Oxfordshire Foursomes League
Minutes of Annual General Meeting
Held 3rd December 2007at Frilford Heath Golf Club
Meeting Chaired by John Summers
Minutes Prepared by Stephen Jackson
Item / Notes / Action By / Action Due1.0 / Clubs Attending & Apologies
1.1 / The Following Clubs were in attendance at the meeting
Bicester, Brailes, Buckingham, Burford, Chipping Norton, Drayton, Ellesborough, Frilford Heath, Hadden Hill, Hazelmere, Kirtlington, Magnolia, Mentmore , North Oxford, The Oxfordshire, Rye Hill, Shrivenham Park, Studley Wood, Tadmarton and Waterstock. / N/A / N/A
1.2 / Oxford City had apologised for not being able to attend the meeting / N/A / N/A
1.3 / The following clubs did not attend the meeting
The Wychwood and Witney Lakes / N/A / N/A
2.0 / Secretary’s Report
2.1 / Steve advised that following last years AGM Carswell had elected to withdraw from the league. So far no replacement has been found. / N/A / N/A
2.2 / The delayed 2006 KO final between Studley Wood v North Oxford was eventually on the Red Course of Frilford Heath on 27th January 2007with North Oxford defeating Studley Wood 2 legs to 1. Out thanks to Frilford Heath for holding the final. / N/A / N/A
2.3 / Steve thanked all the clubs for entering all results through the season onto the website. Over the year only 3 results were posted late across the 127 league fixtures and the Knock Out matches. / N/A / N/A
2.4 / Despite the rain during the early part of the season, there was minimal disruption to the league matches, and although the KO did not proceed to original schedule the final between Frilford Heath and Oxford City proceeded on 3rd November with Frilford Heath coming out winners. Our thanks to North Oxford for holding the final. / N/A / N/A
2.5 / In concluding his report Steve asked that clubs register their 2008 club contacts via the new electronic form available from the results page of the website by 31st December 2007. Where clubs did not register new contact information last years details would be used for the 2008 season. User ID’s and passwords would remain the same as for the 2007 season. / ALL / 31/12/06
3.0 / Treasurers Report
3.1 / Copies of the leagues income and expenditure were circulated showing an end of season balance of £2575.83 down £436.75 in the year. The reduction in the balance was planned following the agreement to increase the subsidy to the presentation dinner rather than build up more funds. / SH / Closed
3.2 / It was proposed and agreed without objection that league membership fees for the 2007 season would remain at £50 with a volunteer £10 entry fee for the KO club per club. Invoices would be emailed out to league reps in January 2008 / SH / 30/1/08
4.0 / League Sponsorship
4.1 / Shaw & Co had merged with another organisation prior to the season to be called Shaw Gibbs. Simon Confirmed that Shaw Gibbs have agreed to continue their sponsorship into the 2008 season. / N/A / Closed
Item / Notes / Action By / Action Due
5.0 / Rules and Proposed Rule Changes
5.1 / The clubs in attendance voted by an overwhelming majority to continue the rule not to allow use of GPS and other distance measuring devices in Oxfordshire Foursomes League. / ALL / Closed
5.2 / There was a discussion over matches being played from single stone markers rather than defined teeing ground with two markers. The clubs agreed that under rules of golf matches must be played from defined teeing ground with two markers, not a single stone. A comment to this effect will be put into the Rules book for 2008. / SJ / 31/12/2007
5.3 / Clubs were reminded that the R&A have issued new Rules of Golf for 2008 to 2011 which included the introduction of ban on a number of drivers with what is commonly known as hot faces. An penalty for breach of Rules of Golf will be applied in accordance to the Rules of Golf. / ALL / Closed
6.0 / League Dinner
6.1 / The league has received offer to host the annual dinner again at The Oxfordshire at £27.50 a head. The clubs voted in favour of holding the dinner at The Oxfordshire.
The date for the dinner was set for Friday 15th February 2008. / ALL / Closed
6.3 / John advised that he provisionally booked Mike Cassadyas guest speaker for the presentation dinner. This would be at a cost of c£500. Simon proposed that the cost of this was funded out of league funds. The clubs voted to accept the suggested speaker and funding arrangements. / ALL / Closed
6.4 / Simon also proposed that given the level of funding available that the league also part fund the cost of the dinner to the amount of £7.50 a head for the first 10 heads a team. The clubs voted to accept this proposal. / ALL / Closed
6.5 / Steve has confirmed with Chris Hanks at The Oxfordshire if members will be able to play a discounted round of Golf on the day of the dinner and would let club reps know. The Green Fee rate is £40 a head with bookings available the week before the event / ALL / Closed
6.6 / John asked that clubs confirm numbers attending dinner from their club onto the Results section of the website via the new link provided by 10th February. Full payment of the reported numbers will be required on the night and should be to their section reps. Cheques are preferred made payable to “Oxfordshire Foursomes League”. It will be assumed that were clubs failing to post their numbers that they would not be attending. / ALL / 11/02/08
7.0 / Formation of Committee for 2008
7.1 / John Summers would continue as Chairman, going into his 3rdyear of 3 / ALL / Closed
7.2 / Simon Hopkins would continue as Treasurer, going into his 3rdyear of 3. / ALL / Closed
7.3 / Steve Jackson was at the end of his second 3 year appointment as league secretary and with no others volunteering to stand would continue as league secretary for a further 3 years. / N/A / N/A
7.4 / John asked for volunteers to act as section reps but no one was forthcoming. The existing reps were all willing to stand and it was therefore agreed that they would represent the clubs as follows for 2008.
Section 1 Co-ordinator – Nigel Lucas
Section 2 Co-ordinator – Simon Berry
Section 3 Co-ordinator – Shaun Smith
Section 4 Co-ordinator – Paul Slade / ALL / Closed
Item / Notes / Action By / Action Due
8.0 / Any Other Business
8.1 / Following a report published in the Oxford Mail at the end of the season had caused some offence to a number of league players, John reminded all clubs to take care with what they put in the match comments section when reporting results and also when and if members of the press make contact for comment. The Oxford Mail as a news organisation may choose to publish comments made that on reflection members may not wish are published. / ALL / Closed
8.2 / John asked the each section winners and the KO winners to confirm the names to him of their respective 2006 teams by 14th January so they could be announced at the presentation dinner. These clubs were reminded that they will be presented 10 individual trophies with additional trophies available at c£10 each. / Tadmarton Heath
The Oxfordshire
Magnolia Park
Frilford Heath / 14/01/08
8.3 / John also asked that the league trophies & KO Cup winners from the 2006 season be returned to him by Christmas so they can be engraved with 2007 winners prior to presentation night. This could be to his home or c/o Frilford Heath Golf Club. / Chipping Norton
Hadden Hill
North Oxford / 23/12/07
8.4 / The date for the 2008 KO final was set for Saturday 1st November 2008. Again the final to be held on neutral venue, and any offers to host should be sent to Steve. / ALL / 31/8/08
8.5 / The first round draw would be published in 1st Week of April following receipt of all subscriptions and the volunteer entry fee for the KO. / JS/SJ / 4/4/08
8.6 / The last day of the 2008 season would be set for Saturday 25th October 2008. As in past years all clubs will be asked to play there final match by way of blind draw. John/Simon proceeded to draw these matches. / N/A / N/A
8.7 / There being no other business the meeting closed and clubs arranged their 2008 fixtures. / N/A / N/A
2007 AGM MinutesPage 1 of 3‘Shaw Gibbs Oxfordshire Foursomes League