The Two Witnesses, the Bride of Messiah, the Forerunning Companies, and the Fleeing Remnant

Revelation 11:3-19

Zechariah 4:2-3; 11-14

Matthew 17:1-11

Revelation 3:7-13; 7:1-8; 9:4; 14:1-1-5; 22:3-5, 14

Ezekiel 9:1-11; Malachi 3:16-4:4 and many more

Today we are already seeing many phenomenons on the earth. The great apostasy, falling away, has begun and is accelerating. Many who once seemed so solid in their faith in Messiah are denying Him and turning to Judaism, or demoting His equality with the Father, or adding mystic and occult, New Age-style practices to their beliefs. Many are running after what they get—in the “prosperity” movement—and are apostate as far as the original faith taught by Yahushua Messiah. The worship of things, and the exaltation of humans, is idolatry. The ancient Canaanite god of fortune and prosperity was “Baal Gawd”—translated from Hebrew as “Lord, God”.

But, from Father’s Kingdom two witness companies of people have been set into ministry--set-apart to Yahuweh, Elohim of Israel, marked by the characteristics of Eliyahu (Elijah) and the sons of Zadok (The Cohenim of today—those who are descendants of the Kohathites from Aaron, and those who have the Levite spirit of separation, se-apartness, and undefiled purity—Ezekiel 44:15-18). Eliyahu and Zadok were Levite priests!

These two companies of the set-apart remnant of Yahuweh are coming together as one by the Spirit of Yahuweh. There is a “Bridal remnant” that will do exploits during the time of the anti-messiah. She is hidden within these two companies at present. She is marked and sealed, for she cannot die—but will be alive and remain to receive her Bridegroom. Those not marked, of His set-apart ones, will either be martyred or die in the world holocaust to come, but their reward will be great! All end-time ministry falls into the two categories of the Elijah prophetic messages (as I Kings 18), or the Zadok teachings of those set-apart who love Truth. The exhortation of Revelation 22;11 is that the set-apart must be more set-apart, and the Zadok teaching helps them with this. (Ezekiel 44:23)

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These companies forerun the two witnesses’ and the Bridal remnant’s work in the latter days. Once mankind has polarized, the set-apart martyrs have died, and other set-apart ones who have died in war, by pestilence and famine, the work of the two companies will no longer be needed, except to exhort and encourage any remaining set-apart ones. Therefore, the Bridal remnant among them will move into doing “exploits” for the Father in the earth, thus paving the way for Messiah’s return to receive her unto Himself.

The major characteristic of those that do “exploits” is that they know Him. (Daniel 11:32)

These companies, like the Bride and the two witnesses, have a zeal and passion for Yahuweh their Father, and Yahushua their Bridegroom like no other people on earth. They joyfully guard the Torah of Yahuweh. They are dropping His plumb line of Truth into the earth, and teaching the difference between the defiled and the undefiled, the pure and the clean. It is these companies who are preparing the set-apart ones of Yahuweh for their part in the times before Messiah’s return.

We know the literal two men witnesses of Revelation 11 are not far behind these two companies, and not far behind them is the coming of our Jewish Savior and Bridegroom, Yahushua ha Machiach—Messiah of Israel! “The Spirit and the Bride say: `Come Yahushua Come!’ ” (Revelation 22:17)

As the world is polarizing against Yahuweh, the Torah--His Kingdom Instructions and Teachings, His absolutes and Truth in the earth--there is a tiny remnant emerging who have the characteristics of the Messiah, which are totally opposite of the characteristics of the “god of this world”--Satan/Lucifer. This remnant is hidden now, but will soon be manifested as the Bridegroom releases this company into His end-time ministry.

In studying the characteristics of these two men, these two witnesses of Yahuweh, I see the characteristics also of His forerunner companies, and of the Bride herself.

The setting aside, training and preparation of this remnant people has been going on for a long time, but now at the end of the age as we know it, these people are going through their final purifying so as to be able to walk blameless before Him during the time of the greatest tribulation the world has ever known. He is purifying them as gold is purified in the fire. This is a people who are dead to self, and alive unto Him. This is the totally opposite characteristic of the world’s people, who are into their own self-controlled

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agendas, ambitions, goals and plans. The set-apart ones are servants, and lay down their lives for Elohim and His people. They have an intimate relationship with Him, and thus know His heart’s desires. They are a repentant people, sensitive to the conviction of the Spirit of Yahuweh, so that sin has no hold of them. They are dead to the things of the world, the flesh and the Devil. They are humble, contrite, and obedient to Him. They fear Yahuweh justly, as pure-of-heart people towards His agenda-focus only.

They are Malachi 3:16-4:4 people.

