave the classroom.You may not use the restroom the 1st 15 minutes or last 15 minutes of class. You must have your agenda book to leave make sure you have your agenda book/student tracker at all times.

Students will not eat or drink in any area of the lab. (Think mice and critters…)

You are expected to keep the classroom and lab clean. You will clean up all materials and put them in their place before leaving class.

Students will use the computers and machinery in the lab from time to time. This is a privilege and may be revoked. Students are not to download, change, or take off any thing already on the computer. If you damage or break the machinery, computer, materials, etc. you will be expected to pay for the repair or replacement. This is a wonderful lab!!! Let’s keep it that way… ( P.S. we have cameras)

When saving work you are to save to YOUR personal folder on the network ONLY! Saving to other locations (my documents or C drive will result in your work being deleted on log out. MAKE SURE you save to your folder on the network NOT my documents.

Internet use is a privilege! You will be removed from the lab activity and given a zero for inappropriate use of the computer. You may only use the internet with permission and for class room assignments. If you continuously violate this rule you will be put on lab probation and possibly be banned from the lab.

You are to have fun while learning. Learning is fun and can take you to places you have only imagined.

Any behavior that keeps you from learning, keeps others from learning, or disrupts the class in any way will not be tolerated!

First Offense / Verbal warning
Second Offense / Parent phone call and detention with me
Third Offense / Parent Phone call and discipline referral
All punishment is subject to severity of offense / Student is subject to discipline referral and parent phone call on first offense if the behavior warrants such.

This syllabus is subject to change due to time constraints or other unavoidable circumstances.

I have read the above Syllabus and Class Expectations. I understand the contents and requirements for the year 2010-2011.

Please return the signed syllabus and expectations for your first quiz grade.


Parent Signature Date Student Signature Date

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