93 AL Physics/Essay Marking Scheme/P.4


93’ AL Physics: Essay

Marking Scheme

1. (a) Steady flow

- liquid elements which start at a given point always follow the same path 1

and have the same velocity at each point on the path. ½

Turbulent flow

- liquid elements which start at a given point take random paths 1

and their velocities vary in magnitude and direction ½ 3

(b) Consider a cross-section of the pipe,

the liquid layer touching the pipe wall is always stationary ½

due to adhesive force between the liquid molecules and pipe wall. ½

The velocity of liquid is greatest at the centre. ½

Internal friction exists between liquid layers with different velocities ½

because of intermolecular forces ½

so velocity falls off gradually as the pipe wall is approached ½ 3

(c) Liquid in contact with the bottom surface of the block moves at the block’s velocity v ½

Liquid in contact with the floor is stationary. ½

Thus a velocity gradient is set up in the liquid of thickness t. ½

So, force required = liquid frictional force ½

= h ´ Area ´ Velocity gradient

= ½

Assumptions :

- uniform thickness of liquid ½

- the liquid is Newtonian ½

- constant velocity gradient across the thickness of liquid ½

- only the liquid lying below the block moves (ignore edge effect) ½ 4


- The diameter of the tube is large compared with the diameters of ball-bearings 1

so that streamline conditions are satisfied. ½

- Marker A is far enough below the liquid surface 1

for the ball-bearing to have its terminal velocity at A ½

- Dip the ball-bearing in the liquid and thereby coated, before dropping so as 1

to reduce the chance of air bubbles adhering to the falling ball-bearing ½

- Avoid using ball-bearings of large radii as 1

their terminal velocities are high and vortices may form ½

- Release the ball-bearing at the centre of the tube 1

to reduce the effect of the wall of the tube on the streamlines ½

- Marker B is at a considerable distance from the bottom of the tube so as 1

to reduce the effect of the bottom of the tube on the streamlines ½ 6

2. (a) progressive wave stationary waves

- waveform advances as time goes on - waveform does not advance ½ + ½

- energy is transmitted along the direction - energy is confined within the region of the ½ + ½

of travel of the wave stationary wave

- particles within one wavelength have - all particles between two adjacent nodes ½ + ½

different phases are in phase

- all particles are vibrating - some particles (at nodes) have no vibration ½ + ½

- all vibrating particles have the same - different particles have different amplitudes, ½ + ½

amplitude in particular, amplitude is maximum at


A stationary wave is formed when there is superposition of ½

two waves of nearly equal amplitude ½

and equal frequency ½

travelling in opposite directions ½ 6

(b) (i) At T1, the waves arrive in phase to produce a loud sound ½

Phase difference then increases between the waves due to different frequencies. ½

At T2, the waves are completely out of phase, little or no sound is heard. ½

Later at T3, the waves are in phase again and a loud note is heard. ½



(ii) Suppose the beat period = T, then in time T ½

number of cycles of f1 = f1T ½

number of cycles of f2 = f2T ½

Assume f1 greater than f2, then 1

f1T - f2T = 1

f1 - f2 = ½

\ beat frequency = = f1 - f2 ½ 3½

(c) Radar installed near the road sends microwaves of frequency f1 to a travelling car, then ½

the microwaves are reflected back to the radar. ½

Due to Doppler effect, ½

the observed frequency f2 of the reflected microwaves is slightly different from f1. ½

Hence by comparing the transmitted and reflected microwaves, beats are formed. ½

As the beat frequency (= f1 - f2) depends on the car speed, the car speed can be checked. ½ 3

3. (a) (i) average drift velocity: ~10-4 m/s ½

(ii) speed of electrical signal: ~ 108 m/s ½

In a current-carrying conductor, electrons tend to accelerate along the opposite

direction of the electric field inside. ½

Due to collisions between electrons and atoms (ions) of the conductor, ½

electrons move in zig-zag paths ½

and drift with small displacement in unit time. ½


Electric field travels at an extremely high speed in a circuit 1

so electrons at every point of the circuit are influenced by the electric field ½

nearly simultaneously as the switch is closed, ½ 5

electrical signal results at once.