The Spirit is able to direct their thoughts, words and actions at the slightest touch of His presence. These people give, while the world’s people take. They submit to His authority, His Truth, His absolutes; the world rebels against truth and absolutes. While the world is getting more and more cold, and hard, and lawless and rebellious, the companies of Yahuweh are becoming more and more loving, kind, sensitive, compassionate, and obedient to the will of their Master Yahuweh, and their Bridegroom Yahushua the Savior. They are becoming more set-apart unto Him, as Revelation 22:11 commands us.

Primary to understand is that these set-apart ones, chosen before the foundation of the world to be revealed in these last days, are hidden ones.

The Bridal remnant is the most hidden—in “the secret place of the Most High”.

The word for “mark” in Hebrew is “tav”, used in Ezekiel 9:4; 6, regarding the marking of the set-apart ones before the destruction of the wicked, means: “a signature”, from a word that means “to scratch or imprint”.

Revelation 3:12: On the Bride’s forehead, seen by Yahuweh, Yahushua and His angels, but also by the agents of Satan and his world, is the signature of the Father’s family name, the name of the residency of the Bridegroom, and the signature of the Bridegroom—a type of marriage license.

The word for “sealed” in Greek, means “a signet, as fencing in or protecting from misappropriation, a stamp, an impression, mark of privacy or genuineness—a seal”. The Bride is sealed. She is first marked, then the marking is sealed. We see that in Revelation 9:4, she is sealed, or else she will die. The trumpet judgments are loosed in chapter 8. Therefore, the 144,000s of Revelation 7:1-8 must be sealed before the beginning of the trumpet judgments. I believe that as per my articles The Forty-Eight Hour Transition and Yedidah’s September 12th Report, that on September 12,

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2007, the trumpet judgments were released, thus the marked Bride had to be sealed by then for preservation in the days to come.

This sets the Bride apart from all other humans, and lets all know that this one is not to be touched for destruction.

This hidden remnant is not flamboyant, braggadocios and worldly, with big ministries, big websites or big mailing lists, or with big mouths and little ministries either. The true Bridal remnant does not exalt flesh at all. She only points to Him, her Beloved. She knows His heart, and therefore enters into the “fellowship of His sufferings”. The “Bridal souls”, as Sister Basilea Schlink called them, are quiet people, who mind their own business and who exude His nature, and not “SELF”—which is the god of the Greek culture the West is immersed in. This remnant suffers more than any other group, for she watches the destruction of His people, their deaths or their defections to the anti-messiah—people who could have lived, or gone to a higher reward, if they had only obeyed Him, followed Him, and listened to Him.

It is primary to understand that the Master was a Jew, a Hebrew, not a Greek or Roman. Eastern culture and mind-set, especially the Hebrew culture of the Word, given to us by Yahuweh, is totally opposite of the western culture of America and Europe. His Bride and those who are His true bond slaves are hidden, quiet, reserved, and modest, following Him

wherever He goes, as an eastern woman would follow in the footsteps of her husband.

Revelation 14:4-5: “These are those who are not defiled, for they became virgins. (II Corinthians 11:2)They are those following the Lamb wherever He goes. They are redeemed from among men, being first fruits to Elohim and to the Lamb. And in their mouths is no falsehood, for they are blameless before the throne of Elohim”. (Italics mine)

Psalm 83:3: Yahuweh is called upon to protect His “hidden ones”. The word “hidden” is #6845 Strong’s Concordance, and means: “to hide away, to cover over, to hoard or reserve, to protect, to keep secretly in a secret place, to esteem, to lay up secretly--privately”.

This reminds us of Psalm 91. So many claim Psalm 91 for protection—as an amulet like the crucifix and garlic. But, verse 1 is the condition: “He that dwells (lives continually; has residency because of meeting requirements of the King’s government)in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty”. (Italics mine)

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To be hidden in Him requires that one completely forsake the world system and hide in Him exclusively for their protection—an action that is opposite of western values. But, to be His disciple, one must forsake all that is not of Him—Luke 14:25-33. It takes a purposed extreme change in lifestyle for a westernized person to “dwell” in the “secret place of the Most High”.

John 15:7: “If you abide (stay, dwell) in Me, and My word abides (stays, dwells) in you, you can ask what you will and it shall be done for you”. (Italics mine)

This process of abiding can only be done is one totally is dependent on the Ruach Yahuweh for everything, and has died to self, and has no life of their own except to obey Him and love Him, and be in relationship with Him so well that they think like Him. Does a branch act on its own and thus bear fruit on its own? Of course not—it gets its life from the root, and thus does nothing but abide in the supporting trunk that has a strong root deep in the earth. (John 15:1-7 says that we are branches, and He is the supporting trunk).

