“Ride or Die” Youth Ministries. . .For God I Live, For God I Die!

“How long will you waiver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him”. I Kings 18:21

  • Educational Incentive Program

Ride or Die Youth Ministries is motivating middle/high school students to become activelyinvolved in the GREAT things going on in the ministry by offering C-R-A-Z-YDISCOUNTS for the College Tour or Road Trip! EarnaDISCOUNT by GETTINGINVOLVED with Mentoring Women of SPICE, The PACT, Bible Study for Youth The Rabbit Hole, Education, etc.

SpecificProgram Requirements:

Absolutely FREE


  • Memberof Bates Memorial Baptist Church
  • Middle or High School Student
  • Completean Educational IncentiveApplication December 4, 2013 - January 15, 2014

Completed forms are to be submitted to RDYM’s Administrative Office (Bates Annex) by January 15, 2014, 7pm

  • A non-refundable $100 deposit is due Wednesday January 29, 2014, 7:00pm to secure student slots (available slots - College Tour: 47 & Road Trip: 37)
  • Active participation within Ride or Die Youth Ministries:
  • Perfect attendance to The Rabbit Hole(January – March 2014)
  • Enrollment in and perfect attendance to Mentoring (January – March 2014)
  • Attendance to ALLPreparing for Life After High School or Preparing for High School workshops
  • Attend MANDATORY Student/PARENT College Tour & Road Trip Orientation
  • Student signatures are REQUIRED on weekly Sign-InSheets for: The PACT, Women of SPICE, The Rabbit Hole, preparatory workshops, orientation,etc.for attendance verification. Failure to sign-in at weekly activities automatically FORFEITS FREE STATUS.
  • FREE STATUS will be forfeited per failure to sign-in and/or per absence and/or tardiness(10 minute grace period)to The Rabbit Hole, mentoring, preparatory workshops, choir rehearsal, orientation, etc. – NON-NEGOIABLE
  • A’s & B’s on January & February 2014 Report Card and/or Progress Report; copies of grade reports (counselor signature required) are to be submitted to Shannon R. Floyd, Director, March 5th, 7pm.
  • Students can only apply for ONEEducational Incentive; incentives cannot be combined. Application packets/information is available at: and/or the display case(s) at the side entrance(s) at Bates Memorial Baptist Church – 620 East Lampton Street and/or display case in the foyer at the Annex – 728 East Lampton Street. For further information, please contact Shannon R. Floyd, Director at: 502-587-9625.

The Rabbit Hole –Bible Study for Middle/High School

Teaching a revolutionary TRUTH that will set young people FREE!

"Take the BLUE pill. . .believe whatever you want to believe. . .take the RED pill. . .stay in wonderland and I'll show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. . .all I'm offering is the truth". . .Morpheus, The Matrix

“If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you FREE”. Jesus, John 8:31-32

Get a $75 credit towards the College Tour or Road Trip by perfectly attending The Rabbit Hole January – March 2014


  • Member of Bates Memorial Baptist Church
  • Middle or High School Student
  • Complete an Educational IncentiveApplication December 4, 2013 - January 15, 2014

Completed forms are to be submitted to RDYM’s Administrative Office (Bates Annex) by January 15, 2014, 7pm

  • A non-refundable $100 deposit, applicable to overall tour/trip fee, is due Wednesday January 29, 2014, 7:00pm to secure student slots (available slots - College Tour: 47 & Road Trip: 37). Tour/Trip fees are to be PAID IN FULL March 22, 2014, 1pm; partial payments can be made beginning January 14, 2014 on Tuesdays 5:30pm-7:30pm & Wednesdays 1:30pm-2:30pm & 5:30pm-6:30pm @ the Annex, 728 East Lampton Street. Please make payments to Shannon R. Floyd, Director, Ride or Die Youth Ministries, Annex. CASH or Money Orders (personal checks prohibited) are to be made payable to Bates Memorial Baptist Church. ALL deposits, partial and FULL payments are NON-REFUNDABLE.
  • Active participation within Ride or Die Youth Ministries:
  • Perfect attendance to Bible Study for Youth (January – March 2014)
  • Attendance to ALL Preparing for Life After High School or Preparing for High School workshops
  • Attend MANDATORY Parent & Student College Tour/Road Trip Orientation
  • Student signatures are REQUIRED on weekly Sign-In Sheets for: The Rabbit Hole, preparatory workshops, orientation, etc.for attendanceverification. Failure to sign-in at weekly activities automatically FORFEITSDISCOUNT.
  • DISCOUNT STATUS will be forfeited per failure to sign-in and/or per absence and/or tardiness(10 minute grace period) to The Rabbit Hole, preparatory workshops, orientation, etc. – NON-NEGOIABLE
  • Students can only apply for ONE Educational Incentive; incentives cannot be combined. Apply on line at: or pick-up an information/application packet at Bates Memorial Baptist Church in the display case(s) at the side entrance(s) and/or display case in the foyer at the Annex.
  • For further information, please contact Shannon R. Floyd, Director at: 502-587-9625.

Mentoring - Women of SPICE The PACT

Seasoned with SPICE Preparing Achievement through Christian Transformation

“Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ”. I Corinthians 11:1

Get a$75 credittowards the College Tour or Road Trip by enrolling and becoming an active participant in Women of SPICE or The PACT!