(b) v = average drift velocity

e = electronic charge

A = area of cross-section of the wire 1

n = no. of conduction electrons per unit volume

Suppose electrons drift a distance l along a wire in time t, the charge q flows through a cross-section

of the wire is

q = nlAe ½

Drift velocity v = l/t ½

current in the wire i = q/t

= (nlAe)/(l/v) ½

= nAve 3


When a current flows through the meter, the coil experiences a couple, ½

the coil then turns until it is stopped by the increasing tension in the springs. ½

Thus the larger the current through the meter, the greater the forces on the coils, ½

and a greater angular deflection results. ½

To achieve a linear scale:

Set up a radial magnetic field ½

then flux density B of the field is nearly constant at the coil 1 The coil stops rotating when G coil = G spring ½ NBAI = kq (q = angular deflection) ½

hence I µ q ½

(N, B, A & k are constants) ½ 8

4. (a) : maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons ½

hn : energy of incident photon ½

f : work function of metal ½

- the work required to remove an electron from the metal surface ½ 2

(b) (i)

½ + ½

Photoelectrons emerge with different speeds (or K.E.). ½

When V is positive, current is constant

because all photoelectrons can reach electrode D ½

Current falls when V is negative

because the less energetic photoelectrons cannot overcome the potential barrier. ½

When V reaches the stopping potential (V = -Vs) ½

even the most energetic photoelectrons are repelled back so no current flows. ½ 3½


(I) increased light intensity

constant frequency ® same maximum K.E. ½

® Vs remains unchanged

intensity increased ® no. of photons increases ½

® no. of photoelectrons ejected increases ½

® current increases 3½

(II) increased light frequency

frequency increased ® energy of each photon increases ½

® maximum K.E. of photoelectrons increases ½

® magnitude of Vs increases

For the same intensity, if energy of each photon increases

® no. of photons decreases ½

® no. of photoelectrons ejected decreases ½

® current decreases 2


Light is focused on the ‘soundtrack’ of a moving film. ½

The ‘soundtrack’ varies the intensity of light falling on a photocell. ½

The photocell creates a varying current, ½

thus produces a voltage which is amplified for driving a loudspeaker. ½ 2



A beam of electrons strikes a thin film of graphite just beyond the anode. ½

A diffraction pattern, 1

consisting of concentric rings, is observed on the fluorescent screen ½

showing the wave-like behaviour of electrons. 3

5. (a) (i)

LRC in series ½

a.c. supply & milliammeter ½

Set up the above circuit,

set the signal generator output to a value, say 3 V, with a measurable current, ½

and increase the frequency stepwise from a low value, say 10 Hz, ½

check whether the output is constant at the previous setting, 3 V, ½

then record the corresponding current readings on the a.c. milliammeter, ½

when frequency increases, the current reading rises and then drops.

(ii) (iii)

f0 = resonant frequency ½

current I and voltage across resistor VR are in phase, ½

I = VR/R ½

½ mark For frequency < f0,

for V0 lags behind VR0 V lags behind VR,

½ mark so VR0 < V0 ½

for VC0 > VL0 \ current I0 = = Imax

½ mark For frequency = f0

for V0 , VR0 in phase V and VR in phase,

½ mark so VR0 = V0 ½

for VC0 = VL0 \ current I0 = Imax = ½

½ mark For frequency > f0,

for V0 leads VR0 V leads VR,

½ mark so VR0 < V0 ½ 11

for VC0 < VL0 \ current I0 = = Imax

(b) (i) Radio signals from different transmitting stations induce e.m.f.s ½

of various frequencies in the aerial, ½

which cause currents flowing in the aerial coil. ½

Then currents of the same frequencies are induced in coil L by mutual induction. ½

If C is adjusted so that ½

the resonant frequency of the LCR circuit equals the frequency of the wanted station, ½

a large current and p.d. at that frequency only will develop across C ½

This selected and amplified p.d. is then applied to the next stage of the receiver.

(ii) Use an inductor of high L/R ratio 1

so increases the resonant current and hence the voltage across C. ½ 5

6. (a) (i) (ii)

P.E. Curve

- shape correct ½

- max. at xc - A and xc + A ½

K.E. Curve

- shape correct ½

- zero at xc - A and xc + A ½

xc marked ½

In S.H.M., the total mechanical energy E is conserved ½

At maximum displacement, K.E. = 0, P.E. = Umax ½

\Total mechanical energy of the system

E = K.E. + P.E. = Umax (constant)

so K.E. = Umax - P.E. for xc - A £ x £ xc + A ½ 4

(b) (i) mass of each spring element, dM = 1

speed of spring element at a distance l from the fixed end, V1 = 1

\ kinetic energy of this spring element = ½ (dM) (V1)2

= ½

= ½

\ Total kinetic energy of the spring = ½

= ½

= 4

(ii) Extension of spring, y = x - xc ½

Total energy = K.E. of spring + K.E. of block + P.E. of spring

\ E = 1


; ½

and = 0 ½

\ 1


For S.H.M. ½

\ ½

and T = ½

= ½ 6

(c) Damped oscillation takes place, ½

energy of the system decreases, ½

amplitude of oscillation gradually decreases to zero, ½

the frequency is smaller and the period is longer ½ 2