In living in Edom—Aqaba, Jordan—on the Red Sea for most of the last eight years, I saw how an eastern Bride acts. She has none of the “women’s lib” characteristics of the American woman that so often causes the man to divorce her. The American male is in a society that seeks to emasculate him—depriving him of his male role--to be controlled by the prevailing

jezebel spirits in the culture. Therefore he either rebels and acts out violently or shrinks back and becomes a mouse. The proper role of the male and female has been lost. The Torah lifestyle gives us a balance in the roles of man and woman that bring peace to the home, stability, and order. The children grow up knowing what they are, and how they are to act. There is very little divorce among those that adhere to the Torah and to the spirit of Torah which is love, joy, peace, self-control, faith, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, and kindness.

Neither does the Scriptural Hebrew Bride act like a mouse. She’s a strong woman. She’s a well-trained, disciplined soldier in His army also, as well as a bond slave to His commands. She is balanced between being reserved, hidden, meek and quiet, humble and contrite, and using boldness when authorized by her Bridegroom to fulfill His desires. He is her defense, so she doesn’t need to defend herself.

Because she is a watchman/gatekeeper, with His keys that He has given to her to open His gates for His people, she has to be bold in intercession,

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proclamation, declaration and the prophetic gifts, in order to fulfill His will. She is gifted in whatever He needs for her to do—healing, deliverance, teaching His Word, ministering the baptism into the Ruach Yahuweh, or leading someone to salvation through Messiah’s shed blood and resurrection. Whatever is needed, He has trained her to be able to do, without fear, without shame, without holding back in compromise, and without “self” getting in the way.

She has died to “self” and has no other agenda than to please Him. “Dead” people—dead to their own desires, ambition, and agendas are happy people, free people! (Romans 6; Galatians 5:24)

Yet, her relationship with Him is mature—it is not sentimental, gooey and mushy, full of false Greek romantic fantasy—it is intimate, yet powerful at the same time. It is a relationship based on sweet friendship as well as personal intimacy.

Messiah gave us a wonderful example of an eastern Bride: He said in John 5:19, reiterating it several times in other passages: “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son is able to do nothing at all by Himself, but only that which He sees the Father doing, because what He does, the Son does also.”

A beautiful example of this was told to me this Sukkot in Jerusalem by someone who watched what happened. She said that she was serving in a soup kitchen in downtown Jerusalem. A man who was a friend of those in the soup kitchen brought his new bride to introduce her. They were served their meal. But, first the man spoke to those present. His new bride looked lovingly at him, totally enthralled at what he was saying, even though the

food was getting cold. He picked up his fork and took a few bites. She picked up her fork and took a few bites. He put down his fork and spoke

some more. She put down her fork and again looked lovingly at him as he spoke”. She did nothing but follow His example.

The Bride is a wise lady. She has many ideas and she goes about to do them…but the ideas have come from her Bridegroom, and He is behind her 100% in her endeavors.

So many in America, who teach on the Bride, have Him as a romantic Greek. They do not know the Hebrew Messiah—the Jew—whom John saw as awesome and fearsome. He is to be respected as the ultimate male—the second Adam—the conquering King and coming High Priest. To bring Him down to the level of romance and sentimentality is to lessen His position as

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Elohim. Yes, He is tender, gentle, very sweet and precious. But, this intimacy is for the hidden ones—behind closed doors.

The ancient eastern culture does not allow for a show of romance between couples. There is no handholding or kissing, no hugging and teasing--no display of affection that is accepted in public.

Today, in China and Africa and the Arab world, and among the religious Jews, I found that this is also true. It is considered very distasteful for man and woman to display affection in public in these places. When the Jewish Messiah comes, He comes with the wrath of the Father, not “tip toeing through the tulips”.

Getting to know Him takes set-apartness—making being alone with Him a priority. Shabbat is the “date day” and He speaks more to her on this day than on any other day of the week—at least that’s what I’ve found. The Orthodox Jews say that Shabbat comes as a Bride. But, being alone to hear Him, and to learn His will for her, is primarily above everything to the Bride. She may work at a job, be raising children, or a senior who is babysitting grandchildren, but her focus is not on these things—it is on Him. She is constantly talking to Him, her “best Friend”. There is an intimacy that she does not express to anyone else, not even her best friends. What they share together is private!

The Biblical Hebrew culture is His cultural standard, given to us by covenant relationship (the terms of the marriage covenant) at Mt. Sinai, and written

on our hearts on the day of Pentecost (Jeremiah 31:31-34; Acts 2). We must know Him in Hebraic culture of the Word. The Bride thinks like an eastern lady. The eastern women are strong, yet they have tenderness inside.

An eastern wife indeed walks behind her husband. And this is the way we are to walk behind Messiah Yahushua. It is “following” Him. He leads! When He said, “Follow Me” it was a call for His disciples to become bridal of heart. The sealed ones “Follow the lamb wherever He goes” (Revelation 14:4). The eastern woman follows her husband in submission, honor, and obedience. He, in turn, loves her and protects her and shares His heart with her. Their relationship is exclusive—she has no other “gods” before Him.