  • Member of Bates Memorial Baptist Church
  • Middle or High School Student
  • Complete an Educational IncentiveApplication December 4, 2013 - January 15, 2014

Completed forms are to be submitted to RDYM’s Administrative Office (Bates Annex) by January 15, 2014, 7pm

  • A non-refundable $100 deposit, applicable to overall tour/trip fee, is due Wednesday January 29, 2014, 7:00pm to secure student slots (available slots - College Tour: 47 & Road Trip: 37). Tour/Trip fees are to be PAID IN FULL March 22, 2014, 1pm; partial payments can be made beginning January 14, 2014 on Tuesdays 5:30pm-7:30pm & Wednesdays 1:30pm-2:30pm & 5:30pm-6:30pm @ the Annex, 728 East Lampton Street. Please make payments to Shannon R. Floyd, Director, Ride or Die Youth Ministries, Annex. CASH or Money Orders (personal checks prohibited) are to be made payable to Bates Memorial Baptist Church. ALLdeposits, partial and FULL payments are NON-REFUNDABLE.
  • Active participation within Ride or Die Youth Ministries:
  • Perfect attendance to SPICE or PACT (January – March 2014)
  • Attendance to ALL Preparing for Life After High School or Preparing for High School workshops
  • Attend MANDATORY Parent & Student College Tour/Road Trip Orientation
  • Student signatures are REQUIRED on weekly Sign-In Sheets for: PACT, SPICE, preparatory workshops, orientation, etc.for attendanceverification. Failure to sign-in at weekly activities automatically FORFEITS DISCOUNT.
  • DISCOUNT STATUS will be forfeited per failure to sign-in and/or per absence and/or tardiness(10 minute grace period) to SPICE, PACT, preparatory workshops, orientation, etc. – NON-NEGOIABLE
  • Students can only apply for ONE Educational Incentive; incentives cannot be combined. Application packets/information is available at: and/or the display case(s) at the side entrance(s) at Bates Memorial Baptist Church – 620 East Lampton Street and/ordisplay case in the foyer at the Annex. For further information, please contact Shannon R. Floyd, Director at: 502-587-9625.

Tentative Educational Incentive Program Dates

January – March 2014

The Rabbit Hole

Wednesdays @ 7:00pm, 728 East Lampton – Middle School Division/Fellowship Hall

High School Division /Annex Conference Room

January: 15th & 29th

February: 5th, 12th 19th & 26th

March: 5th, 12th & 19th

Session Total: 9


Women of SPICE Tuesdays @ 6:00pm, 728 East Lampton – Fellowship Hall/High School Division

Middle School Division/Annex Conference Room

January: 14th, 21st & 28th

February: 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th

March: 4th, 11th & 18th

Session Total: 10

The PACT, Wednesdays @ 6:00pm, 728 East Lampton – Fellowship Hall/High School Division,

Middle School Division/Fellowship Hall

January: 15th & 29th

February: 5th, 12th 19th & 26th

March: 5th, 12th & 19th

Session Total: 9

Preparatory SPRINGWorkshops 2014

Preparing for Life AfterHigh School High School Workshops – High School Students

Saturdaysunless otherwise indicated10:00am-12:00pm, 728 East Lampton Street/Fellowship Hall

Preparing for High School – Middle School Students

Saturdays unless otherwise indicated 10:00am-12:00pm, 728 East Lampton/Annex Conference Room

January 18th

February 1st & 15th

March 1st & 15th

Session Total: 5

DISCLAIMER: Though it is intended that the Preparing for High School & Preparing for Life AFTER High School Fall/Spring Workshop Schedule, as publicized, be honored, please be advised that the schedule is dependent upon professional volunteer availability, weather, tentative and therefore subject to change. In addition, please be advised of the possibility of a workshop and/or field trip (Children’s Advocacy Day @ The Capitol - February, The National Conference on the Black Family in America - March, etc.) being added.

College Tour & Road Trip Orientation -MANDATORY for ALL students AND PARENTS

728 East Lampton Street/Sanctuary

Thursday March 20th @ 6:00pm -or - March22nd@ 11:00am

Bates Memorial Baptist Church“Ride or Die”Youth Ministry. . .”For God I Live, For God I Die” BCDC

“How long will you waiver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him”. I Kings 18:21

Educational Incentive Application

Full Name:______Age:______


City/State: Louisville, KY Other:______Zip:______


Email Address:______

School:______2013/14 Grade:______

Please Check One: High School College Tour: _____or Middle School Road Trip:_____

Are you a member of Bates Memorial Baptist Church?_____Yes_____No If not, where?______

Educational Incentive student is applying forPLEASECIRCLEONE:

Absolutely FREE The Rabbit Hole Women of SPICE The PACT

I hereby give permission for my child(ren) to participate in the Educational Incentive Program offered through “Ride or Die” Youth Ministries of Bates Memorial Baptist Church. In consideration of the advantage of this opportunity, I agreeas a parent to partnerwith “Ride or Die” Youth Ministry, Bates Memorial Baptist Church, Bates Community Development Corporation, etc. in assuring that my child(ren) meet necessary requirements.

Parent(s)/Guardian Signature:______Date:______

Student Signature:______Date:______

NOTE: A non-refundable $100 deposit, applicable to the overall tour/trip fee, is due Wednesday January 29, 2014, 7:00pm to secure student slots (available slots - College Tour: 47 & Road Trip: 37). Tour/Trip fees are to be PAID IN FULL March 22, 2014, 1pm; partial payments can be made beginning January 14, 2014 on Tuesdays 5:30pm-7:30pm & Wednesdays 1:30pm-2:30pm & 5:30pm-6:30pm @ the Annex, 728 East Lampton Street. CASH or Money Orders (personalchecksprohibited) are to be made payable to Bates Memorial Baptist Church. ALL deposits, partial and FULL payments are NON-REFUNDABLE. PARENTS, PLEASE BE ADVISED: the base feeCollege Tour: $250; Road Trip: $200 for students who do not attend the required preparatory workshops will increase by $25 per workshop missed.

DISCLAIMER: The Spring Break College Tour/Road Trip is contingent upon securing necessary funding and MAXIMUM ATTENDANCE

Revised 11/19/13

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