How to Use

PURPOSE: This tool will assist school improvement teams in understanding if the activities identified in their current school improvement support the comprehensive action steps necessary to support the fidelity of implementation.

Step One

Use the Matrix 1 header Cards: Strategy, Get Ready, Implement, and Monitor and

Program Evaluation (questions 1-4) description cards to create a life size model of Matrix 1 in the center of the table.

Step Two

Select a high leverage strategy you believe will have the largest impact on student achievement. At the activity level, using blank 3-5 cards, begin writing each activity description as it appears in the school improvement plan. Divide the writing among the team writing one activity/card.

Step Three

Divide the cards among the team and provide time for each person to read their activity. In round robin fashion, each person places their activity under the header/description THEY FEEL it is a fit and share the rationale for placement. At this time, the team does not provide assistance or input. Once the last activity card has been placed start a dialogue if a participants believes a card is better placed under a different header/description. Once the dialogue is complete and consensus is placed the team is ready for the next step. 1-4 activity cards (5-10 minute dialogue or 5-10 activity cards 10-15 minute dialogue)

Step Four

Begin with the activities under the monitor header and ask this question: Looking back at the previous columns, is/are their activities that support the work identified on the monitor activity card. For example, if the activity states the following: Administrator and Master Teachers will conduct strategy walk throughs to

collect data on the fidelity of implantation, you would also see activities like these in this current or previous SIP.

Strategy Close and Critical Reading (CCR)
Getting Ready / Implement / Monitor
Readiness / Knowledge and Skill / Opportunity / Implement / Monitor
Administrator will ‘Set the Stage’ with staff for using a Walk Through model including identifying stakeholders involved and timelines. / Teacher will receive Walk Through professional learning opportunities 3x prior to implementation. / Administrators and Teachers will work collaboratively to create a CCR ‘Look Fors’ check list built from the strategy implementation guide. / Administrator and Master Teachers will practice walk throughs using the checklist and debrief with staff prior to full implementation. / Administrator and Master Teachers will conduct CCR walk throughs to
collect data on the fidelity of implementation.

Step Five

Identify and write NEW activities which will reinforce the fidelity of strategy implementation by adults on cards.

Step Six

Embed these new activities into your school improvement plan.

Step Seven

Begin with the activities under the implement header and ask this question: Looking back at the previous columns, is/are their activities that support the work identified on the implementation activity card. Go through steps four through six. Repeat for the Getting Ready header.