Getting to grips with flock performance

Do you really know how your flock is performing? Does productivity (lambing percentage, growth rate, barrenness, abortions, etc) fluctuate between years? Do you think that there is room for improving performance of your flock?

All of these questions could be answered on the basis of “gut feel” or best guess. But how reliable is this as a business tool? Do you note down, on a regular basis, productivity factors for benchmarking, either against national averages or how your flock has performed in the past? Do you monitor the effects of, for example, a change in worming routine or the introduction of a new vaccination policy?

Without doubt, the only way anyone can really assess how their flock is performing on a year-to-year basis is to keep detailed records – of performance, activities/practices and results. Spreadsheets on computers provide and ideal method for storing, sorting and analysing records. However, writing everything down and filing for future reference is just as good a method. What you must then do is use these records so see what works and what doesn’t.

One company that is well known in the sheep sector, Intervet, offers a variety of diagnostic tools to help producers monitor some aspects of flock performance. FlockCheck and Barren EweCheck are two services Intervet offers to farmers (normally free of charge, so there’s nothing to lose by trying them) that will help identify the cause or causes of barrenness and/or abortion and prescribe options, such as vaccination with Enzovax® and/or Toxovax®.

Barren EweCheck 2008 has just been launched and runs until the end of March. This service offers free toxoplasmosis blood testing of ewes that scan as barren, or have aborted. Coupled with the service this year is a flock performance recording form, to be completed with your veterinary surgeon at scanning. If EweCheck, and the recording form, are used on an annual basis they will provide an invaluable assessment of a range of productivity factors and highlight areas where improvements might be possible.

Barren EweCheck is a powerful tool, particularly if you feel your abortion and/or barrenness rates give cause for concern. Contact the practice today to discuss your scanning results and take advantage of Barren EweCheck if necessary.